Yup, I heard they don't always have a doc there. So I'm definitely making an appointment!
You only need an appointment if you want to see a doctor, but
An appointment to get scammed most likely. Their doctor prices are through the roof, just like their cannabis. I checked them out earlier this month and last. Yeah, I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt. Both times, nothing but trash. Plus I had to pay to join
their club. You don't get nothing with your membership unless you buy the pricey $100 vip card, which entitles you to only get scammed for between $40-160 over what the absolute most you should
EVER have to pay for a oz. from a club. Without a
vip membership, expect to pay $200 or more over regular prices, and every strain I looked at out of nearly
16, were old, unusable, and I wouldn't even consider them as medicine for
ANY of my patients. Over at Liberty Clinic, I asked why none of the buds smelled when I ran my finger slightly over them rupturing the gland heads. They told me they would have to consult the doctor to answer that one.
WTF !?!
I can't believe that someone is raking in hand over fist in this market, yet doesn't even know what a terpenoid is.
I asked someone over at Danny Trevino's in Lansing what the cross was on a strain they carried with a crazy name I had never heard of. The guy told me $17 a gram. I explained once again that I was inquiring about the actual strain, and the guy looked at me all crazy and mean, and shrugged at me.
pretty disappointing if you ask me. especially since this guy's name was Greenbud, and yet there wasn't a green bud to be seen in all of the 10 or so
Hefty sized bags of ganja he had laying on the table. This is the level of sophistication and knowledge I see after visiting
nearly every dispensary in the state of michigan.
I have yet to find a dispensary that is reputable in Michigan. Some of the compassionate clubs aren't too bad. I just read some hilarious article that said prices may be dropping from $350 an oz to $38 in the coming months. I have no idea where the reporter sourced this info, but I just want to know where he/she gets a good zip for $350