Official 2016 Presidential Election Thread


Well-Known Member
In a little over 3 years, we will have a new president, since the media is already reporting on this, I thought we might as well, too.

So who would you like to see in the running? Who is simply bullshitting themselves? Who do you want to win?
I can't be racist.

Jorge "Pedro" Bush 2016.

Uni-party wins again!! Will it be "we need a woman President" or we need a "fat guy"? Oh how exciting!

Well there are firsts for everything... You've tried a black guy that ain't working, now you can try a woman who's only real credentials are lying, having strokes and lapping up all that "my husband cheated on me" sympathy in the form of affirmative action!
We really need a third party and not one farther to the left or right. A middle of the road party that thinks about an issue first.

The Democrats want to take all the money and give it to people that are not willing to look for a job.

The Republicans want to take all the money and blow it all on Booze and Broads or just outright give it to their buddies.
My ballot will just get buried in a sea of votes cast by zombies who are incapable of doing anything but voting for the lesser of two evils.

Hope the fish are biting that day.
2016??? Sixteen is meaningless without Fourteen.

This country is not run by the President. It is run by the DEMS in Congress. That is so much so, that the PUBS have very little experience and when they get it they screw it up, like Gingrich and Cry-boy. But, the history is the Pelosi and Reed-like show.
And they are not going anywhere. No term limits, unlike the Presidency.

The President is the Bait, don't you see? The DEMS want us to ignore this most important mid-term we've had since Clinton.

It is Congress that does the Switch. Bait and Switch. And the Judiciary has to be paid to even judge the outcome.

So, Governors and Congress in `'14 is the main gate for 2016.

30 PUB Governors now. Some real power gathering again. The President is the dangerous distraction for all the enemies of the Con, especially when he is anti-Con.
I'm a socialist, he's a socialist...

I wonder if we're just slaves to our mental conditions? Autism comes from the Greek root, auto, meaning self. Hence why I'm an individualist. My hippy self is often at odds. Can I be the world's first "Republican Atheist" hippy?
I wonder if we're just slaves to our mental conditions? Autism comes from the Greek root, auto, meaning self. Hence why I'm an individualist. My hippy self is often at odds. Can I be the world's first "Republican Atheist" hippy?

I wouldn't say slaves, but I'm a big believer in the nurture portion of nature vs nurture.
You guys need a lesbian, fat, part Hispanic/part Asian/part Middle Eastern president.

Then yous MIGHT get over the race thing...

Or you can at least pat yourselves on the back and say "look at us, look how tolerant we are" whilst STILL being race-OBSESSED like yous are now.

Im not giving out about the US, but you people need to seriously get over the racism thing soon.

For example...Watermelon and fried chicken are NOT racist, merely delicious.