October's here so wheres my flowers


Its October and still no hair's or buds on my outdoor lady. Its gotten medium big and looks healthy but still hasn't really hit the flowering stage.... I think. It has pistils and everything so i know its a female.

I'm on the east coast and the temp. is getting colder and colder every night. Should i just let nature take its course and hopefully the day night shifts will finally get it flowering? Or do i need to transfer it inside with an hps light?

Will my plant be okay in the cold? And seriously why is she not flowering like crazy yet? Your advice is much appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
yes some strains can stand cold and tuen different colors and some dont finish flowering till november or so . just watch carefully :)


Well-Known Member
I have the same thing going on with my plant. Its had female hairs since the end of July and besides getting fuller, it has not started flowering. According to the Barneys Farm website, its supposed to have a relatively short flowering period for a sativa dominant strain. I'm in the west coast.


Well-Known Member
where outside it it?

just thinking if you have it near a window and the house lights are hitting it or a porch light it could be slowing down the process on you, make sure it gets NO light other than the sunlight.

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
Yeah my plants got down to 35 F one night and lived lol. 50 seems a bit high to me, but I suppose maybe it depends on the strain..



These are sum pics of the lady. Any signs of flowering? The tape on the side and wire is from LST. I also topped this plant but i think i messed up a little but its okay since this is my first


I'm having the same problem with my girl. I think that her growth slowed down because we kind've forgot that our livingroom light hit the plant...so much for 12/12. She is still very healthy and we have moved her to a place that she won't be impeded by light. Just the same, she is slow slow. Lots of pistils and growth but no remarkable buds. We are going to build a teepee around her with some wood and clear plastic. Hopefull that will take her through to the end of the month. If she's still not finished....then unfortunately we will have to move her inside and hope for the best. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
It will start flowering as soon as it's mature since the days are getting shorter. Don't worry it'll come. I have 5 outdoor plants that are a week into flowering and I like to bring them in at night to keep mine warm. It gets down to about 60 degrees at night but is getting colder. Don't really want to take any chances.


Active Member
Is there any chance that you leave that plant in area that it doesn,t get "uninterupted" darkness if it gets any kind of light during its dark cycle it will not flower and if it does it will not flower properly or finish. i'm not sure if this is your problem but seems to be a common problem among new growers


Ya i think u might be right, i have a light sensor in my backyard that goes off sum times. Its a very small light i didnt think it would disturb it that bad. Last nite i put it in my garage before i went to bed then brought it back outside in the morning


Active Member
Bummer man yea the same thing almost happened to my buddy this year he had some in his back yard and he kept asking me to come over and sex his plants and i went over to pick him up one night and he took me out back and was like look at them and i told him there was no way with the security light going on and off at all hours of the night that they would ever flower. he was planning top move them to a plot all along but he didn't want to waste anytime and energy on males. i understand where he was coming from but i explained that he was better off getting them to the plot and doing the little extra digging instead waiting for the plants to flower when they never would he had 5 and 3 ended up being female so just a lil bit of energy was so called wasted on 2 of them but better than waiting for something to never come. yeah people when talking about the dark cycle don't seem to stress enough how important uninterrupted total darkness is and even if you do get by with a lil unwanted light here and there your almost certain to get hermaphrodites too. Good luck good news is you obviously have it in a pot so you should be able to take care of your problem hopefully unscathed with just a lil extra attention to the weather next month, it can handle cold weather just don't let it get into freezing temps and keep an eye on it for hermaphrodites. If its a special strain that you are especially intrested in pulling off you should try to clone it so you can restart it. once it actually starts flowering tho it will be much harder to clone so make that decision sooner rather than later. and sorry for the long post had some interest in helping people on here lately because i have been bleesed so much this year. if you have any other ?? feel free to ask


Active Member
These are sum pics of the lady. Any signs of flowering? The tape on the side and wire is from LST. I also topped this plant but i think i messed up a little but its okay since this is my first

Cant miss it when it happens..

Heres one of mine at 1 week flower:


And here is what that same bud looked like near finish ;) 8 weeks later



Well-Known Member
Getting below 50 F at night can be fatal for plants
50 F can be fatal ? Thats 10 degrees Celius here in Canada. I thiunk u screwed up on the number.
I've had plants take 5 frosts before. Actually 2 of those weren't frosts but actual freezing temps,like -3 celcius which is like 28 F