Obama's executive order


Well-Known Member
I like the above avatar :) I watched an ANONYMOUS video a few weeks ago and they said that obama would take the peoples guns away......


Well-Known Member
so bambam is playing emperor again and tugging at our heartstrings to justify his hubris. once again we see him "expressing urgency" "to protect our kids from gun violence". of course he also expresses his disdain for those who he says are "loud and well organized" in their "defense of effortlessly available guns for anyone". what a crock of sh*t. does anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together believe that even one child's life will be saved by his grandstanding? of course not. i can have an ak47 delivered to my doorstep within 72 hours and there's nothing bobo and his ridiculous antics can do about it. i'm not talking about some semi-auto, california legal toy, but a full-auto death machine with a magazine big enough to empty out a toys-r-us. if i, a relatively law abiding old fart, can get my hands on such hardware, there is little doubt that someone intent on doing serious damage can do so as well. all this fool is doing is making it a little harder for law abiding folks to see to their own defense and making another in-road into the destruction of our second amendment right to self-defense.

it seems everything this idjit wants to do is a matter of "urgency". there is always some emergency that only the benevolent hand of the state can deal with. sort of reminds one of the constant state of "revolutionary zeal" that had to be maintained in order for folks like stalin or castro to continue their pathetic tyrannies.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Obama is going to take your guns away and he will probably start with the dumb fucks in texas.

Congress blows the NRA cock whenever the NRA feels like giving it to them and then the congress members go home to kiss their families, with NRA semen still crusted around their mealy mouths..

Kinda gross I think.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that this is well within the purview of the President of the United States and that the precedent for this has been set before? No one batted an eye after the Stockton School Yard Shooting when George H.W. Bush issued an Executive Order with the BTAF banning the import of several semi automatic "assault weapon" style firearms.

Also did none of you read the article? It really looks like none of you did.
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CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
so bambam is playing emperor again and tugging at our heartstrings to justify his hubris. once again we see him "expressing urgency" "to protect our kids from gun violence". of course he also expresses his disdain for those who he says are "loud and well organized" in their "defense of effortlessly available guns for anyone". what a crock of sh*t. does anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together believe that even one child's life will be saved by his grandstanding? of course not. i can have an ak47 delivered to my doorstep within 72 hours and there's nothing bobo and his ridiculous antics can do about it. i'm not talking about some semi-auto, california legal toy, but a full-auto death machine with a magazine big enough to empty out a toys-r-us. if i, a relatively law abiding old fart, can get my hands on such hardware, there is little doubt that someone intent on doing serious damage can do so as well. all this fool is doing is making it a little harder for law abiding folks to see to their own defense and making another in-road into the destruction of our second amendment right to self-defense.

it seems everything this idjit wants to do is a matter of "urgency". there is always some emergency that only the benevolent hand of the state can deal with. sort of reminds one of the constant state of "revolutionary zeal" that had to be maintained in order for folks like stalin or castro to continue their pathetic tyrannies.
I am glad that he is going to take away your gun 'cause you don't sound right in the head. A lot of fucking paranoia in your post.


Well-Known Member
I am glad that he is going to take away your gun 'cause you don't sound right in the head. A lot of fucking paranoia in your post.
paranoia? probably a little bit. you see, i'm not one of those twits that feels justified in committing fraud just so he can get a card and smoke his weed legally. i grow and smoke my own knowing full well that it could result in my spending what little is left of my life in a small cell. not right in the head? well; considering i'm surrounded by a bunch of fools who seem to think that disarming the peaceful elements of society will somehow discourage the violent ones, i suppose i could be considered crazy by comparison.

i happen to like the idea that i can blow your head off if you decide that taking my stuff or harming me and mine is a good idea and i appreciate folks like the nra who are willing to defend my right to defend myself.


