**OFFICIAL** Colorado Patients Party Cup Grow


I got twins!!!! Out of 1 Alchemy seed i got 2 seedlings, i will take some pics tonight. Seriously thinking this puts them at the top of the entry list.


Well-Known Member
Two babies pushed soil...transplanting to hempy in a day or two...pics to follow...bet u guys are excited to see a picture of the future winner!!! Well sit back, relax, and spark a jay and el Roacho will show you the way...---amature poet...no biggie lol

chef c

Well-Known Member
So its like that roachie huh? Ok then....
A haiku.

Chef will kick all your asses
Prepare to bow down.

Now what bitches!!!

chef c

Well-Known Member
I got twins!!!! Out of 1 Alchemy seed i got 2 seedlings, i will take some pics tonight. Seriously thinking this puts them at the top of the entry list.
I had a few dual germplasms from subs jack the ripper a few years ago. He said it was pretty typical (I had two seeds do it out of five) for the strain. He said usually the smaller one dies off, both did :( I wish I coulda kept em cuz I thought they might hold some weird genetic key... good luck w those tru! PICS!!!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning! Just thought I would drop in to say, "One of you turds is about to get smacked in the mouth"

Have a blessed day!


Clearly I am going to win this, Out of 6 seeds i got 7 plants, what is that 120% success rate? I think you guys should just drop out now.....