OFFICIAL CMH THREAD! (Post Your Ceramic Metal Halide Grows, ?'s & Experiences Here!)

OK, regardless of who's right or who's wrong either you guys start playing nice or I'm kicking you out of MY thread

I failed to notice the title moderator by your username. Do you by chance happen to be a Secret Squirrel, Matt Helm, Derek Flint secret agent man mod? If not, than you cannot kick anyone out of anything. A thread starter is just that, a thread starter, and nothing more. They do not own the thread and starting one does not grant them moderator power and authority over the thread and anyone and everyone who joins in.

But, to show that I am a nice guy, if Tweedle Dumb stops what he started, I am more than willing to forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones.
I ave a CMH I just got not too long ago and my only complaint is that I have to move the plants to take a pic...since it is HPS-y- enough to make a camera go crazy...The plants seem to be looking good so far...It is much closer to a daylight color I think than a MH or HPS...just looking at it it seems more natural...and it is brighter visually than an MH, or HPS of the same wattage...and way cooler...My HPS was super hot, and my MH is pretty hot, and this CMH is a good deal cooler than either of the other 2. I like it so far, but I was previously vegging and then flowering with just a MH...which wasn't any different then when I was flowering with an HPS---but then again I wasn't doing very well at any aspect of growing when I was using the who knows. All I know is my HPS gets too hot and the bulb burnt out...and then it turned out i had the money and what not to get a new light I got a CMH, and if I decide I just want HPS all I have to do is buy an HPS bulb...since CMH and HPS both use magnetic ballasts...I figure the ease of cooling is worth the extra cost of the bulb...and I truly think that flowering plants need blue light as well, maybe more so than we think...I mean if you veg under an HPS things just dont' grow as well, but conversely if you flower with a Metal Halide everything still moves right along. I would post pics, but as I said I have to move the plants and all that jazz...if I remember I will take some right as the light turns off, but if not then oh well...perhaps I will remember to take some new pics next time I water...They look good though, but then again I have noticed little difference from using HPS during flower or using Metal Halide, and I don't expect too much of a change from using this CMH...but the idea behind it made/makes sense to me...and plants need more than just orange light while flowering...they might need more orange light, but it isn't all they need...and the CMH has it why not? I don't see the debate...How can you argue that while the plant might use small amounts of other colors all you should give it is just orange...instead of giving it that same orange, and yellow, and blue, and red, and blue, and hell even green that plants can't use at all...I say I want it to look like a bag of skittles in every tent I have just because what if my plant wakes up tomorrow and says, jeez guysI feel like growing I sure would like to see some blue light today and no blue light be there... So, whateva I got a CMH and it is a light that is bright and makes the plants is just cooler than the other same wattage lights. and a nicer light to be exposed to...Rarely have I walked outside and everything been orange....a few times yes right at sunset during the summer when I lived on a lake...but not just normally orange out there...
Man this thread got real dorky.. Talking about chlorophyll... CHLOROPHYLL....!! MORE LIKE BORE-APHYLL!

It is so nice that Billy Madison has joined the exchange. Have you graduated the second grade yet, Billy, or are you still working your way through the first grade?

Actually, when you talk light, Chlorophyll goes hand in hand with it because that is what is responsible for photosynthesis and that of course relies on light. know you are a stoner when you get into a heated debate about lightbulbs...hahahaahahahahahahahaaa
Rarely have I walked outside and everything been orange....a few times yes right at sunset during the summer when I lived on a lake...but not just normally orange out there...

That is one of the ways people are tricked into believing that CMH are better. The human visual. But plants do not have human eyes, they do not 'see' the light and they do not use the entire wavelength range/spectrum and some that is used is hardly used.

So to compare what you see with your eyes, as in a more natural looking light, in no way shape or form is evidence, let alone proof, that CMH bulbs are better for growing plants.

But they sure will make a warehouse look naturally lit!
The only reason CMH bulbs appear white is because of all the green and yellow light that they emit. It's not going to harm the plants. Just add some pure red light to the mix and you are good to go.
Jeez, Brick Top,
we will all leave you alone if you just quit spamming our threads designed for the collection of knowledge.
All you seem to do is spend literally hours a day typing up quite extensive shit talk.

