

Well-Known Member
Do any of you get offended when someone turns their nose up to your food, only because its not familiar too them. My bro-in-law who is 20 yr old couch bum living at his moms for nothing. He decided to waste a bowl of my turkey chili because his mommy didnt make it. Instead he eats a cheap ass frozen meal. fucking bitch, sorry for the rant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's pretty lame.

Probably good stuff too, and HAS to be better than a frozen meal. Fuck him.

Do this......:finger:

Then this....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
see, this wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

more chili for me.

In fact i go so far to eat exotic fare when guests are over to deter them from lingering


Well-Known Member
Being an older fella, I can't imagine turning my nose up at someone's offer of food. Back when I was young, it was unheard of to be rude like's just the way our youth in society has become ...unappreciative.....
Dang, I have never turned down free food. Even stuff that was nasty I just ate it to be polite. One time I was at my buddies and they served me bagoong. This filipino fermented shrimps dish,oh man, it had a burning feeling in my mouth and felt like I swallowed barf.Had a pretty intense taste. ButI was able to down the whole plate with a smile on my face. I like to try just about anything and always grateful for homemade fixins no matter how crazy they are.


Well-Known Member
well its clear the "man" is a bitch lol, i wouldn't be offended in most cases but obviously depending on the person such as that guy i would


Well-Known Member
I would understand if he wasn't hungry but to pass up home cooked food for frozen shit is stupid. He is obviously not too bright.

how come no updates on your post:
Well to be honest It was a promising grow unitll....We had two weeks of rain, then the temp turned up to over 100 for like 3 weeks, got a major spider mite infestation finally just said fuck it and wait till next year.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but I would probably have turned down the offering myself.
I can't stand ground turkey or turkey sausage or turkey anything. I like the bird, served as a cooked bird.

On the other hand when it comes to beef.... any form is fine. I own two smokers, and 3 grills, all sittin on my front driveway. I love to cook outdoors and have done chili in a smoker and in a dutch oven. I use beef and sausage and make my own sauce, nothing canned, but maybe tomatoes in the off season.

I'll bet if you'd have asked him why he would have had an answer.


Active Member
I don't like a lot of things, especially condiments. I've turned down food before, but with the "I ate before I came" lie rather than eating something else.


Well-Known Member
Im kinda finiky on food....not wild about vegetables...but Im game to try out stuff if offered to me......its just being polite in my books....not like it will kill just dont care for the taste.........but there is one food in the world that will kill you.....dead in your tracks....first the smell then the taste........and thats a korean dish called kimchee...........fuck its fermented vegs and fish head..........put in a crock pot and burry it in the ground so many days then eat it................FUCK YOU way........other than that what the hell...DAMN YOU CHUNG HEI you were a good lay but not good enough to get me to taste kimchee again..........go back to your pole at the club and never ever make kimchee again if you plan on getting married. And another thing still have my barry manilo cds.......I want em carried away.


Well-Known Member
SP, I have had Kimchee, there was no fish head in it, is vegetables and cabbage that have been fermented. I used to have a buddy that was in the Navy and his wife was Korean. She made some damn good kimchee!.


bud bootlegger
kimchee, lol.. i remember on mash when frank burns seen some locals burying kimshee and he had thought that they were burying a bomb.. doesn't even sound good. i can't even imagine the taste of it..
i also remember in good morning vietnam some of te stuff the locals were eating there, robin williams almost puked up on the spot..


Well-Known Member
SP, I have had Kimchee, there was no fish head in it, is vegetables and cabbage that have been fermented. I used to have a buddy that was in the Navy and his wife was Korean. She made some damn good kimchee!.
AAAKKKKK you're sick sick sick sick...................LOL.......But for way could I eat


Well-Known Member
Well to be honest It was a promising grow unitll....We had two weeks of rain, then the temp turned up to over 100 for like 3 weeks, got a major spider mite infestation finally just said fuck it and wait till next year.
why don't you start a new garden in May? I am goign to get a few clones then and try again.

where in socal are you?


Well-Known Member
i am going to, got my seeds, got my vegitables, just waiting till march for a tiller so I can get things going. Right now I have calmed down, bought a hammock today so I am outside in between two trees, joint in hand riu in the other.


Well-Known Member
LOFL kimchee can be good and it can be nasty. They don't bury it in the ground, maybe in korea but you can make it here in a fermenting crock. It's just cabbage and green onions and some spices, no fish head. I have gotten some that was nasty and smelled like a rotten asshole but you have to look out for that & know it's a possibility when eating kimchee.

I eat a lot of really stinky cheeses and recently I bought this wedge of spanish cheese that was like 12 bucks, when I got it home and opened it, it smelled like week old wet trash. It was disgusting and I had to throw it away. 12$ down the toilet.