Ocean Forest.... Nutrients or not


When rooted clones are placed into 4" pots of Ocean Forest do they actually need nutrients or will the soil be enough for them to thrive for four weeks (give or take)? Newbie here; would like other people's input. Many thanks.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
The 4" pots are only for 3 weeks of veg.. then transplanted to 3 gallon pots for rest of life. We were only concerned with vegetation cycle.
Ok, then you should be good, but if they start to yellow get them in the 3 gal pots asap. You are still gonna need to feed them. I would also suggest giving them time to let the roots fill the pot before you flip. At least a week or 2.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
with what would you suggest?
Id suggest looking into organics and making your own soil. But with what you have going now, something cheap and simple I could suggest is dynagrow foliage pro. I dont use bottles for soil anymore, got 90% of house and garden line as a sample and have used it before with success.

Cute cat

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I understand some people have issues with it but some dont, including myself (so far) so its not in this new guys best interest to say that.

Original Poster - Look up problems with fox farm ocean forest.


Well-Known Member
No, you do not need to add more nutes for awhile with ffof. It can be a little hot, so I like water ph of 6.5-7.0 in the beginning. Just add a little perlite, it's a little thick. I use happy frog for clones, little lighter on the nutes for stage 1. I usually go from clone to solo cup to get a nice root mass, then to 1 gal or 3 or 5 gal containers depending.