Odour control.

Forgot another method ... ( i know some pest control guys ) its called an Earth Bag. They are designed to eliminate the odor of dead rodents and heavy foul odors. It ADDS NOTHING to the air and are inert. They are ususally hung in the attic rafters or under a house to eliminate odors. They are excellent. I hang on bag from the light bar and thats it.

If you can score some of these from a pest guy ( tell him you got a couple of dead rats in the attic ). They give them to me.
To the OP: I would recommend dropping by the Indoor->LED forum before buying inexpensive epi-whatever fixtures.

T5HO tends to be a better investment. For example, the one mentioned probably draws 130w actual. For $90 you can get 95w of T5HO, a serviceable fixture which will last a lifetime, producing full-spectrum light, less heat.

One thing to inquire about with eBay and Amazon sellers is whether you can return the light to the shipper, or if it has to be returned to China. Some sellers are actually in China, but using a drop-ship service out of a port city like Los Angeles or San Diego. If you need to take advantage of the warranty, you'll be told to ship it to China -- which isn't feasible for a $75 product. Then they'll make an offer: you keep the light and they give you $10 back.

Just know what your options are. A lot of people end up regretting these lights. For example, MarsHydro is a popular brand. But, when you look at the better grows they run 60-90w/sq ft. That's more than T5HO or CMH (both of which will run cooler).

On the other hand, $75 isn't a lot to lose. As long as you know the options, the risks.
Again why is this changing to a topic about lights?
Also, you become nose-blind to the odor too. He might think things are under control while neighbors smell it 24x7.
I wont become nose blind trust me, my nose is very sensitive, i smell things others cannot. Also when i leave my home and go out into the fresh air, when i return i smell things even more. Therefore i would know if my neighbours could smell anything.
Im growing a few bag seeds and a cutting of jack flash. I have a 200 actual watt cfl. I will be picking one of my bag seed plants if female or my cutting if it takes. I dont have a lot of heat in my cupboard and i have already ordered some activated charcoal and a 120mm pc exhaust fan (could double tripple or even quadruple fans) im going to try a diy method as its just so much cheaper, a lot of guys say they work great on 4 plus plant grows in larger spaces with hotter lights and climate in general i dont see why it wouldnt work in my case. Ill also look into the rodent bags and the other things budbuddah ,canbud and the gel az suggested.

I cant tell you how much im not interested in paying 100 pounds plus for one, if you got more money then sense then fair. But i dont.
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Here is a simple and more importantly CHEAP AIR FILTER ( this for small grows ) .
I built this awhile back with good results. The commercial scrubbers can be pricey for some people ( Dustshroom and others ) but there is nothing wrong in a little ingenunity.

I have a 6" inline in a 48 " x 48" x 84 " with around 450 cfm. So this was designed for that but you can do bigger or smaller. I plan to use a variable speed INLET inline fan with a filter mod like this to introduce cleaner ( bugs , pet hair and unecessary odors ) into the tent. I have some oscillating fans that i can remove from inside with this setup.

( Egos aside from some posters , im doing this as a friendly exchange to you and whom ever would like to try it ) . Im sure somebody can add improvements or have a spin on it.

I know sometimes money can be an issue , so i think this can be quite cheap for you to try.

Parts List :

Duct Reducer - Size ( depends on inline fan size ) 4 to 6 , 4 to 8 or 6 to 8 ETC.
( another MOD can be a DUCT COUPLER ( same to same )

Hot Glue Gun

Carbon Filter Material - Carbon " Prefilter " Squares or Activated Carbon Hepa Filter ( cut ) to size. Some Carbon Filter material can be bought on a roll.

You will find this is a more compact filter instead of common canister styles.

1. Cut material SLIGHTLY oversize. In the reducer - add a few points of hot glue to SET FILTER in groove. Here is the BASE. From here you can add 1 or MORE cut filters to increase filtration. I normally do 3 myself.

2. Finish last filter with Hot Glue POINTS around filter - There is NO need to add much. Only a few area points to keep filter together.

3. Place reducer at inlet of inline or at end depending what you want it for.

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Here is a simple and more importantly CHEAP AIR FILTER ( this for small grows ) .
I built this awhile back with good results. The commercial scrubbers can be pricey for some people ( Dustshroom and others ) but there is nothing wrong in a little ingenunity.