Well-Known Member
so bambam is playing emperor again and tugging at our heartstrings to justify his hubris. once again we see him "expressing urgency" "to protect our kids from gun violence". of course he also expresses his disdain for those who he says are "loud and well organized" in their "defense of effortlessly available guns for anyone". what a crock of sh*t. does anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together believe that even one child's life will be saved by his grandstanding? of course not. i can have an ak47 delivered to my doorstep within 72 hours and there's nothing bobo and his ridiculous antics can do about it. i'm not talking about some semi-auto, california legal toy, but a full-auto death machine with a magazine big enough to empty out a toys-r-us. if i, a relatively law abiding old fart, can get my hands on such hardware, there is little doubt that someone intent on doing serious damage can do so as well. all this fool is doing is making it a little harder for law abiding folks to see to their own defense and making another in-road into the destruction of our second amendment right to self-defense.

it seems everything this idjit wants to do is a matter of "urgency". there is always some emergency that only the benevolent hand of the state can deal with. sort of reminds one of the constant state of "revolutionary zeal" that had to be maintained in order for folks like stalin or castro to continue their pathetic tyrannies.
Yes right now anyone can get a gun delivered dirty or clean gun ..
But with possible executive order if it happens then guess what ,, you might get that fully Auto gun in 72 hrs i think not maybe in 2 weeks only way you get a gun is from underground but then again its illegal


Well-Known Member
paranoia? probably a little bit. you see, i'm not one of those twits that feels justified in committing fraud just so he can get a card and smoke his weed legally. i grow and smoke my own knowing full well that it could result in my spending what little is left of my life in a small cell. not right in the head? well; considering i'm surrounded by a bunch of fools who seem to think that disarming the peaceful elements of society will somehow discourage the violent ones, i suppose i could be considered crazy by comparison.

i happen to like the idea that i can blow your head off if you decide that taking my stuff or harming me and mine is a good idea and i appreciate folks like the nra who are willing to defend my right to defend myself.
I think your losing the battle if a vote was to take place in all of USA ??? I would guess people are fed up with the mass shootings.
To think arming the people will stop it obviously has it ??? i just read a while ago some women pulled out her gun and started shooting a wood be thief that ran out of a store ??? she was charged not good and now cannot own a gun lol ..

Now although there are many hunters that would probably vote yes for change not to rid there guns but to control who can get them, like who needs a 50 cal sniper rifle to go hunting right ???

just by mentioning i can blow your head off is grounds of refusal see something is wrong upstairs there buddy just shows how mentally disturb people like your self should be assesed for mental instabilities before allowed a gun that alone would save lifes


Well-Known Member
Yes right now anyone can get a gun delivered dirty or clean gun ..
But with possible executive order if it happens then guess what ,, you might get that fully Auto gun in 72 hrs i think not maybe in 2 weeks only way you get a gun is from underground but then again its illegal
in case you don't get it, that is precisely the point. i live in california, one of the most restrictive states in the union, and i can get my hands on a completely illegal weapon with little trouble. all it takes is knowing the right people and being willing to pay for the privilege. do you really think that someone intent on doing real damage gives a damn what laws bambam and his ilk may pass? all of this anti-gun noise is just that - noise.

do you want to live in a free society? if so, then you have to live with the dangers inherent in such a society. living in a police state may reduce the danger a little bit, but even the most severe tyranny cannot completely eliminate it and the loss of liberty certainly isn't worth the tiny amount of added security. the obvious alternative is to be willing to defend yourself, something you will be less able to do the more limited your security options are. life isn't safe - get used to it.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
paranoia? probably a little bit. you see, i'm not one of those twits that feels justified in committing fraud just so he can get a card and smoke his weed legally. i grow and smoke my own knowing full well that it could result in my spending what little is left of my life in a small cell. not right in the head? well; considering i'm surrounded by a bunch of fools who seem to think that disarming the peaceful elements of society will somehow discourage the violent ones, i suppose i could be considered crazy by comparison.

i happen to like the idea that i can blow your head off if you decide that taking my stuff or harming me and mine is a good idea and i appreciate folks like the nra who are willing to defend my right to defend myself.
WOW Just wow.


Well-Known Member
I think your losing the battle if a vote was to take place in all of USA ??? I would guess people are fed up with the mass shootings.
To think arming the people will stop it obviously has it ??? i just read a while ago some women pulled out her gun and started shooting a wood be thief that ran out of a store ??? she was charged not good and now cannot own a gun lol ..

