ode to the ball


Well-Known Member
as I watch my dog go fuckin crazy over his new ball, my first thought is..dumb dog, its just a ball!!

just a ball?

didn't larry bird, michael jordan, hank arren, babe ruth just play with a ball?
doesn't tiger woods play with a ball?

scoccer, hockey, football, polo, rugby, cricket.
even the aztec played a forearm game, played with a ball.
kick it, throw it, shot it, pass it, hit it.

because of a simple ball, we have made gods of the common man. rich, famous, god like statues. everyone who has ever played with a ball on a high level seeks the hall(ball)of fame, where they will live on forever.

maybe my dog isn't so silly after all.
my ode to you, the ball.


Well-Known Member
I had a favorite ball when I was a kid my dad threw it all the time and I would catch it...........he would sit there blazing on some sort of thin cig and laugh when I triped chaceing it................ah the found memories


Well-Known Member
what about simple bread?

When going to college I drove taxi. A fare bought me a loaf of crusty french style bread because I waited for him while he ran into the store. We ripped into her on the rest of the drive & it was great. We laughed & got crumbs all over the seats but its was amazing.

It really hit me. That guy & I did something that strangers have done since LONG before bible days. We broke bread together & shared time.

I know it sounds kinda dramatic or what ever, but it really was almost humbling thinking about that.

I love bread :)


Well-Known Member
met a girl hitchicking one time....nearly same story but without the bread.........I ripped into her like no tomorrow we smoked a bowl aftwards.........was awesome.