Odour control in apartment

north strong & free

Active Member
I've been scrubbing but it still smells in my apartment. It's canada so people don't give as much of a f#$% up here, if you know what i mean. we are not menaced so much by the gov't like our poor friends to the south. anybody have links or ideas on an effective cheap way.....so i remain stealthy :confused:


Well-Known Member
I've been scrubbing but it still smells in my apartment. It's canada so people don't give as much of a f#$% up here, if you know what i mean. we are not menaced so much by the gov't like our poor friends to the south. anybody have links or ideas on an effective cheap way.....so i remain stealthy :confused:
you can see where I'm at as far as growth stage in this link https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/124812-1st-grow.html

or just look at the photo record in the link below...

I was noticing some smell, outside the grow room. I don't use an exhaust fan or filter, only a circulation fan.

I added a black light to my setup, primarily for odor control. it's about 60cm or 2 ft long. it has done the trick. zero odor outside of the growroom, none in the growroom, unless I touch the plants, but that dissipates soon.

probably, your lights don't produce any UV. UV causes oxygen to attract an extra molecule making ozone, O3. Ozone eliminates odors.

it set me back about @$40.


north strong & free

Active Member
that's an interesting idea...i just bought some ona blocks for $12. they claim it
is all essential oils that bond to take away odour. it's definitely worth a try for this price. i'll put them under the exhaust fan i have in my closet :hump:


Well-Known Member
you can see where I'm at as far as growth stage in this link https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/124812-1st-grow.html

or just look at the photo record in the link below...

I was noticing some smell, outside the grow room. I don't use an exhaust fan or filter, only a circulation fan.

I added a black light to my setup, primarily for odor control. it's about 60cm or 2 ft long. it has done the trick. zero odor outside of the growroom, none in the growroom, unless I touch the plants, but that dissipates soon.

probably, your lights don't produce any UV. UV causes oxygen to attract an extra molecule making ozone, O3. Ozone eliminates odors.

it set me back about @$40.
does this really work? because the UV lights u have are called black lights can you elaborate and where could one find a fixture


Well-Known Member
There are three types of UV light; UVA, UVB and UVC. UVC produces ozone, which is O3. It works by introducing an extra electron to oxygen molecules, which bond to other particulates in the air, including scents. Blacklights do not produce UVC energy and are thus ineffective at reducing odor.

Corona Discharge vs. UV Ozone Generation - UV ozone generators and Corona Discharge ozone UV

4" Big Blue In-Line UV Ozone Generator |

Damn, I searched and searched, finally I found some place that told me so. seems you're right. however, I do swear to you, I cannot smell a thing. Now, I have 10 plants in there...they're over 2 months old and are 2ft tall(they've been topped) you know they're stinking.

My light is made by NEC, the model # is FL20-BLB. 'FL' meaning florescent. '20' is for the size, 20 inches. and 'BLB' is so we know its not for a bug zapper, it stands for 'black light blue'. I've been using it for two days. I couldn't smell anything about 8hrs after plugging it in.

the second link has no information about what a 'black light' is nor on 'ozone'.
your first link took me to this page, I couldn't find which spectrum of UV created o3.

I did find this page
SCISAT-1 Science Unit - The Role of Chlorine


Well-Known Member
My point was that regular black lights, such as the model you have, produce AVA light which does nothing for odor control. It its UVC light which produces ozone and controls odor. I was not disputing the fact that what you are using is in fact, a black light.



Well-Known Member
My point was that regular black lights, such as the model you have, produce AVA light which does nothing for odor control. It its UVC light which produces ozone and controls odor. I was not disputing the fact that what you are using is in fact, a black light.

no, no, no, sry man, my mistake. at first read, I thought you were. cuz come lights are just colored glass to look like a uv black light. but really, I didn't know o3 was only created by uvc, I thought the whole spectrum did.

I really don't understand now, because I really don't smell anything anymore. I could smell it half way down the stairs before. those girls were really startin to stank, but nothing now.

according to the chart in the link I posted, uva, which my light emitts, actually breaks o3 into o2!!


Well-Known Member
No worries man. As far as the smell decreasing, it could be as a result of the plants themselves. I have noticed that throughout my grows, the strength of scent seems to come and go during different phases of growth. Also sometimes we just get used to the smell and no longer notice it. That being said, there are numerous ways of dealing with stinky plants; some ways are cheaper than others. There is a wealth of information on the subject to be found on this site.



Active Member
i did an experiment in my genetics lab where we took uv b and uvc to see how much they mutated a bacteria. UVC was so mutanagenic that we had to take a lot of care not to expose our skin to it so that we didnt get cancer.


Well-Known Member
tent and a carbon filter. you would be surprised at how little a scrubber is needed to scrub an area if it is enclosed. Actually its according to the num,bers but i am completly happy beyond beleif with the cheap charcoal fliters i got that fit the specs of my roooms. For a 4x4x7 tent i spent 79 and for a 3x2x4 cab i spent like 50 with the fan off ebay. Yeah that cheap one with the fan attached works for the space it says it should. Really cool, 1 min unplugged and wow but on i got nothing. Enclose your space get a filter. Best investment ever!


Well-Known Member
And i got 2 of those blacklight ballasts i almost shit a brick when u wrote they worked for odor. lol, hey maybe they help produce resin?


Well-Known Member
At Jcpenney today i saw for 30 dollars a car ioniser that gets rid of odors. you plug it into your car and it ozones it! I think ozone.


Well-Known Member
You have to be careful with ozone. In high concentrations it is a carcinogen and can cause damage to plants. As with all things, moderation is key.
