Odor Control


Im germinating my indica bagseed right now and want to know what to expect odor wise..... In my other grow the plant actually smelled a bit during veg, I had to throw all my work away on that grow because of security reasons other than the smell so i never made it very far. On this time around I plan to LST the plant so I can get it very low and in the shape I want it. Do techniques like low stress training affect odor? Im only growing one indica plant does this usually still cause a strong noticeable odor during flowering? I have two rectangular carbon filter sheets that I plan to put over the top of the grow box, they are just 1/2 in. thick sheets and nothing else so im wondering about the effectiveness of this plan.


techs. do not affect odor. here is a pretty baseline experience to expect with cannabis...they are going to stink. bad. they will stink in veg. they will stink in flower. they will stink when u cut them down and harvest and they will stink when you smoke them. nothing you can do will bring down the smell otehr than a good carbon filtration system, or an ozone generator. they will stick your entire house out if you let them, even the outside of your house will smell. best of luck


Hopefully your girl will smell like crazy. When I first got stated and was investing as I could I took those large furnace filters that have a sheet of carbon, the ones made for pet odors and such. I took a bunch of those and cut them Into pieces the size of a vent for a six inch duct and hooked my fan to that. I kept the air fairly clean during the start up days until I realized I needed a real carbon filter. They really start smelling as you noticed with your first grow

bob jameson

Active Member
Some smell more than others. In my experience, they smell stronger when the air is warm, less when it's cool. Growing on the cool end of the acceptable temperature range may help some, but it won't eliminate the odor.


So i can expect to get caught for sure with one plant in my upstairs walkin closet?? The grow box its self is an old 40 gal. fish tank that suits my growing needs pretty perfectly, this is where i got the idea to put the carbon filter sheets over the top of the tank (apologies for not mentioning this in my initial post) in hopes that the smell could not pass through the sheets completely causing low odor, along with air fresheners and odor neutralizers to mask it. Even if the smell does get very strong in the closet will it actually be able to travel into other parts of the house? There are no air vents in the closet except for a scuttle hole to the attic and the door which leads out into my bedroom.