Believe it or not. Some things happen and it's not in our controll. Yes I do own a house, a trailer house. We can't all be high polutting born rich kids. And be handed everything we want by our parents.And I never said I had two grows going. I said I have two grow rooms. One for cloning And 24 HR lights. And one for flowering under a mix of. 1-M.H. And 2-H.P.S. And when situations arise as they do, my trailer home was trashed by some local thieving punks, so now , temperaraly I hope, I stay in a R.V... neither of my rooms are up and running now but up untill Feb. of this year they were. I'll post a cple of pics and then thank you for not wasting anymore of MY TIME BY TROLLING MY THREADS YOU POS'S. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR NEVER POSTING ON ANY OF MY THREADS AGAIN YOU INSTAGATING TROUBLE MAKERSI. TYLER DURDAN AND GO GO KID CAN LICK MY BALLS. And in the tween time you can hold your silverspoons up your asses. Right now, outside, because I own my land and don't need to grow in a f%#king tent in my rented apartment. I have 9 plants I've started for the outdoor season. So , you math geniuses, would you be so kind as to figure out what a sea of green, perpetual garden, being harvested every two weeks , grown in separate stages in separate rooms + an outdoor crop ='s?????? Dumb Asses. As If it matters, the people who did this for my copper and the insulation remind me of you two punks. When I do run. I run a 90% organic D.W.C. that's so off the chain. Your simple hating little minds can't wrap even comprehend it, as a matter of fact, y'all will probably respond with " you can't grow organic in D.W.C."....
View attachment 4904565View attachment 4904566View attachment 4904580View attachment 4904586 Dumb Asses
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And I have at least a thousand more pics.
May I introduce to you two dumb Asses a concept known to those who bust their asses and sweat their BALLS off to buy some land so they can do what they want to, when they want ,just cause we can. It's called, hold on to your girly pants now boys, it's called "OUTDOOR GARDENING". I even own chickens. GOLLY SARGE, YOU CAN DO THAT TOO? SHAZAM!