You are making the difference between a small informative thread,
and Kevin Murphy's race to a million pages.
Jeez, Brick Top,
we will all leave you alone if you just quit spamming our threads designed for the collection of knowledge.

As I already said; "to show that I am a nice guy, if Tweedle Dumb stops what he started, I am more than willing to forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones." So tell him the very same thing and convince him to comply and you will need not concern yourself with me again.

All you seem to do is spend literally hours a day typing up quite extensive shit talk.

"Literally hours a day?" Maybe that is how long it takes you to read what I write, but it doesn't take me anywhere near that long to write it. I check out what's up here and then I go do something else, watch a TV show or a movie, walk down to the lake with my dogs and walk the shore or walk in the woods, return and check things out, do a little cooking, some laundry, go shopping, hang with a neighbor a while, earlier I took the time to cut up a tree that blew down in a storm the night before last, and I of course also do other things.

I am averaging 7.76 messages per day. That is 7.76 messages. It does not; "literally" take; "hours a day" to type a mere 7.76 messages per day.
Please continue to show everyone how smart and mature you are, beavis and butthead?really?
If that's your best attempt to get me riled up, you got a lot of practicing to do.

I have no interest in getting you; "riled up." I am making no attempts to get you; "riled up." I am only being honest.
Jeez, Brick Top,
we will all leave you alone if you just quit spamming our threads designed for the collection of knowledge.

I did intend to address the above in my previous response but a telephone call interrupted my concentration.

If you recall, and if you are unable you can go back to where I joined the thread, that what I did was ask a pertinent question, an in depth question, one that the correct answer to would have added greatly to the collection of knowledge in this thread.

I asked Tweedle Dumb the question because he said he sells CMH bulbs and that he recommends them. Out of the group of people who had joined in on the thread by then he seemed the logical choice of who to ask, since he should know more about them than anyone else here.

So, I was attempting to draw out knowledge that would teach me something I have been attempting to learn ever since I first heard about CMH bulbs and that same knowledge would have been shared by anyone and everyone who already was, or later became, a part of the thread.

Sadly though, there was absolutely no knowledge to be found from the one source in this thread who, above all else, should have known everything there is to know about CMH bulbs.

So it is undeniable that I did attempt to help inject actual true factual knowledge into the thread. It was just a case of bad luck that the one person in this thread who should be an expert on the subject doesn't know his asshole from his ear-hole when it comes to CMH bulbs or lighting in general.
i run 2 x 250w lamps a eye hortilux - hps and a phillips - cmh i also throw in a 5 uvb

i am very happy with my results for about two years now

the 500w of multi spectrum serves me well

and the bulbs are the best if you ask me
again, you show us your maturity, does it make you feel smart to call me names?

First off, they are not; "names." They are descriptive terms, very fitting very accurate descriptive terms.

Second. They give me a chuckle.

your the one who left and is trying to sneak back into the playground unnoticed,

What is that even supposed to mean? This isn't a theater where I could sneak in a side fire door once the lights go down and be unseen. There is no backdoor to sneak in through. The place doesn't have a skylight that opens that I could lower myself down through and how in the wide, wide world of sports could I, or anyone, go; "unnoticed" if I, or whoever it would be, would post something? Someone cannot stealth-post. Once a message is posted, anyone and everyone who reads it knows who wrote it.

You have been exceedingly amusing. You showcased your ignorance, repeatedly, and ever since have attempted to blow a smokescreen to cover it up by trying to turn the focus of this exchange on how I left and then returned. You keep going back to that when what you should be doing is learning about the product you sell and talk up, but don't actually know dick about, and then answering the question I asked.

But you have no interest in learning and you have no interest in then being able to educate the members of this site, and any customers you will have for bulbs. You are totally Kool and the Gang with only being able to say, it works.

but I saw you and you can't stand it

You are delusional. You make it sound as if no one else realized that I returned other than you and you blew my cover and it upset me, when nothing could be farther from the truth.

You have absolutely nothing else to use to attempt to discredit me, the way you discredited yourself by repeatedly proving your own ignorance to everyone who has read or taken part in this thread, so you keep whipping a dead horse.