I have a 6" inline in a 48 " x 48" x 84 " with around 450 cfm. So this was designed for that but you can do bigger or smaller. I plan to use a variable speed INLET inline fan with a filter mod like this to introduce cleaner ( bugs , pet hair and unecessary odors ) into the tent. I have some oscillating fans that i can remove from inside with this setup.

( Egos aside from some posters , im doing this as a friendly exchange to you and whom ever would like to try it ) . Im sure somebody can add improvements or have a spin on it.

I know sometimes money can be an issue , so i think this can be quite cheap for you to try.

Parts List :

Duct Reducer - Size ( depends on inline fan size ) 4 to 6 , 4 to 8 or 6 to 8 ETC.
( another MOD can be a DUCT COUPLER ( same to same )

Hot Glue Gun

Carbon Filter Material - Carbon " Prefilter " Squares or Activated Carbon Hepa Filter ( cut ) to size. Some Carbon Filter material can be bought on a roll.

You will find this is a more compact filter instead of common canister styles.

1. Cut material SLIGHTLY oversize. In the reducer - add a few points of hot glue to SET FILTER in groove. Here is the BASE. From here you can add 1 or MORE cut filters to increase filtration. I normally do 3 myself.

2. Finish last filter with Hot Glue POINTS around filter - There is NO need to add much. Only a few area points to keep filter together.

3. Place reducer at inlet of inline or at end depending what you want it for.

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I like this a lot. Im just wondering how much cfm a 120mm pc exhaust fan can move? Say it moved 20 cfm if i double the fans thats 40 cfm? Is that how it works? (Also will it be the same for 3 and four fans)

If i was using 2 fans would it be better to stack them so there both on inside sucking air through filter and pushing out exhaust or have one inside pushing air out and one outside pulling?

If i have a 4inch exhaust, what would be best size inlet? I was thinking 2 inch? Or possibly even 1 inch to alow for the resistance caused by the carbon filter?

If i have more air going out then i have coming in then that is negative pressure? And this is what i want?
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Thought id upload a few pics.

I read the "replant your stretchy stems" post as when i started these seeds i never had my 200w cfl, i was using a 4w led lol so i think thats why i had a lot of stretch.


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Not sure if you can see at the back but that was a cutting of incredible bulk but unfortunately she never rooted and died.

Then my light came and i moved into a cupboard.



I do plan on getting a pure red spectrum bulb for my next grow. (Although i heard blue light is used in flowering to produce more triches, what do you guys think?)

Heres a photo i took yesterday morning (i was feeling festive lol) you can see the stretch in the picture.

So i read that thread and took action, heres how they look now.



The jack flash cutting i mentioned in an earlier post.... Not sure how shes doing :(
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So thats pretty much it, think i mite make a grow journal, i quite enjoyed tht.
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The 2 plants in the same pot. Get them in their own pots and do it asap.
Pop some drain holes in the bottom of that soil bag if there's none there.

Now about odor control. There's a DIY bucket filter in the DIY section that works like a charm. It'd be overkill for that closet. You want overkill in an apartment. You honestly wouldn't even need to vent it out of there. People in the next room won't even know they're there.

Also how do you plan on training those plants. That's a pretty tiny space and you have 3 plants in there. You might just wanna focus on 1 in there.
The 2 plants in the same pot. Get them in their own pots and do it asap.
Pop some drain holes in the bottom of that soil bag if there's none there.

Now about odor control. There's a DIY bucket filter in the DIY section that works like a charm. It'd be overkill for that closet. You want overkill in an apartment. You honestly wouldn't even need to vent it out of there. People in the next room won't even know they're there.

Also how do you plan on training those plants. That's a pretty tiny space and you have 3 plants in there. You might just wanna focus on 1 in there.

