

Well-Known Member
Why do all the good looking girls have dick head parents............the girl Im with now mother is a royal pain....she not allowed in my house.........but she shows up when Im at girlffiends house and she always has those snide little remarks.....but she winds up leaveing in tears LOL


Well-Known Member
Why do all the good looking girls have dick head parents............the girl Im with now mother is a royal pain....she not allowed in my house.........but she shows up when Im at girlffiends house and she always has those snide little remarks.....but she winds up leaveing in tears LOL
I thought everyone had an evil bitch for a monther? mine called me the other day and gave me 3rd degree about the future... she really just wants me to marry a professional (a dr or lawyer) so she can tell her friends how well-to-do I am. that would make her whole life worthwhile. at the same time, she blames her own lack of a path on everyone but herself. like i popped myself out of her cooter. what a delusional witch.
Im kinda finiky on food....not wild about vegetables...but Im game to try out stuff if offered to me......its just being polite in my books....not like it will kill just dont care for the taste.........but there is one food in the world that will kill you.....dead in your tracks....first the smell then the taste........and thats a korean dish called kimchee...........fuck its fermented vegs and fish head..........put in a crock pot and burry it in the ground so many days then eat it................FUCK YOU way........other than that what the hell...DAMN YOU CHUNG HEI you were a good lay but not good enough to get me to taste kimchee again..........go back to your pole at the club and never ever make kimchee again if you plan on getting married. And another thing still have my barry manilo cds.......I want em carried away.
lol, The Denny's in San Francisco serves Kim Chee with their "Hawaiian Breakfast" No fish heads though, just fermented cabbage,lol Not really good though that plate, if you ever there, get something else.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, if you think about the smell of cooked cabbage and then you think about what would happen if you stuck a bunch of cabbage in a jar with some onions and spices for a week+ and then opened the top, I could understand why you would think there were fish heads in there.


Well-Known Member
Do any of you get offended when someone turns their nose up to your food, only because its not familiar too them. My bro-in-law who is 20 yr old couch bum living at his moms for nothing. He decided to waste a bowl of my turkey chili because his mommy didnt make it. Instead he eats a cheap ass frozen meal. fucking bitch, sorry for the rant.
I will eat anything

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't get offended. There is a wole bunch ofstuff I wouldn't eat that other cultures consider a delicacy. I would just simply say it isn'tt appealing to me if someone offered something I consider gross and not worry about hurting their feelings it isnt personal or anything. I would generally try something first you can't judge a book by it's cover but if I dont like it I'm not going to eat it and I'm a pretty well mannered person, I'm not starving or anything.

I went to McDonalds for breakfast today and got some pancakes. They didn't gve me any maple syrup and I don't have any here, FML.


Active Member
Before I moved to texas and now oklahoma I grew up on the west coast (california) and ate all kinds of shit. My mom also went to cooking school and baking school and made sure my horizons are nice and broad. I will eat pretty much anything, and enjoy almost all of it. That being said I would be pretty upset if someone turned down my homemade food for a frozen meal. Sometimes you just need to shut up and eat something to be polite.


Well-Known Member
isn't it kinda selfish to expect someone to eat your food simply because you cooked it?

it's one thing to be rude about it, but i see no issue with politely declining. i see a lot of people in this thread bashing one food while they praise another. i think it comes down to the individual and what they prefer.


Well-Known Member
yes it would be selfish but when you take something then waste it because it was cooked by someone else, i think it is a bit childish. What pissed me off was that he decided to toss it on the counter then microwave some cheap ass chicken meal you know the 10 for $10 at food for less. Oh well its over, I enjoyed my chili and a night filled with hearth burn. Its been a culmination of shit that he does, pretty much lazy and living off my dime and Im tired of it but nothing I can do about it really. thanks for all your input RIU. About to go enjoy a bowl and my hammock.


Well-Known Member
yes it would be selfish but when you take something then waste it because it was cooked by someone else, i think it is a bit childish. What pissed me off was that he decided to toss it on the counter then microwave some cheap ass chicken meal you know the 10 for $10 at food for less. Oh well its over, I enjoyed my chili and a night filled with hearth burn. Its been a culmination of shit that he does, pretty much lazy and living off my dime and Im tired of it but nothing I can do about it really. thanks for all your input RIU. About to go enjoy a bowl and my hammock.
like i said, there is no reason for him to be rude about it.


Well-Known Member
Do any of you get offended when someone turns their nose up to your food, only because its not familiar too them. My bro-in-law who is 20 yr old couch bum living at his moms for nothing. He decided to waste a bowl of my turkey chili because his mommy didnt make it. Instead he eats a cheap ass frozen meal. fucking bitch, sorry for the rant.
I wouldn't of eaten a bowl of your chili either... I would have eaten the whole pot!!!:razz: Nothing like spending hard earned cash on groceries to appreciate free food, just give him acouple years he'll come around. My younger brother was the same way, my wife cooks these amazing authentic chinese dishes and just because there are bones you have to spit out, he wouldn't touch it. 6 months of unemployment later he devours any scraps we throw at him lol.