Oh geeez im gonna hear it for starting up an old thread like this but i really am feeling an urg to keep dragging this on.
So i have been smoking e-cigs for bout 5 years and i have been building my own and creating my own liquid. A mixture (or not) is used of PG (propylene glycol) and VG (vegetable glycerine) in the e-liquid mostly as a filler because if the whole 1ml in the ecig was filled with nicotine you would be on the floor dead in seconds. Also there is flavor, but it is all alcohol based so it has no harm.
So how could the thc extract build up if the resin you are talking about is from the burning organic matter. All burning organic matter puts out a ton of harmful substances, that is why you can still get cancer from only smoking marijuana no cigarettes. Just cigarettes have way more additives that they put in just to kill us faster. Since there is no acutall like green matter in this expect the little chlorophyll thats going to make the liquid green your not going to be burning any of the stuff that created resin so your not going to gunk up your atty. Pure thc is clear, odorless, and colorless. But there still going to be some stuff thats going to gunk up your atty like the flavoring and just random stuff so just like when you have an ecig you have to clean and eventually replace atomizers.
Also last because this is not what i am 100% sure on but i believe in logic so here goes think about it and see if it makes sense.
I am not trying to be an expert on this subject because i have personally not tried it so if something is wrong then it is what it is.
I want to see if anyone is agreeing with my logic so this might actually be something worthwhile to try.
Thanks for Listening

So i have been smoking e-cigs for bout 5 years and i have been building my own and creating my own liquid. A mixture (or not) is used of PG (propylene glycol) and VG (vegetable glycerine) in the e-liquid mostly as a filler because if the whole 1ml in the ecig was filled with nicotine you would be on the floor dead in seconds. Also there is flavor, but it is all alcohol based so it has no harm.
Here is some evidence to prove that wrong.the Joye 510 used in the OP holds ~10 drops) gums up the atty in a very short time, requiring the atty to be thoroughly cleaned in order to be able to continue using it. Let's face it, resin is awfully sticky... and attys don't get along with oily or sticky.
So how could the thc extract build up if the resin you are talking about is from the burning organic matter. All burning organic matter puts out a ton of harmful substances, that is why you can still get cancer from only smoking marijuana no cigarettes. Just cigarettes have way more additives that they put in just to kill us faster. Since there is no acutall like green matter in this expect the little chlorophyll thats going to make the liquid green your not going to be burning any of the stuff that created resin so your not going to gunk up your atty. Pure thc is clear, odorless, and colorless. But there still going to be some stuff thats going to gunk up your atty like the flavoring and just random stuff so just like when you have an ecig you have to clean and eventually replace atomizers.
Also last because this is not what i am 100% sure on but i believe in logic so here goes think about it and see if it makes sense.
Ok look yes you would never fit 4.5 grams into a 1ml space, but are you using all the cell tissue and organic material in the liquid? No your removing all of that to just hopefully leave behind the thc and other good stuff. Im guessing there about somewhere like 5%?? of the plant you are using is thc. <NOT THE THC PERCENTAGE> the actual weight of thc in the plant that you can extract. Its going to be about 0.2 grams. That would definitly fit in a cartridge with the PV/VG filler. But in this case it wouldn't be a filler it would be a binder with PG because it is alcohol based which thc is attracted to. So if you do it right, all of your thc (+ other good stuff) will be binded into the PG. Thun just bottle up your stuff and fill your cartys with it.I can't see any way at this time to get 4.5 grams worth of pot into a tiny little cartridge without it gumming up the atomizer after one hit. Even at 1 gram per ml of PG/VG (which is a lot more than one little Joye 510 cartridge will hold; an eGo or Riva "mega XXL" cartridge barely holds 1 ml
I am not trying to be an expert on this subject because i have personally not tried it so if something is wrong then it is what it is.
I want to see if anyone is agreeing with my logic so this might actually be something worthwhile to try.
Thanks for Listening