Like trolling said the location of deployment was out of my hands. You don't get to choose. Do you know anyone that has?
I signed before 9/11 had no idea what I was getting into.
Simple, no GED...

I would've a while ago, plus they're more choosey now.

no GED explains a lot, although, not everything. how old are you again?

Like trolling said the location of deployment was out of my hands. You don't get to choose. Do you know anyone that has?
I signed before 9/11 had no idea what I was getting into.

what engagements was australia involved in before 9/11?

by the way, every vet i have posed that question to so far has told me the same thing: 'oh, ya know, i signed up BEFORE 9/11'.

but not a single vet has ever suggested that i limit my freedom of speech. ya see, that's the type of thing you are meant to defend.

'shut the fuck up and i will punch you in the throat' for simply asking questions seems a bit out of line.
Just turned 25 this October. I was never very book smart and always been a slow learner. That with a busy mother and no academic discipline doesn't help either.
Just turned 25 this October. I was never very book smart and always been a slow learner. That with a busy mother and no academic discipline doesn't help either.

just to let you know, i am framing a mental picture of you as we speak. it's a habit i developed from working on phones for a decade+.

you are barely 25, wear baggy clothes, have no car, no GED, get drunk before going to work at your minimum wage restaurant job (which i may have led you to while simply trolling you), and just one more question before i complete the picture.

you mentioned your mother, do you still live at her house?
just to let you know, i am framing a mental picture of you as we speak. it's a habit i developed from working on phones for a decade+.

I wouldnt brag about sitting on your arse all day picking up phones... I'm glad you put all your skills into something worthwhile. Or did you go to college to acquire skills in such high demand?
Lol, when I say baggy clothes, I don't mean I have them hanging off my ass, I dress nice, mostly polos.

I won't go far into my life because it's really not much of your business and it's a long story. I did have my own car, own apartment, and a decent job which I was easily supporting myself on. The thing was, I was hanging with the wrong crowed and ended up getting arrested and losing everything within 2 months, couldn't find work. Still doing dumb shit, ended up back home with my mom, so yes I do, alot of people are now days. I drink every night, in fact, I'm drunk right now, it hasn't affected my work at all because I know my limits without acting obvious.

Also, look up Florida in unemployment, you'll see why I'm lucky to have the job I have now.
I wouldnt brag about sitting on your arse all day picking up phones... I'm glad you put all your skills into something worthwhile. Or did you go to college to acquire skills in such high demand?

i wouldn't brag about it either. i mentioned it to explain the fact that i profile people based on available information. that's why certain members of this board call me a bum and a freeloader for not working desk jobs anymore and simply repairing and selling treadmills.

although i could brag if you'd like. it all started with telemarketing jobs when i was 15 or so. i bussed tables, too and once worked at KFC and mcdonalds (not simultaneously). but i always made more money on commission jobs. for a while, i worked a commission only job with dish TV. cold called people out of the phonebook and made $90 each sale, $0.00 otherwise. developed my skills. i've sold people a piece of paper with commonly available banks offering prime rate credit consolidations on it for hundreds of dollars to many people, often convincing them to take a cash advance on their nearly maxed out cards to buy this sham. coffee is for closers. i was a closer.

i moved on to soliciting donations and liked that much, much more. low pressure, easy sell, nice work places. only problem was that i was working for a pro-life "non profit". i was one of the best sellers against partial-birth abortions, but all that money i raised went 95% or more into running the operation, paying fat salaries to my turd of a boss, and the occasional $5k to a senator's campaign so that he would mention a specific phrase. sanctity of life ring a bell? i hocked that shit to more people than you can ever imagine.

but they moved onto greener monetary pastures and the script changed to getting donations for shrub. i can hock red meat to prevent partial birth abortions, but i refused to raise a red cent for shrub. so i quit. moved onto another partial commission gig getting donations from alumni and parents of the state college i was attending. put myself through college on that mother fucker. i raised twice as much as the next best caller in the place, sometimes made $60 an hour, although the gig was only 4 hours a day. by the end, i was writing the scripts and convinced them to target affluent zip codes more heavily, to great success.

