Obamacare saved my family from financial ruin


Well-Known Member

House Speaker John Boehner and his tea party friends shut down the U.S. government because of people like me. I am the mother of an insurance hog, someone who could have blown through his lifetime limit of health coverage by the time he was 14. My son has managed to survive despite seemingly insurmountable challenges, and he wears his preexisting condition like a Super Bowl ring.

Mason, now 16, was probably born with his brain tumor. We discovered it six years ago. Biopsies showed a slow-growing mass, which was the good news. The bad news was that the tumor could not be removed because it had grown around essential structures in his brain. Under the care of some of the country’s finest specialists, Mason had frequent scans. There was little we could do between tests but hope for the best. Like other children his age, Mason played basketball, argued with his siblings and avoided cleaning his bedroom. He managed to undergo chemotherapy for eight months without getting too sick. He insisted on finding ways to laugh, saying things like: “I have brain cancer. What’s your problem?” It was an uneasy peace — until the tumor ruptured in December 2010, three years after his initial diagnosis, and Mason suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage.

Mason spent most of eighth grade in the hospital. In the six months he was hospitalized, he spent 65 days in the pediatric intensive care unit. He underwent four brain surgeries. Halfway through his hospitalization, the Affordable Care Act was passed, alleviating lifetime limits on coverage and saving us from the financial abyss. Mason moved to a rehabilitation hospital where he was retaught the most basic skills — sitting up, eating and standing. We faithfully paid the premiums on the employer-sponsored plan through which our family is covered, along with the rest of our bills, thanking God and whoever else would listen for our good fortune to have coverage.

The biggest fear for families such as mine is that we will lose our health insurance and be rendered uninsurable because one of us has been sick. The Affordable Care Act does away with dreaded clauses barring preexisting conditions. It also enables us to keep Mason on our insurance until he is 26; then, he will be able to purchase his own coverage on an insurance exchange. At least, that was the plan until last Tuesday, when the government was shut down in protest of such excesses.

As far as the brain tumor goes, our family might have drawn the short straw. Maybe our story lacks a certain universal appeal. People might thinking to themselves, “I’m so sorry that happened to you, but odds are it won’t happen to me.” I hope it doesn’t, really.

But having lived in hospitals with Mason for months, I have seen that bad things — accidents, freak illnesses — happen to smart, cautious and otherwise undeserving people. It’s one thing we all have in common. We are fragile beings. So what is wrong with allowing us to purchase a financial safety net? What’s so un-American about that?

If I could get John Boehner and Ted Cruz on a conference call, I would explain this to them. I would tell them that, while they were busy trying to derail the Affordable Care Act over the past two years, Mason has again learned to walk, talk, eat and shoot a three-point basket.

so, this kid's life was saved SIX YEARS AGO by Obama's Time Machine.

maybe he really is a Magic Negro.
so, this kid's life was saved SIX YEARS AGO by Obama's Time Machine.

maybe he really is a Magic Negro.

i will repeat he title of the thread, since you are clearly confused right now: [h=2]Obamacare saved my family from financial ruin[/h]
if you require more clarification, please let me know.

I guess they were reimbursed for those expenses from 6 years ago by obamacare. Now how expensive is that going to be.
Let's hope 'Free Health Care' never ends because we are placing genetic ruin into progress - all the children will be born with; cancer, blindness, physiological deformities, and a multitude of other dehabilitating diseases. Natural? Nobody needs to work, Free Health Care and surrounded by plague! - although, I do feel sorry for them. They have a mind, it`s too bad the gift of body was not sound. The DNA which is floating through our bodies is a billion years old, survival of Obama Care instead of the fittest? ..Nature? Let's hope they have no children with his condition, sorry to say.

Thanks, Free Health Care!
Let's hope 'Free Health Care' never ends because we are placing genetic ruin into progress - all the children will be born with; cancer, blindness, physiological deformities, and a multitude of other dehabilitating diseases. Natural? Nobody needs to work, Free Health Care and surrounded by plague! - although, I do feel sorry for them. They have a mind, it`s too bad the gift of body was not sound. The DNA which is floating through our bodies is a billion years old, survival of Obama Care instead of the fittest? ..Nature? Let's hope they have no children with his condition, sorry to say.

