Office grow....


Well-Known Member we go

I need a grow space...
& I am considering highrise office

I am shopping for 500sqf space with storage closet....
i have a tent with the icebox 1/4hp chiller
6" can fan/ carbon scrub & mufflers...
ona gel...the GH covert 66gal. res.
a 600w & (2) 8 bulb T5s
ploy shield tent guts
& a pair of MASSIVE BALLS

light usage is pooled among the entire building...I can opt for no cleaning service.
I grow 12hrs from seed...I run my system from 6am to 6pm




Well-Known Member
LMAO...yeah I know right....

I am really looking for someone to shoot this down with good facts...
I also know that the only way ill find out is to actually do the fucking shit.

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
I would only beware of inspections. Pay your rent and electric and you should be fine. My only concern would be that even tho you said the electricity is pooled, I think they can still tell who's using what. But anywho, run a fake bizz out of there and I think it would be doable.


Well-Known Member
& a pair of MASSIVE BALLS
And apparently a lack of brains.

All it takes is the cleaning lady not looking carefully enough at a work order, or one wiff of it growing and you are fucked because that space will be in your name.

All it takes is one person or one mistake on your part, and you are screwed. I'd rather fly 3 mistakes high than worm burn waiting for the smallest of obstacles to fuck me over.


Well-Known Member
and dude I'm not saying it can't be done, just Im sure there has to be some better alternative to this

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Well he can opt out of cleaning like he said. Don't get me wrong this is sketchy but if it were a customer service type place where there are back rooms that only employees(or just yourself) will be i think it can be done. Depends on the parameters of your office space. But ideally, if you can afford to rent an office why not just get a house or another house and use it for that?


Well-Known Member

cleaning lady can come storage closet is locked (my lock)
the ona gel & the carbon an optional ozone gen,... makes odor a non fucking factor.

I have done this in my home...the only reason im not..would be simply due to the fact that I CANT
the office space is 250-300 per month vs. 450(min.) per month on a shit hole apt....(lights not included)

I love that you guys are trying to shoot this down....thats what i came here for
keep it coming


Active Member
Really, commercial space is so much more expensive, the risks are off the chart. But renting a small House.. now your talking. I always wondered if a storage unit could be pulled off. OR>>>Maybe have little green houses delivered, like those PODS? Get one and run an extension cord over to your neighbors carport..Since we are on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Inspection is cool...there are no fire inspection needs in the storage closet..
The office in under a dba...filed under a non domestic corporation


Active Member
I am sure if you are intent you will find a way. I would strongly suggest rekeying the door or adding a lock to which you own the key. This can be done in stealth mode without the property managers attention. I'm here to help you succeed!


Well-Known Member

I love you guys....
I have ran the "pods" system idea for a storage warehouse office...
the only issue is the price....$800 a month on the 1000sqf
I cant swing my mortgage plus a 2nd rent... but the pod tank would work on a land lease


Active Member
High rise? class A, if its just a door in a hall. I can see the potential. You can install remote security to monitor for any security breaches, put your DBA on the lease, that will still leave you connected but more disattached sort of. The weak link.. It's all about security here. Be aware of any electronic locks to get through to your the main floor doors, this will track your coming and going.


Well-Known Member
I would strongly suggest rekeying the door or adding a lock to which you own the key. This can be done in stealth mode without the property managers attention. I'm here to help you succeed!

And the first time someone tries to open it with the master key and it doesn't work, he's fucked.

Fire fighters aren't stupid, and receive drug interdiction training in many departments, atleast enough to know what to look out for. Ona and other smell good products are generally out of place other than in or near a bathroom, and again will alert them that something is being covered up.

Have you fired that 1/4 chiller up? My 1hp eco plus makes about as much noise as an air conditioning unit. Even small 4 inch fans sound like jets taking off.

Security is futile in a public place that has your name attached to it. All you will get is a warning that they found your grow and you are fucked anyway.

All for a 600 watt grow.

Rent a house and burn 2-3k for 6 months and then move out if all you are looking for is a large personal stash.


Well-Known Member
Okay...a storage closet is not the same as the office entry can be switched with minor affect.
The lease is month to month...i only need 90 days
As for as the fire inspection...they check the hall way sprinklers
My 1/4 hp chiller is nowhere near a full 1hp.
& yes your are right It would be ideal to "burn 2k-3k" but I already have a doesnt work
This is a one time run...pull my pound and go...