i had to move before i finished my degree when my wife got into grad school. so i dropped out of college, moved with no idea where my next paycheck would come from, and within 3 weeks was once again gainfully employed. this time it was a change, i was managing a network of repair shops for a company that sold cheap chinese dirtbikes and ATVs. i was hired to do customer service for french speaking customers in quebec, but was quickly promoted to repair shop manager. i loved that job. in my mind, i was in a different dirtbike repair shop in a different part of the continent on every phone call. one minute, i was sitting in a quiet shop in lethbridge, canada, talking about how to repair a broken X,Y or Z from scratch since we didn't have the part, the next minute, i was convincing a nice shop in schenectady, new york to take our repair work. that was a great job, loved my boss and the entire company.

but alas, great things do not last. the company couldn't pay everyone (not surprising, the worst part of my job was bullshitting salt of the earth mechanics that their check would eventually arrive) so they got bought out and everyone was gone. no one was surprised. moved onto a job with the best customer service provider in the NW, quickly worked my way up to manager/trainer. but this was a company that was known as a "hostile employer". they do constructive discharges to the max every christmas season and generally just recycle through employees. more than 300 people working there and i was only outlasted by less than a dozen when my time came due.

lived on their nice severance check for a while, then onto unemployment. did not seem wise to continue to give away what i grew while unemployed, so i gradually started charging. everyone liked it, so i kept growing more. eventually, i discovered the treadmill business in full and that is where i happily reside.

phone gigs may not seem glorious, but if you take an interest in imagining what is pinned on the door of the fridge of the person you are talking to, it can be fun.

i bet i could talk to anyone here for 5 minutes and guess the content of their pockets still.
for example, i imagine that cannabineer has a 'far side' cartoon pinned up on his fridge somewhere, or has at some time.

go ahead and tell me how far off i am.
i wouldn't brag about it either. i mentioned it to explain the fact that i profile people based on available information. that's why certain members of this board call me a bum and a freeloader for not working desk jobs anymore and simply repairing and selling treadmills.

although i could brag if you'd like. it all started with telemarketing jobs when i was 15 or so. i bussed tables, too and once worked at KFC and mcdonalds (not simultaneously). but i always made more money on commission jobs. for a while, i worked a commission only job with dish TV. cold called people out of the phonebook and made $90 each sale, $0.00 otherwise. developed my skills. i've sold people a piece of paper with commonly available banks offering prime rate credit consolidations on it for hundreds of dollars to many people, often convincing them to take a cash advance on their nearly maxed out cards to buy this sham. coffee is for closers. i was a closer.

i moved on to soliciting donations and liked that much, much more. low pressure, easy sell, nice work places. only problem was that i was working for a pro-life "non profit". i was one of the best sellers against partial-birth abortions, but all that money i raised went 95% or more into running the operation, paying fat salaries to my turd of a boss, and the occasional $5k to a senator's campaign so that he would mention a specific phrase. sanctity of life ring a bell? i hocked that shit to more people than you can ever imagine.

but they moved onto greener monetary pastures and the script changed to getting donations for shrub. i can hock red meat to prevent partial birth abortions, but i refused to raise a red cent for shrub. so i quit. moved onto another partial commission gig getting donations from alumni and parents of the state college i was attending. put myself through college on that mother fucker. i raised twice as much as the next best caller in the place, sometimes made $60 an hour, although the gig was only 4 hours a day. by the end, i was writing the scripts and convinced them to target affluent zip codes more heavily, to great success.

i had to move before i finished my degree when my wife got into grad school. so i dropped out of college, moved with no idea where my next paycheck would come from, and within 3 weeks was once again gainfully employed. this time it was a change, i was managing a network of repair shops for a company that sold cheap chinese dirtbikes and ATVs. i was hired to do customer service for french speaking customers in quebec, but was quickly promoted to repair shop manager. i loved that job. in my mind, i was in a different dirtbike repair shop in a different part of the continent on every phone call. one minute, i was sitting in a quiet shop in lethbridge, canada, talking about how to repair a broken X,Y or Z from scratch since we didn't have the part, the next minute, i was convincing a nice shop in schenectady, new york to take our repair work. that was a great job, loved my boss and the entire company.