Thanks, Free Health Care!
I understand what you mean - that removal of Cheesie and UB from the gene pool would help the survival of the species.
What if Mason's cost of recovery had been $300 billion? Should the taxpayers have paid that bill?

Mason's family are great people, I'm sure. And I'm glad he's OK, or at least getting much better. But the reality is that US can't afford to spend itself into bankruptcy to save a few individuals.

The US government shouldn't be giving anyone health care. It is the responsibility of people to provide for themselves and their families. Those who can't should face the consequences, barring charity from people who CHOOSE to give them money.

I don't like being forced to give Mason's family money. I probably would have anyway, but I'd like the choice to not give.
What if Mason's cost of recovery had been $300 billion? Should the taxpayers have paid that bill?

Mason's family are great people, I'm sure. And I'm glad he's OK, or at least getting much better. But the reality is that US can't afford to spend itself into bankruptcy to save a few individuals.

The US government shouldn't be giving anyone health care. It is the responsibility of people to provide for themselves and their families. Those who can't should face the consequences, barring charity from people who CHOOSE to give them money.

I don't like being forced to give Mason's family money. I probably would have anyway, but I'd like the choice to not give.

I bet you claim to be a christian as well
You made the club
What if Mason's cost of recovery had been $300 billion? Should the taxpayers have paid that bill?

Mason's family are great people, I'm sure. And I'm glad he's OK, or at least getting much better. But the reality is that US can't afford to spend itself into bankruptcy to save a few individuals.

The US government shouldn't be giving anyone health care. It is the responsibility of people to provide for themselves and their families. Those who can't should face the consequences, barring charity from people who CHOOSE to give them money.

I don't like being forced to give Mason's family money. I probably would have anyway, but I'd like the choice to not give.

by the time cheeze dik is done putting people on ignore, this forum will appear to him as an empty theatre where he can strut and fret and shout to the mezzanine whatever lies imprecations and stupidity strikes his fancy.

what he doesnt realize is that as many people as he ignores, MORE are ignoring him.

ohh the irony.
all your tax's have been paying for everyone med bills since you filled a tax return you already pay a nice percentage to a for profit health care system that has created a system defunct of ethics and in direct contention with teh Hippocratic oath

for profit system is directly in contradiction of profit margins and is gang green with bloated insruance scams, amputation is all that can be done

WE have spoken 4 years ago and again in 2012
all your tax's have been paying for everyone med bills since you filled a tax return you already pay a nice percentage to a for profit health care system that has created a system defunct of ethics and in direct contention with teh Hippocratic oath

for profit system is directly in contradiction of profit margins and is gang green with bloated insruance scams, amputation is all that can be done

WE have spoken 4 years ago and again in 2012


cus 160 years ago, "We" spoke and certified that black people were chattel.

200 years before that "We" spoke and declared that all the world should be divided up between the european powers whether the native populace liked it or not.

75 years ago the german people spoke and elected a certain little corporal to be Chancellor...

the people dont always make the wisest choices, thats why we have a Constitutional Republic not a democracy or a dictatorship.

but hey, as long as youre happy, fuck everybody else, obama's Hope N Change popularity contest totally gave him a mandate to tear up the constitution, so lets git to rippin!

i hear it's written on hemp paper, so lets roll a giant 75 sheeter and pass that shit around then smoke it to the nub.

ill fashion a roach clip from george washington's femur and we can get high as fuck while burning our country to the ground!

aw hell, we can turn ben franklins skull into a killer bong, and we can each drop a dook into the reflecting pool.

cus 160 years ago, "We" spoke and certified that black people were chattel.

200 years before that "We" spoke and declared that all the world should be divided up between the european powers whether the native populace liked it or not.

75 years ago the german people spoke and elected a certain little corporal to be Chancellor...

the people dont always make the wisest choices, thats why we have a Constitutional Republic not a democracy or a dictatorship.

but hey, as long as youre happy, fuck everybody else, obama's Hope N Change popularity contest totally gave him a mandate to tear up the constitution, so lets git to rippin!

i hear it's written on hemp paper, so lets roll a giant 75 sheeter and pass that shit around then smoke it to the nub.

ill fashion a roach clip from george washington's femur and we can get high as fuck while burning our country to the ground!

aw hell, we can turn ben franklins skull into a killer bong, and we can each drop a dook into the reflecting pool.

yeah, because the PPACA is like the nazis, or slavery.

get a fucking grip chicken little.

cus 160 years ago, "We" spoke and certified that black people were chattel.