God, you are weak!

and I'm laughing every time you post,

Good! I am glad to hear that you are having a good time wallowing in your shame. I have been laughing too when I read your posts. You come across about as sharp as "Rain Man." I half expect you to say; "I'm an excellent driver, Uh oh, fifteen minutes to Judge Wapner, Uh oh fart. Uh oh fart." One thing is for sure, that if you did say those things, they would be as or more intelligent than anything else you have said so far.

so keep calling me names and showing us all how smart you are,Bwahahaha!!!!

Again, they are descriptive terms, not; "names." If you had more than a room temperature IQ you would have been capable of figuring that out for yourself.

But do be sure to keep harping on the one single weak thing about me that you have repeatedly tried, but utterly failed, to turn into a big deal and by doing so continue proving to everyone here your unfathomable depth of ignorance.
This thread officially SUCKS! I've posted 2 times now awaiting a response and it's as if no one has even bothered to read my posts! Would someone edit the name of this thread to, "a whole shit ton of ranting and no real information". That's all I have to say.
Since you seem to know CMH bulbs, can you tell me what value the various wavelength/spectrum that plants hardly use or don't use at all that the bulbs put out are worth? Every bulb has a max output and since CMH bulbs put out a lot of wavelength/spectrum that plants hardly use or do not use at all, doesn't that cut down on the amount of wavelength/spectrum that the plants need and use the most at different stages of growth?

Wouldn't it make more sense to flood plants with the most amount of light in the wavelength/spectrum they need during the vegetative stage of growth and then during flower rather than give them all the rest that is of little to no use to them and in doing so give them less of what they do need and use?
SO... are you saying CMH suck?
I failed to notice the title moderator by your username. Do you by chance happen to be a Secret Squirrel, Matt Helm, Derek Flint secret agent man mod? If not, than you cannot kick anyone out of anything. A thread starter is just that, a thread starter, and nothing more. They do not own the thread and starting one does not grant them moderator power and authority over the thread and anyone and everyone who joins in.

But, to show that I am a nice guy, if Tweedle Dumb stops what he started, I am more than willing to forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones.

No I'm not a Mod nor have I ever claimed to be one, however if I contact a Mod and explain that there is a person causing more problems than they are helping in a thread that I started I guarantee that said mod will make sure you play nice or you will be banned from the forum. Ive already seen at least two other people ask you to chill out and don't get so personal, Ive even stood up for you for crying out loud and now you attack me, REALLY???? I just read someones post who said this thread is getting ridiculous, who's responsible for that I wonder???? Look, I completely understand that you had a valid question and you didn't get the answer you wanted, however that's just LIFE, move along, stop wining and let this thread be used as I intended it to be, is that too much to ask????????? Bottom line, regardless of who started or who stops, it doesn't matter children, either start getting along with the other members in this thread or I'll have no choice but to contact a Mod about it and I have others who will back me, its that simple.
This thread officially SUCKS! I've posted 2 times now awaiting a response and it's as if no one has even bothered to read my posts! Would someone edit the name of this thread to, "a whole shit ton of ranting and no real information". That's all I have to say.

SEE!!!! This is the kinda thing I "DIDN'T" want to happen, I am very sorry for all the bullshit in this thread guys as Ive tried to tame the trouble maker/s to no avail.


Hey BlueB: I'm truly sorry if you feel you've been ignored, this is not how I intended for this thread to go, you know the saying "there's always one who ruins it for everyone", well that's unfortunately the case here, EGOS to big to swallow, lol. I looked back through the thread and I can't seem to find the question you want an answer to, point me to the question or ask again and I'll do my best to answer it.
although brick top is a complete dick at times, he has you guys dead to rights on the actual issues in re:CMH.

the light that we see is not what the plant sees or even uses. photosynthesis occurs best at certain spectrums, etc.

there are ways to inject doubt into his arguments, thus rendering them topsy turvy, but i will not tell any of you how to go about doing so. rather, i will sit back and be amused at watching that crusty old bugger leave you guys flailing.

for the record, i fucking hate brick top and it kills me to defend him here. but right is right.