but alas, great things do not last. the company couldn't pay everyone (not surprising, the worst part of my job was bullshitting salt of the earth mechanics that their check would eventually arrive) so they got bought out and everyone was gone. no one was surprised. moved onto a job with the best customer service provider in the NW, quickly worked my way up to manager/trainer. but this was a company that was known as a "hostile employer". they do constructive discharges to the max every christmas season and generally just recycle through employees. more than 300 people working there and i was only outlasted by less than a dozen when my time came due.

lived on their nice severance check for a while, then onto unemployment. did not seem wise to continue to give away what i grew while unemployed, so i gradually started charging. everyone liked it, so i kept growing more. eventually, i discovered the treadmill business in full and that is where i happily reside.

phone gigs may not seem glorious, but if you take an interest in imagining what is pinned on the door of the fridge of the person you are talking to, it can be fun.

i bet i could talk to anyone here for 5 minutes and guess the content of their pockets still.

sounds like your proud to be a egotistical bottom feeding conman
but this was a company that was known as a "hostile employer". they do constructive discharges to the max every christmas season and generally just recycle through employees. more than 300 people working there and i was only outlasted by less than a dozen when my time came due.

Doesn't the US have legistlation in place to protect workers rights against say unlawfull termination or adverse action?


Its a case of do as I say, not as I do with soetoro.

Again im please that his empty rhetoric on gay marriage & equality elicits support for all his policies

All you're showing me is the follow through in an investigation that started before O'Bama was in office. They were following procedure. Steven Tyrell drafted the original indictment. The investigation and indictment process was happening during an Administration transition. What were they supposed to do, declare all ongoing investigations null and void?

Empty rhetoric? That right there shows me that you haven't the faintest fucking ideas what's going on. You're just another Fox News propaganda regurgitator.


  1. Signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which expanded existing United States federal hate crime law to include crimes motivated by a victim’s actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability -- the first positive federal LGBT legislation in the nation's history
  2. Repealed Don't Ask/Don't Tell
  3. Signed the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act


  1. Reversed US refusal to sign the UN Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  2. Extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees in 2009 and, further, in 2010
  3. Lifted the HIV Entry Ban
  4. Issued diplomatic passports, and provided other benefits, to the partners of same-sex foreign service employees
  5. Committed to ensuring that federal housing programs are open to all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity
  6. Conceived a National Resource Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Elders -- the nation's first ever -- funded by a three-year HHS grant to SAG
  7. Banned job discrimination based on gender identity throughout the Federal government (the nation's largest employer)
  8. Eliminated the discriminatory Census Bureau policy that kept our relationships from being counted, encouraging couples who consider themselves married to file that way, even if their state of residence does not yet permit legal marriage
  9. Instructed HHS to require any hospital receiving Medicare or Medicaid funds (virtually all hospitals) to allow LGBT visitation rights
  10. Required all grant applicants seeking HUD funding to comply with state and local anti-discrimination laws that protect LGBT individuals
  11. Adopted transgender recommendations on the issuance of gender-appropriate passports that will ease barriers to safe travel and that will provide government-issued ID that avoids involuntary "outing" in situations requiring ID, like hiring, where a gender-appropriate driver's license or birth certificate is not available
  12. Extended domestic violence protections to LGBT victims
  13. Extended the Family and Medical Leave Act to cover employees taking unpaid leave to care for the children of same-sex partners
  14. Issued guidance to assist tenants denied housing on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and banned LGBT discrimination in all HUD-assisting housing and HUD-assisted loans
  15. Issued a National HIV/AIDS Strategy praised as "long-overdue" by the Task Force, Lambda and others
  16. Issued guidance to 15,000 local departments of education and 5,000 colleges to support educators in combating bullying
  17. Cut back authority to discharge under Don't Ask/Don't Tell from hundreds of generals to just 6 civilian appointees, effectively ending discharges while working toward a permanent end to the policy.
  18. Led the fight that reversed a 2010 UN vote removing sexual orientation from the list of things people should not be killed for
  19. Launched the first-ever national study of discrimination against members of the LGBT community in the rental and sale of housing
  20. Determined that Section 3 of DOMA is unconstitutional
  21. Determined that LGBT discrimination should be subject to a standard of "heightened scrutiny"
  22. Stopped defending DOMA, leading to "dramatic changes across the country and the federal government in the way that lawyers and judges see legal challenges brought by LGBT people - and, slowly but surely, in the way that LGBT people are able to live their lives"
  23. Filed an unprecedented brief detailing the history of discrimination faced by gay, lesbian and bisexual people in America, including by the federal government itself -- the single most persuasive legal argument ever advanced by the United States government in support of equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people
  24. Vacated a court order that would have deported a gay American's Venezuelan partner
  25. Begun recognizing joint bankruptcy petitions filed by same-sex married couples
  26. Endorsed the Respect for Marriage Act
  27. Reduced the deportation threat faced by binational LGBT couples
  28. Authorized military chaplains to perform same-sex weddings on or off military bases
  29. Upped the nation's commitment to fighting HIV/AIDS at home and abroad
  30. Launched a muscular, game-changing campaign for global LGBT equality, highlighted by the Secretary of State in a half-hour address to the United Nations
  31. Extended the gender-based employment discrimination protections of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to transgender employees
  32. Added an LGBT representative to the diversity program at each of the nations 120 federal prisons