I plan on just picking one of the plants, either the jack flash if she does indeed take or one of my bag seed plants if they are female. I plan on mainlining.
When you say vent it out, do you mean like a window? I wasnt going to do that anyway, but i was going to put an inlet and diy carbon filter to exhaust into my room (same room cupboard is in) there is only me and my partner in my home, just neighbours im hiding it from.
I plan on just picking one of the plants, either the jack flash if she does indeed take or one of my bag seed plants if they are female. I plan on mainlining.
I'd just go for the jack flash. Bagseed is a roll of the dice. At least you'll know what to expect from the Jack Flash.
And yeah I meant venting it out of the house somehow. Glad you weren't gonna.
But with one plant the bucket filter will totally work no problem. Just hang it outside of the closet and let it do it's thing. There shouldn't be any issue. The other filter and inlet thing will probably do the job just fine.
If you start a journal then I'll keep an eye on it.
I'd just go for the jack flash. Bagseed is a roll of the dice. At least you'll know what to expect from the Jack Flash.
And yeah I meant venting it out of the house somehow. Glad you weren't gonna.
But with one plant the bucket filter will totally work no problem. Just hang it outside of the closet and let it do it's thing. There shouldn't be any issue. The other filter and inlet thing will probably do the job just fine.
If you start a journal then I'll keep an eye on it.

So i w
I'd just go for the jack flash. Bagseed is a roll of the dice. At least you'll know what to expect from the Jack Flash.
And yeah I meant venting it out of the house somehow. Glad you weren't gonna.
But with one plant the bucket filter will totally work no problem. Just hang it outside of the closet and let it do it's thing. There shouldn't be any issue. The other filter and inlet thing will probably do the job just fine.
If you start a journal then I'll keep an eye on it.

Lol im sorry im confused, bucket filter outside? ( i thought the carbon filter goes on the inside of the grow space)

And other filter?? ( do i need 2? I was just going to have 1 carbon filter inside with a fan sucking the air through the filter and out of the grow area)

I will start a journal, i did kinda have one in newbie section but i will rewrite it and put in the journal part. Ill even update if it goes wrong. I see a lot start and just stop abruptley with no reason.. Im guessing something went wrong for them. I dont mind showing my poor skills lol if someone else can learn from my mistakes then thats good in my eyes.
There's a few different sizes for the fan. If you look at the photo you'll see the model# on the bottom right corner of the photo. There's a large one (too big) a medium and small. The medium is what you're looking for. Not sure if they carry them in your neck of the woods but you might be able to order them pretty cheap.
I had most of the stuff on hand besides the charcoal and fan. It worked well enough to kill the smell of 16 girls packed in a room and flowering. Tossed it to my cousin with lights and he ran a perpetual sog for a year. Just has to change out the carbon every 6 weeks.
He's running a 3/6 scrog that's 6 weeks into flower now and you'd never know he's got a grow going on unless you walked right into the room it's in.
There's the rest of the DIY subforum. There's plenty of other ones in there. I'm just suggesting the one I KNOW works and has been tried and tested.
Lol havent read the post yet. But i went shopping today to pick up a few things i thought could make an adequate filter for me.

IMG_20151226_163709693.jpg IMG_20151226_163726940.jpg
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I have drilled holes all around the 2 containers (that was annoying lol)
Doesnt look all that great aesthetically but should be functional. I will sand rough burrs down. 1451152353539-976149623.jpg
Just waiting for my activated carbon and ill pack and seal this baby up. Didnt cost a lot to do this so if it wont work then... Oh well i can always build the one you have linked.
I like this a lot. Im just wondering how much cfm a 120mm pc exhaust fan can move? Say it moved 20 cfm if i double the fans thats 40 cfm? Is that how it works? (Also will it be the same for 3 and four fans)

If i was using 2 fans would it be better to stack them so there both on inside sucking air through filter and pushing out exhaust or have one inside pushing air out and one outside pulling?

If i have a 4inch exhaust, what would be best size inlet? I was thinking 2 inch? Or possibly even 1 inch to alow for the resistance caused by the carbon filter?

If i have more air going out then i have coming in then that is negative pressure? And this is what i want?

I havent put a filter on both ends , but im sure it could work. I would listen for any changes to fan would undergo ( whining or obvious motor stress ) You dont want to over work your fans. I WOULD put a less number of pads at exhaust end to help reduce restrictions. Experiment.

I use 3 on the inlet side because of stinkier strains ( cheeses ) but usually can run 2 normally with good results. An odor neutrilizer ( ozium ) or odor can placed in room or outside tent helps " scrub " room air.