Official Presidential Harassment Thread

SRH 88 Buso Expresso
I'm scared is that the Caravan that "took our jobs" ?
i don't like trump...or republicans....or democrats....or any organized party that's more concerned with their own agendas than they are with the welfare of the people....republicans are welcome to rebut anything they care to...and, if they present their opinions in a reasonable, polite manner, I, at least, will reply to them in the same manner.....(i cannot speak for anyone else's manners).
if the moderators of the site aren't giving equal time to republicans, that is indeed not fair, and they should stop. censorship has never been an answer to anything. a forum is a place that's open to new ideas and opinions....whether we agree with them or not...
all i ever see though, is people coming on saying shit like "Obama sucks! MAGA!!"....or "Crooked Hillary...trump 2020!"....that's not a rebuttal...that's barely a coherent statement....make a real, thoughtful, reasonable rebuttal, and at least i will read it and respond in kind
This place is a fucking echo chamber, at least when it comes to politics; though it is fun on occasion to watch people argue whether or not one can taste what fertilizer was used in their grow.
The waiting is the hardest part...excruciating even...
Dontcha think foggy?
nah Republicans are the ones who want it over before they find anything.

A thorough, professional job, which is what Mueller is doing, is best. So, no hurry. I'd prefer Trump be held in jail without bail because he's a flight risk but I'm willing to wait. It might even go on past 2020.

Just like pork shoulder. Keep the heat low and roast him slow. Eventually it will be easy to just pull the whole thing apart for all to see.
This place is a fucking echo chamber, at least when it comes to politics; though it is fun on occasion to watch people argue whether or not one can taste what fertilizer was used in their grow.
it might not seem so much like an echo chamber if you didn't keep saying the same shit over and over again....
i'm still waiting for one trump supporter to make one clear, coherent, thoughtful statement...been waiting a while....think i'll be waiting for a while longer....