Ocean Forest vs. Happy Frog


Well-Known Member
Id like to hear what people have to say. Some say OF is too hot for seedlings but i don't fully agree, if cut with 1/3 perlite. I see some people loving it through their whole grow and others bashing it due to bug problems/seedling burning. Happy Frog I have never tried and would like to know if its worth trying,is it worth switching to to save a few bucks a bag? I dont mind spending the extra for a better soil but would like to hears peoples opinions and experiences using either. Also if you would like to explain your own mix its more than welcome here. Pictures pertaining are also welcome. :-P This is a discussion so lay your thoughts on the line.


Well-Known Member
Roots organic. Its not as hot as ffof bur still rough on sensitive seedlings. But for veg its more stable with lesschance of burn than ffof. A better mix


Well-Known Member
I've popped every seed I own in amended ffof. Never had a problem... soon as they root up a solo cup they get transplanted into 5 gallon smart pots with a kinda modified supersoil recipe. My base for the SS is mendo gold, happy frog and ocean forest in equal parts. Maybe I'm lucky but I've never had a problem with ffof.


Well-Known Member
My golden mix is 1 bag FFOF with 1 bag Happy Frog. No perlite or anything. I plant my seeds directly into this mix and have never burned a seedling.
I grow 12/12 from seed and usually don't need to start feeding until the 2nd week of flowering.


Well-Known Member
My golden mix is 1 bag FFOF with 1 bag Happy Frog. No perlite or anything. I plant my seeds directly into this mix and have never burned a seedling.
I grow 12/12 from seed and usually don't need to start feeding until the 2nd week of flowering.

I have seen people do this and it has worked out well for them as well


Well-Known Member
in my experience, ocean forest is too hot for seedlings. i use their seedling mix and then into the ocean forest.

i used happy frog before. the bags have more soil in them which is a bonus.

after a lot of reading, i came to the conclusion that frog is better for vegging and forest is better for flowering.


Well-Known Member
OK, let the bashing begin.
I am currently in MG moisture control, with about 40% MG Perlite, I started feeding at 18 days with MG all purpose, first transplant from solo cup was at 21 days from sprout (first pic of roots, plant 3 1/2" tall).
Second pic is 28 days old.
Pic 3 is 35 days old, 10" tall, 12" wide.
Pic 4 is at 42 days old, after some light trimming and tying. View attachment 2453090View attachment 24530916dec10_zpsa6eea805.jpgPic1dec17_zps603dfad4.jpg


Active Member
baka - Looks good dude! Have used M G thru the whole grow cycle and if ya know what your doing, you can produce good, quality meds.


Well-Known Member
Yes but I think they came aboard some bags of MG I got at a Lowes and spread to the OF

The problem i have with OF is finding someone that carries it.