ocean forest soil

hi i put my clones in ocean forest then into flower they were vegged to my liking my question is when to give nutes and what week on fox farm feeding schedule to start


Ocean forest has same nutes already. I ph 6.5 water for around 10 - 14 then give a very light week 5 feeding on the chart. Depending on your enviornment and strain following the full feeding sched can be a lil much for young plants. Look into some supplimental forms of Phosphorus and potassium for early flower. Keep an eye on your ppms as you step up feeding. I finish ff full line at around 1200 ppms but they call for much higher.

papa kropps

Well-Known Member
ffof seems to be pretty constant for me, ph stays good, all i add is the ff nutes every other week. after the first 3 weeks i start with grow big with some big bloom every now and again then i switch to tiger bloom and big bloom.