Now although there are many hunters that would probably vote yes for change not to rid there guns but to control who can get them, like who needs a 50 cal sniper rifle to go hunting right ???

just by mentioning i can blow your head off is grounds of refusal see something is wrong upstairs there buddy just shows how mentally disturb people like your self should be assessed for mental instabilities before allowed a gun that alone would save lifes
this entire post shows a complete disconnect from reality based, undoubtedly, on the anti-gun hysteria promoted by authoritarian modern liberalism and its lap-dogs in the media. there is no rash of mass shootings. in fact, firearms aren't even the number one means of committing homicide. we are treated to constant replays of whatever shooting happens to have happened within recent memory and told it's all because we have so many guns, but the homicide rate continues to fall and gun ownership continues to rise. where is this correlation we are told exists between the number of guns and gun violence? as for my willingness to kill instead of being harmed, i can't help but think there is something wrong with the fool who would let his family be slaughtered instead of defending them or would just allow someone to invade their home if there was an alternative. we've been shown time and again that the alternative of waiting patiently for law enforcement to save you often has fatal consequences, the cavalry is NOT waiting just over the hill to come and save your ass. the very notion that my willingness to defend myself would be reason enough for me to be "assessed for mental instabilities" is certainly grounds for being leery of the statists' demands for stricter control of the sale of guns.

the reality is that of the millions of legally acquired firearms in this country, only the tiniest handful have ever been used to harm anyone. of those, the vast majority were used by law enforcement and more than a few were used in legitimate self-defense. the overwhelming majority of guns used in crimes were obtained by means outside of the laws already existing. despite the authoritarian fear-mongering and childish hysteria, most americans understand this and, if asked, would gladly retain their right to own the means of their fleeting security.


Well-Known Member
The next non gun hater president is just going to swipe their pen and undo it all anyway.

Executive orders might as well be written on a foggy bathroom mirror.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
After San Bernardino BarryO should do an executive order on radical muslim control. One more year of this dickless fucking stupid moron, pussy. TRUMP! will fix it. TRUMP!
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Well-Known Member
Obama is going to take your guns away and he will probably start with the dumb fucks in texas.

Congress blows the NRA cock whenever the NRA feels like giving it to them and then the congress members go home to kiss their families, with NRA semen still crusted around their mealy mouths..

Kinda gross I think.
Dumb fucks in Texas.

I asked in the other thread and you didn't answer.

Texas IAS the 45th state to allow open carry.

Which of the five states, that don't allow it, do you live?

I bet you live in a state that allows it.
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CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
this entire post shows a complete disconnect from reality based, undoubtedly, on the anti-gun hysteria promoted by authoritarian modern liberalism and its lap-dogs in the media. there is no rash of mass shootings. in fact, firearms aren't even the number one means of committing homicide. we are treated to constant replays of whatever shooting happens to have happened within recent memory and told it's all because we have so many guns, but the homicide rate continues to fall and gun ownership continues to rise. where is this correlation we are told exists between the number of guns and gun violence? as for my willingness to kill instead of being harmed, i can't help but think there is something wrong with the fool who would let his family be slaughtered instead of defending them or would just allow someone to invade their home if there was an alternative. we've been shown time and again that the alternative of waiting patiently for law enforcement to save you often has fatal consequences, the cavalry is NOT waiting just over the hill to come and save your ass. the very notion that my willingness to defend myself would be reason enough for me to be "assessed for mental instabilities" is certainly grounds for being leery of the statists' demands for stricter control of the sale of guns.

the reality is that of the millions of legally acquired firearms in this country, only the tiniest handful have ever been used to harm anyone. of those, the vast majority were used by law enforcement and more than a few were used in legitimate self-defense. the overwhelming majority of guns used in crimes were obtained by means outside of the laws already existing. despite the authoritarian fear-mongering and childish hysteria, most americans understand this and, if asked, would gladly retain their right to own the means of their fleeting security.
Sounds like a lot of opinion, which is great. That's why we come here. I don't share your concern about governments overreach because it is mostly in your fearful mind. You throw every weak excuse for gun ownership into the discussion and not much makes sense except to a deeply paranoid mind.