OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
troll. been reported already. only reported 4 of his posts. but he is still going. maybe sunni can catch him before he goes crazy


Staff member
troll. been reported already. only reported 4 of his posts. but he is still going. maybe sunni can catch him before he goes crazy
he was a spammer not a troll please look up what a troll is completely different than a spammer


Well-Known Member
I just call them all trolls.
a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, , or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response

the only thing that does not apply is the provoking a response. but they get responses all the time.


Staff member
which is not a spammer, trolls are people spammers are computer generated systems that go on every website to promote something all computerized not a human being a dick on a website


Well-Known Member
which is not a spammer, trolls are people spammers are computer generated systems that go on every website to promote something all computerized not a human being a dick on a website
Troll-Bot ?

bongsmilie took me half a bowl to think of that >.<


Well-Known Member
heres my blueberry x sweet tooth starting to flower nicely and looks healthy i must say to be in a solo cup.



Well-Known Member
my little fim experiment seems to have gone horribly wrong I don't think I wanna post any pics lol. I've created some sort of mutant palm tree or something le sigh :mrgreen: can we add a "weirdest looking" category plz


Well-Known Member
I guess a thread this big needs some comic relief so here is my contribution. AK, if you get bummed about new gear for your plants just come look at these and you will feel better :wall::dunce:



Well-Known Member
There she is surrounded by the rest.SUNP0026.jpgI removed the dead leaves(the ones that were dry/yellowish, they were crinkling so i pull them.) she looks fine now :)SUNP0027.jpg
Put her behind the tent in the dark.......Trying to show off the trichs but the camera i got blows. so they came out like shit.
I'll stick to Scope pictures of trichs from now on. :)SUNP0028.jpgSUNP0029.jpg


hey everybody. i hope all is well in your hood. quiet day around here today. i will make that thread for updates/pics either later today or tomorrow. if anyone has not posted a pic yet please do so either on this thread or when i create the new one. thanks guys later


Well-Known Member
hey everybody. i hope all is well in your hood. quiet day around here today. i will make that thread for updates/pics either later today or tomorrow. if anyone has not posted a pic yet please do so either on this thread or when i create the new one. thanks guys later
I have a question AK
for you and the other judges and other members competing as well

i pollinated my entry because of the bud shapes and stature of the plant
i also transplanted it to a 1 gal so it would help with the strain from seeding it
i kept two party cups going just incase i had a pheno i wanted to seed
can i use the other cup as my entry ?


yes tek that is fine, as long as it has been in a solo-cup the entire time i have no issues with that. you are OK.


Well-Known Member
ya ive been posting pics of it as well its the stretchy one
didnt know if it would be fair not wanting to piss any contestants off switching it up towards the end
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