  1. Endorsed the Baldwin-Lieberman bill, The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2009, to provide FULL partnership benefits to federal employees
  2. Released the first Presidential PRIDE proclamations since 2000
  3. Hosted the first LGBT Pride Month Celebration in White House history
  4. Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Harvey Milk and Billie Jean King, joining past recipients such as Rosa Parks
  5. Appointed the first ever transgender DNC member
  6. Testified in favor of ENDA, the first time any official of any administration has testified in the Senate on ENDA
  7. Hired more openly LGBT officials (like these) in its first two years -- more than 150, including more than 20 "Senate-confirmables" -- than any previous administration hired in four years or eight
  8. Sworn in Ambassador David Huebner
  9. Changed the culture of government everywhere from – among others – HUD and HHS to the Export-Import Bank, the State Department, and the Department of Education
  10. Appointed Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, instead of conservatives who would have tilted the Court even further to the right and virtually doomed our rights for a generation. To wit (quoting McCain): "I've said a thousand times on this campaign trail, I've said as often as I can, that I want to find clones of Alito and Roberts. I worked as hard as anybody to get them confirmed. I look you in the eye and tell you I've said a thousand times that I wanted Alito and Roberts. I have told anybody who will listen. I flat-out tell you I will have people as close to Roberts and Alito [as possible]."
  11. Named open transgender appointees (the first President ever to do so)
  12. Emphasized LGBT inclusion in everything from the President’s historic NAACP address (“The pain of discrimination is still felt in America. By African American women paid less for doing the same work as colleagues of a different color and a different gender. By Latinos made to feel unwelcome in their own country. By Muslim Americans viewed with suspicion simply because they kneel down to pray to their God. By our gay brothers and sisters, still taunted, still attacked, still denied their rights.”) . . . to the first paragraph of his Family Day proclamation (“Whether children are raised by two parents, a single parent, grandparents, a same-sex couple, or a guardian, families encourage us to do our best and enable us to accomplish great things”) and his Mothers Day proclamation ("Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by two parents, a single mother, two mothers, a step-mom, a grandmother, or a guardian. Mother's Day gives us an opportunity to celebrate these extraordinary caretakers") . . . to creating the chance for an adorable 10-year-old at the White House Easter Egg roll to tell ABC World News how cool it is to have two mommies . . . to including the chair of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce along with the Secretary of the Treasury and the President of Goldman Sachs in the small audience for the President’s economic address at the New York Stock Exchange . . . to welcoming four gay couples to its first State Dinner
  13. Recommitted, in a televised address, to passing ENDA . . . repealing Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell . . . repealing the so-called Defense of Marriage Act
  14. Spoken out against discrimination at the National Prayer Breakfast ("We may disagree about gay marriage, but surely we can agree that it is unconscionable to target gays and lesbians for who they are -- whether it's here in the United States or, as Hillary mentioned, more extremely in odious laws that are being proposed most recently in Uganda.")
  15. Dispatched the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to call on the Senate to repeal Don't Ask / Don't Tell
  16. Launched a website to gather public comment on first-ever federal LGBT housing discrimination study
  17. Appointed long-time equality champion Chai Feldblum one of the four Commissioners of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  18. Produced U.S. Census Bureau PSAs featuring gay, lesbian, and transgender spokespersons
  19. Appointed Retired Colonel Margarethe Cammermeyer, an early public champion of open service in the military, to the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services
  20. Publicly invited the shunned MIssissippi high school prom student to the White House
  21. Successfully fought for UN accreditation of IGLHRC (the International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission) -- against Republican attempts to block it
  22. Convened the first-ever anti-bullying summit to craft a national strategy to reduce bullying in schools
  23. Launched stopbullying.gov
  24. Awarded $13.3 million to the LA Gay & Lesbian Center to create a model program for LGBTQ youth in the foster care system
  25. Tweeted to 5.7 million BarackObama followers and nearly 2 million WhiteHouse followers the President's "It Gets Better" video
  26. Embraced that campaign with heartfelt messages from, as well, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Agriculture (aimed particularly at rural youth), the Secretaries of Education and Health & Human Services, the Secretary of Labor (in English and Spanish), the Director of OPM and LGBT members of the White House staff
  27. Issued a Department of Justice video urging kids to call a Justice Department toll-free number if their school is aware of bullying but taking no action
  28. Held the first ever White House conference on bullying prevention, led by the President and First Lady
  29. Hosted first-ever White House transgender policy meeting
  30. Emphasized the positive value of Gay-straight Student Alliances (GSAs) and advised the nation's school districts of their legal responsibility to allow establishment of GSAs
  31. Appointed the first openly gay man to serve on the federal bench
  32. Nominated the first open lesbian US attorney
  33. Nominated the first openly gay US attorney to serve Texas
  34. Forced the Tehachipi Unified School District to prevent and respond to gender-based harassment
  35. Acknowledged in federal court the U.S. government's "significant and regrettable role" in discrimination in America against gays and lesbians, arguing that DOMA is unconstitutional. ("This is your U.S. Justice Department, folks, forcefully, stunningly taking on the homophobes in Congress and a huge Obama WIN." -- Rex Wockner)
  36. Appointed open lesbian activist to West Point advisory board
  37. Used the President's annual United Nations address to say, "no country should deny people their rights because of who they love, which is why we must stand up for the rights of gays and lesbians everywhere."
  38. Presented Janice Langbehn with the Presidential Citizens Award for her role in securing hospital visitation rights
  39. Convened the first-ever White House LGBT Elder Housing summit
  40. Endorsed the Student Non-Discrimination Act and the Safe Schools improvement Act targeting discrimination and bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity
  41. Endorsed marriage equality
We don't get fox news here in AUS. And I love boobies so gay rights is a non issue for me. If you wana suck cock good luck to you.
for example, i imagine that cannabineer has a 'far side' cartoon pinned up on his fridge somewhere, or has at some time.

