Odour removal


Well-Known Member
all i know is stay away from fabreze and household air fresheners inside your grow room.... you'd be surprised the things people try
Fuck. I just spent like 30 bucks on that shit. I have those ones that plug into your outlet and I have like 4 outlets in the room so I was figuring one for each outlet outside of the growbox. They dont cover the smell?


Well-Known Member
I imagine they would just give you a fruity pot smell. It's not going to remove any odor it will only mix w/ it.
The answer to your odor problems is carbon! As I've mentioned on other threads, the advantages of using carbon is you can be assured that any odor particles that can be trapped, will be trapped, due to the complexity that carbon has when bonding to other elements. Carbon, unlike mostly all other elements, has 4 valence electrons, so it can easily give them up, or bond with other molecules VERY easily. Due to this reason, carbon filters are used. Ionizers work not by trapping particles, but by adding charges. When charges are added, the molecules become polarized and attract to each other. The disadvantage to this is that one cannot be completely sure the charges are changing to what you want. For instance, if you have an ionizer and it filters the oxygen then exits your room it will do so by adding a charge to the gasoeus element which will make the oxygen attract to other particles, possibly ones that are outside the grow room. But when using ionizers you cannot be sure that all odors are being removed because the ionized elements could easily be attracted to somthing INSIDE your grow room. If this happens, you've simply made it possible that the oxygen has a host to stay with, and after this happens, removing the oxygen that stinks will be very hard. I STRONGLY suggest carbon filters...the science is there.