OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
for a while there I thought it was some MOD GURU shit. lol. NOPE JUST MY STUPIDITY.:) and when I am asked by others... HOW DO YOU DO THAT???!! well it's simple C&P. if you don't know what that means. GO AWAY!


Well-Known Member
I think it's time now time to start the What can C&P stand for thread...............It'll only be backed if a mod does it. HAHAHA poor me with 4 friends.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I read post one, and the first page, and I'm down to start an auto in a solo cup. I didn't sit and read the last 30 pages, do I really need to? I read the what now, germ a seed on the 29th, or can I start the seedling now so its above ground?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I read post one, and the first page, and I'm down to start an auto in a solo cup. I didn't sit and read the last 30 pages, do I really need to? I read the what now, germ a seed on the 29th, or can I start the seedling now so its above ground?
Naw man, AK said several times it's ok give or take a couple days.
If you skipped that much though, I think you missed the part where he listed the prizes and judges.


Well-Known Member
Today I built my outdoor rig for the solo cup. There will be autos in both of the 2gal buckets I used to anchor the solo. The 2 forward wire struts will be bent and used to hold a shade screen for the cup. I still need to build a trellis, but I want a little growth before I set a height.
13-07-27_d60_GP 001riu.jpg13-07-27_d60_GP 002riu.jpg


Ok so I read post one, and the first page, and I'm down to start an auto in a solo cup. I didn't sit and read the last 30 pages, do I really need to? I read the what now, germ a seed on the 29th, or can I start the seedling now so its above ground?
its okay if we start a few days before ora fter the 29th does not matter, you do not have to read this thread, just read the autoflower rules (the other sticky) when you get a chance, its 4 posts long, all you really have to know is the rules thats all. thanks everyone and goodluck!!! welcome to the competition.


Well-Known Member
One of 3 germs popped. gonna wait till midnight to plant it. Double cleaned EVERTHING I got because of issues I seem to be having with a couple other seedlings... BUT OH WELL. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE
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