Obtaining seeds while in A-dam


Active Member
i am going to a-dam in a few months and want to get some seeds. Is it possible to bring them back with me. Never been there before... know it's not wise to try, but it's not like trying to bring an ounce back with me. Do dogs sniff seeds? Seriously, if i shoved them up my azz would anyone know?...lol


Well-Known Member
Why not post them to yourself. Lots of seeds make it from the dam to world wide buyers.

I dont see it being a problem bringing them back in but I dont konw what american customs are like.

You got to remember a country is never too bothered what your taking out the country, they care about what you bring in unless its millions of pounds/dollars.


Well-Known Member
no im pretty sure that seeds are legal in the us, i read or heard something bout it somewhere that due to wutever bill was passed along time ago stated that....marijuana seeds are legal because they carry no THC in them....at least wut i heard, u might wanna google it or something tho just to be safe


Active Member
lol, smoker..thats true, and know u all know too!
Nongreen - i believe the seed shop i want seed from wont send to the US b/c it's illegal for americans to purchase marijuana seeds or else i would do it that way b/c it would be a lot less stress.
- i'm looking to get some DNA seeds (mean green, l.a. conf., and sweet haze), anybody have any experience with these strains?


Well-Known Member
lol, smoker..thats true, and know u all know too!
Nongreen - i believe the seed shop i want seed from wont send to the US b/c it's illegal for americans to purchase marijuana seeds or else i would do it that way b/c it would be a lot less stress.
- i'm looking to get some DNA seeds (mean green, l.a. conf., and sweet haze), anybody have any experience with these strains?
I dont know if this is true or not, but i heard that there is a new advertiser coming soon that stocks dna seeds.


Well-Known Member
Going there and coming back empty handed would be a waste.

Ship them to yourself as suggested....or....smuggle them back home.

There are other options OTHER than your sphincter.....just think a bit on it.

Seeds are small enough to conceal amost anywhere on your person or in your luggage.


Well-Known Member
I brought two pipes back from Amsterdam. I wore a pair of sport shorts under my jeans, had a glass pipe in each pocket of the shorts. This is when I was 16 guys, come on now.. These are seeds. Unless you're trying to smuggle thousands of seeds put them in your pocket or put them in a bag and tape it to your thigh. There's numerous ways, they cannot be found unless they strip search you. And personally I would not put incriminating things in my bag, because in an airport they are ALWAYS allowed to search your bag without reason but never your person without a reason.

Another thought, put them in a small Advil bottle or something. People won't think twice about it, it may also get through the x-ray but I wouldn't test it. Keep it on you.


Just some idiot
put them in a bag and tape it to your thigh. There's numerous ways, they cannot be found unless they strip search you. And personally I would not put incriminating things in my bag, because in an airport they are ALWAYS allowed to search your bag without reason but never your person without a reason.
You could cut your leg (hint hint), or something...maybe it is so bad that you have to wear a band aid or small bandage.


Well-Known Member
I brought a hermit crab (in my pocket) to england from the US then back, I was 12, and couldn't leave it at home to die... I just had it in my pocket when I went through the detector. Do the same thing with the seeds. I don't have a suggestion for getting it past any dogs, but they are just really small seeds. I mean, you could hide the things in a burger or something...