Obtaining Seeds


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I've been doing my thing for a little while now and have come across a few strains I would like to keep around. Problem is, I don't have any seeds to bring them back if travesty were to occur or I needed to change location and start from scratch.

My question to all of you on RIU that can help me is simple. I do not at all want to attempt to do this in the same room as my other grow op so I'll move it to a different room. I want to take a female of the strain I wanna keep and a male from a quality seed I have a around the house and simply let them flower together... Will that do the trick?

Or can I still fuck up the quality of the seed that is produced? I know how to grow the plant to get bud, but don't know if just throwing two plants together will cause seeds that will produce shitty bud. Someone's advice would be much appreciated. I'm open to suggestions on technique and opinions. I've done research of my own, but cant find much information on how to make seeds in a simple manner. Take care and thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
That would work fine, just make sure you have a female with the preferred genetics and the male with the preferred genetics. The seeds will directly mimic the genetics of the parents so pick the best genetics you can.


Active Member
i think all you need to do is introduce some pollen to the female plant and let her grow the seeds to maturity. i think the only way you could fuck up the seeds is if your parent plants have inferior genetics and/or didn't let the seeds ripen all the way before harvesting, but go check the faq i think i saw something in there about breeding.


Well-Known Member
i think you would just put them next to each other and leave them alone..back in the old days they didnt have anyone looking after them.. they got this..lol


Well-Known Member
If I were to simply paint some pollen on one of my females amongst the 40 I have that are flowering together will just that one plant produce seeds or am I seriously running the risk of fucking my entire harvest. Does this process need to be in a completely separate environment? Thoughts... go!


Well-Known Member
If I were to simply paint some pollen on one of my females amongst the 40 I have that are flowering together will just that one plant produce seeds or am I seriously running the risk of fucking my entire harvest. Does this process need to be in a completely separate environment? Thoughts... go!
That is a comonly used method, but you have to be very careful. What I would do is take the desired female out of the growing room and then paint some pollen onto the bud sights that you want seeds from. When you are done painting the pollen on the female then you can put it back into the room. Just remember that pollinated females will generally have less yield because they use more energy creating seeds than making THC/bud.


Active Member
i think its possible to just polinate one plant, and even possible to polinate like only one branch of a female plant. problem is pollen is really small and really light and blows around really easy, if you decide to polinate one plant maybe you should do it a way from the others or find some way to make sure no pollen gets on any other plants. but what the fuck do i know i only have one succesful grow under my belt. ^^


Well-Known Member
What week into flowering do I paint the bud sites? How long do I grow the male for before I can extract the pollen sacks? I really appreciate is man.


Well-Known Member
Good info so far, but they're forgetting the low lights, barry white CD, and scented candles. works every time.
Got that on lock... Except my ladies prefer Marvin Gay. I might change it up though, it all depends on the mood and the girl ;)


Active Member
the males usually start releasing pollen like really early, thats why people usually get rid of them as soon as they're detected, but i dont know when the females would be ready, probably when you first start to see bud sites forming. but since the male would be ready before the female why don't you just take snip some pollen sacks off and save till your ready to pollinate?


Well-Known Member
Thats the idea, just don't know exactly what I'm looking for to take from the male plants... I mean, I know that I need to get the pollen sacks, but do you open the sack up and is that the actual pollen?


Active Member
i have no idea if u need to let a male grow for a certain ammount of time before its ripe enough to pollinate females. most info on the net is about the females. you might have to wait till a more experienced grower comes along for that. i mean you wouldnt want premature pollen messing with the quality of your seeds. but i'm not sure if pollen is ever unripe i think its just pollen but i have no idea. and yeah whatevers in the pollen sack is pollen you would probably have to open it up your self out side of your garden, you wouldnt want it to open by its self while all your females are around.


Well-Known Member
True that man... Thank you very much for all the info. Anyone who has any more advice on the matter, I'm all ears.


Well-Known Member
True that man... Thank you very much for all the info. Anyone who has any more advice on the matter, I'm all ears.
Spread dark colored paper under the isolated male plant. As the pollen sacs open, the pollen will fall on it.

Use a q-tip to brush pollen on the buds you want to produce seeds. SOME pollenation of other buds will occur, though not much. You can avoid even that by moving the entire female plant into the room with the male. That way your other females will remain virgins and you'll get more seeds by pollenating an entire plant.


Well-Known Member
Spread dark colored paper under the isolated male plant. As the pollen sacs open, the pollen will fall on it.

Use a q-tip to brush pollen on the buds you want to produce seeds. SOME pollenation of other buds will occur, though not much. You can avoid even that by moving the entire female plant into the room with the male. That way your other females will remain virgins and you'll get more seeds by pollenating an entire plant.
Awesome, that is exactly what I was looking for... My tentative plan is to germinate 9 seeds in rockwool (3 seeds each) of my 3 favorite strains. Grow them for 3-4 weeks and send them into flowering pick up a male from each strain and plant it in soil under my T5 fluorescent. Amongst the 3 males I will place my bad ass bag seed lady who's bud is simply danklicious. I'll flower all 4 plants together. Once flowering comences will I have an abundance of seeds that are genetically 1/2 the female and 1/6 all the other strains? That would be remarkable... Also, would that essentially be my own strain? Or is that still ripping off the genetics of someone else's breed? :joint:


Well-Known Member
Once flowering comences will I have an abundance of seeds that are genetically 1/2 the female and 1/6 all the other strains? That would be remarkable... Also, would that essentially be my own strain? :joint:

If 4 guys banged a girl and she got pregnant, would all 4 be the father? Only one sperm wins the race. In the senario you describe, the seeds you get will all be different.

Check this thread out:

ALL your seeds would carry the genetics of the mother, but in a lot of the plants produced by the seeds those traits would be recessives (IE: not show up in that generation)

To properly breed for the charactoristics of your mother alone, you should take a clone and stress the hell out of it... get it to go hermie, and use THAT pollen on another completely female clone.

The seeds you get would not only be completely identical to the original mother, but would also be feminised.

But try crossing different males with your mother anyway... if you have the room, you MIGHT come up with a whole new definition of DANK!



Well-Known Member
Busmike +rep to you good sir! Wow exactly the information I was looking for. What would be the best way to stress a plant into hermie and at what week of flowering do I pull the hermaphrodite and put it with one of my female clones to continue flowering? Do you have to wait until flowering is completely done before you can properly gather the seeds from the female? Man this is ideal! I may never have to buy seeds for my favorite strains again unless its to get something new. I really do appreciate your help Busmike.


Well-Known Member
No problem...

Here's a link to a blerb on Hermies:

It's in our GrowFAQ section. I can induce Hermies by shutting off the water pump timers for a day and playing with the light schedule... On a few hours then off a few hours for a day. Be careful with the water depravation... it's easy to kill a plant that way.

Remember to collect the pollen and to use it on a different plant... one that has not hermied. Seeds from a hermied female will themselves be hermies.

As far as WHEN... it depends on the hermie. Like I said earlier, use dark paper under the pollen pods. When the pods open the pollen will collect on the paper. (shut off any fans in this area!) Use it right away. I've heard stories of people freezing pollen but I've never tried it.
