OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
All 3 of my critical rabido germinated and should be above soil tomorrow or Monday at the latest. I'll post pics with markings for indoors and outside. I want to be sure that it's o.k. to let the outside baby chill indoors till it's a week old. Either way is fine with me.


Well-Known Member
Nice we be breaking dawn at the same time :) Do you guys have secret weapons? Mine is not so secret anymore :) Water ball topping. Haha GonBeFun


Well-Known Member
Nice we be breaking dawn at the same time :) Do you guys have secret weapons? Mine is not so secret anymore :) Water ball topping. Haha GonBeFun
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I like that. I thought about mixing something similar into the soil but figured I have all the time in the world for watering. Not to mention I want to make sure all 3 of mine gets everything exactly the same to see the true difference between outside, indoor hps, and indoor m.h.. The M.H. cup I'll clearly mark so you guys no I didn't pull the old switch-a-roni on you. This is just a great time to run a little personal experiment after hearing a lot of conflicting facts on using hps over mh and vice versa. And as we all know for any true test everything has to be exactly the same and I'm way to unorganized to keep that up for 4 months. I just hope the phenos aren't to far apart.


i hope everyone is doing well both in the contest and IRL. i will be back home on august 10th or so and then ill have some pics put up for everyone, i germed a few right before i left for SC and waterd and left them outside, when i get home imma bring em back in, if they for some reason dont make it i will start more, but i dont see why they would die so everything should be fine on my end and ill have some pics up whenever i get home. good luck everyone and i hope we are all enjoying the contest and the summer! i know i am :) :peace::peace:

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
holy fuck first link i clicked on was people getting raided for weed, and it was just that plant! shit i dont really need more weed smell since i already have enough of it to cover up lmfao!!!
We should plant that every where in our home towns. Just throw a big wrench into the gears. Stoners unite and guerilla plant Moss Phlox.


im happy to see all the pics while im away guys, please keep them coming! I NEED YOU GUYS to keep this thread alive and well while im gone, THERES NO SUCH THING AS TO MANY PICTURES!!!


Active Member
im happy to see all the pics while im away guys, please keep them coming! I NEED YOU GUYS to keep this thread alive and well while im gone, THERES NO SUCH THING AS TO MANY PICTURES!!!
I can oblige with pics! I put her in the SOIL on monday night. She stuck her nose out a couple nights ago.

8.4.1am.Michonne.jpg She's a Nirvana fem Northern Lights of course


Well-Known Member
Day 18, (I start count when un-germed seed is planted) moved Pineapple Express from veg box to outdoors for the duration. We'll see how the cup fairs compared the the 2gal buckets. All 3 are soil capped hempy's.
13-08-03_d18_PE 001.jpg13-08-03_d18_PE 003.jpg13-08-03_d18_PE 005.jpg13-08-03_d18_PE 006.jpg

First sunrise they look pretty good considering the 20+ degree drop from veg box temps last night.
13-08-04_d19_PE 001riu.jpg13-08-04_d19_PE 005riu.jpg


Well-Known Member
im happy to see all the pics while im away guys, please keep them coming! I NEED YOU GUYS to keep this thread alive and well while im gone, THERES NO SUCH THING AS TO MANY PICTURES!!!
Enjoy holiday,they are not going no where.


Well-Known Member
Are you SURE you don't have like 8 fem's started there? LOL;-)
Running joke guys, these are NOT fem seeds.
HAHAHAHA yeah I know right! each set looks identical. the only difference with the 3 large is one switched internodes from opposite to alternate already.

I started 3 early to judge which would be male at the 14 day mark so I could pick ONE of the 3 I started for the contest. As of right now nothing is showing sign of sex. but they all look fem(just by spacing and stretch). Never thought I would say this but I WANT A MALE! :)


Well-Known Member
Well guy's I broke ground on all 3 auto's I germ.. Here's their home and them.View attachment 2763707View attachment 2763708
The extra cup is a royal haze(normal). The ones surrounding them in the kiddie pool are 4 bb dogs, 2 bb black ss, 2 casey jones. peace
Glad I seen your post. Wanted to ask, have you grew the CJ out b4 this run :??: I had ran it in my previous grow, and 2 be honest, it just didn't do like I had hoped for. It has much more leaf ratio then bud. Good strain to run if looking to make hash, or cannabutter. I have a ton of beans still left from this strain. Believe if I ever do run it again, I'm just goin place the outdoors. Hopefully they will do better outside.. hope yours turns out better then the 1 I ran.. ;)
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