go ahead and tell me how far off i am.

Sorry, no. No cartoons of any sort barring an old birthday card. When i was married, we did have a couple of "For Better or for Worse" panels. cn
Sorry, no. No cartoons of any sort barring an old birthday card. When i was married, we did have a couple of "For Better or for Worse" panels. cn

Lucky! The front of my fridge is covered with grandchildren "treasures". Drawings, newspaper clippings, photos, strange macaroni creations, and tons of magnets. I am forever pickup up or stepping on (usually in bare feet) the little fruit shaped magnets we have to hold all this shit on there.
I have a 365 page daily calendar from 2003 that I'm using to introduce my kids to Far Side. So far I have to explain about half, but the other half they love and are getting it more and more. I think I actually outgrew Far Side, because it's not realy that funny to me anymore.

I also miss Bloom County, but I am old, as you can tell ^^^.
sure A LOT of "ME, ME, ME" going on in here.

looks like a lot of self doubt to me.

someone PLEASE like me.

Doesn't the US have legistlation in place to protect workers rights against say unlawfull termination or adverse action?

that's why they're deemed a "hostile employer" and had to bribe me into not suing them by signing on the dotted line for a hefty severance check.

you can show up to work naked, take a dump in the middle of the calling floor, and then cuss out a few customers on the phone to get fired and still collect unemployment, which is usually reserved for people who lose their job through no fault of their own.

i milked about $25k worth of severance and UI from that joint.