200 years before that "We" spoke and declared that all the world should be divided up between the european powers whether the native populace liked it or not.

75 years ago the german people spoke and elected a certain little corporal to be Chancellor...

the people dont always make the wisest choices, thats why we have a Constitutional Republic not a democracy or a dictatorship.

but hey, as long as youre happy, fuck everybody else, obama's Hope N Change popularity contest totally gave him a mandate to tear up the constitution, so lets git to rippin!

i hear it's written on hemp paper, so lets roll a giant 75 sheeter and pass that shit around then smoke it to the nub.

ill fashion a roach clip from george washington's femur and we can get high as fuck while burning our country to the ground!

aw hell, we can turn ben franklins skull into a killer bong, and we can each drop a dook into the reflecting pool.

your connection to universal health care and "cus 160 years ago, "We" spoke and certified that black people were chattel." is a very acute decription of your lack of sense ......but please proceed to watch out for falling sky
The ACA does not give healthcare to everyone, if it did I'd be behind it. Instead it requires us to buy insurance from a middle party. Even if it only regulated the insurance companies, I'd be behind it. But it requires each citizen to buy a product whether they want it or not.

Here's a hint. The fine right now is $95 a year. My lowest quote is $115 a month. Since I can't be denied for an existing condition, it's better for me to pay the fine than to buy insurance. Since I can't be denied insurance, I'll wait until I get cancer to buy insurance. You can't deny me under the new law. The fine would have to be $1380 to break even as far as I can see.

So, yeah, I'll pay the fine/tax, and save $1200 a year. No Brainer.
The ACA does not give healthcare to everyone, if it did I'd be behind it. Instead it requires us to buy insurance from a middle party. Even if it only regulated the insurance companies, I'd be behind it. But it requires each citizen to buy a product whether they want it or not.

Here's a hint. The fine right now is $95 a year. My lowest quote is $115 a month. Since I can't be denied for an existing condition, it's better for me to pay the fine than to buy insurance. Since I can't be denied insurance, I'll wait until I get cancer to buy insurance. You can't deny me under the new law. The fine would have to be $1380 to break even as far as I can see.

So, yeah, I'll pay the fine/tax, and save $1200 a year. No Brainer.

hey now! did obama give you permission to think? NO HE DID NOT!

therefore you are racist.
The ACA does not give healthcare to everyone, if it did I'd be behind it. Instead it requires us to buy insurance from a middle party. Even if it only regulated the insurance companies, I'd be behind it. But it requires each citizen to buy a product whether they want it or not.

Here's a hint. The fine right now is $95 a year. My lowest quote is $115 a month. Since I can't be denied for an existing condition, it's better for me to pay the fine than to buy insurance. Since I can't be denied insurance, I'll wait until I get cancer to buy insurance. You can't deny me under the new law. The fine would have to be $1380 to break even as far as I can see.

So, yeah, I'll pay the fine/tax, and save $1200 a year. No Brainer.

just curious, what kind of plan do you get for $115 a month, and is it through an employer?
The ACA does not give healthcare to everyone, if it did I'd be behind it. Instead it requires us to buy insurance from a middle party. Even if it only regulated the insurance companies, I'd be behind it. But it requires each citizen to buy a product whether they want it or not.

Here's a hint. The fine right now is $95 a year. My lowest quote is $115 a month. Since I can't be denied for an existing condition, it's better for me to pay the fine than to buy insurance. Since I can't be denied insurance, I'll wait until I get cancer to buy insurance. You can't deny me under the new law. The fine would have to be $1380 to break even as far as I can see.

So, yeah, I'll pay the fine/tax, and save $1200 a year. No Brainer.

No Brainer? LOL

That's what Obama and the left wanted people to think.
Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
You would still be on the hook for the medical bills you incurred during the year you did not have insurance!
The only thing you could do is get coverage during the enrollment period the following year.

Time to PAY UP!