Off brand Shorty Tents

@VIVOSUN Official has a 4x8 that's only 72" tall. Has a hip roof design I'm not crazy about but the only 4x8 I found that will fit in my space. None in Canada tho so I'd have to get it from for about $100 more than the price in the US. I think their 12% discount code, RIU12, is still good too. They have the same design in 4x4 and 5x5 as well if not more.

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@VIVOSUN Official has a 4x8 that's only 72" tall. Has a hip roof design I'm not crazy about but the only 4x8 I found that will fit in my space. None in Canada tho so I'd have to get it from for about $100 more than the price in the US. I think their 12% discount code, RIU12, is still good too. They have the same design in 4x4 and 5x5 as well if not more.

Unfortunately I need it to be under
@VIVOSUN Official has a 4x8 that's only 72" tall. Has a hip roof design I'm not crazy about but the only 4x8 I found that will fit in my space. None in Canada tho so I'd have to get it from for about $100 more than the price in the US. I think their 12% discount code, RIU12, is still good too. They have the same design in 4x4 and 5x5 as well if not more.

Go on ebay and search loft tents if you can't find any flat roof tent short enough.

Loft tents come in 160cm and 180cm heights.
Do you truly need it to be a tent? Perhaps just build your own enclosure or even a DIY tent... The enclosure could be made where you could dismantle it as needed if you got crafty with how you went about it.
What's your actual limit height wise? The only thing I've seen is off brand 2x4x5 tents which are dirt cheap. Like $50, but you won't fit much in there unless you run a few.