Obama, Van Jones and the indoctrination of our children


Well-Known Member
promises to...

-repeal patriot act which was modified and reinstilled

The act is up at the end of this year. So how do you get this as re-upped. There was no actual work done on it yet, so why not let him actually mess it up before we kick him for it?

The Obama Administration goes two steps further than Bush did, and claims that the US PATRIOT Act also renders the U.S. immune from suit under the two remaining key federal surveillance laws: the Wiretap Act and the Stored Communications Act. Essentially, the Obama Administration has claimed that the government cannot be held accountable for illegal surveillance under any federal statutes.
A claim of what it does is not what you are implying it is.

-cyber security act...to protect from tERRORISM LOL
S.773 - Cybersecurity Act of 2009

A bill to ensure the continued free flow of commerce within the United States and with its global trading partners through secure cyber communications, to provide for the continued development and exploitation of the Internet and intranet communications for such purposes, to provide for the development of a cadre of information technology specialists to improve and maintain effective cybersecurity defenses against disruption, and for other purposes.
Again the bill is not even written yet. I know this is not the way we like it here in america, but lets not jump the gun until we actually see something. Besides with all the crime that the internet allows (*coughweedwebsite*) stopping things like the craigslist killer may not be the worst thing ever.
-troops home from iraq (not 17,000 more in afghanistan)
He actually had said all along (during his campaign) that he was going to send more troops to afghanastan, and end america's active involvement in the war. So far that is not the worst thing in the world, and he is keeping up with it.

-transparency/lobbyists in washington. the number ONE reason i supported obama in the least, and all of these reasons were strong points for me
Yeah you have him here. This is bullshit, and never would have been done once the flow of money started.

i could go on, but it's really not worth my time

he CHOSE tax-evading ex-prez of the fed timmy geithner to be tREASURY. he JUSt nominated ben bernanke for another term as chairman of the fed. he's proposed legislation to allow the fed power to regulate "systematic risk" in our economy.
You don't think that there should be someone that can keep track of businesses that can push America into another economic disaster?

I get that people do not want any government regardless of what it is, but think, one way or another your screwed, either it is by businesses or down the road the government. At least the government has to stand up and try to fix their mistakes eventually. Businesses just close down with the CEO's escaping with billions.

And for Geithner, yeah he gambled with Turbo-Tax and got caught. They did not have self business income input slots then, and I would bet that is why he used it. But he was the president of the NY Federal reserve bank, so one of the few things that would give you insight into every major bank in the US. And has a economics masters.

So what you would rather he put a farmer or low level employee that does not have the same insight in a position as important as Treasury secretary?

HE'S appointed his financial advisers, who've created the BAILOUt packages for these banks to take trillions from us. it's reverse bank robbery.
What? Do you know where we were at when those things where done? No I guess not, because if you truly did understand the importance of not letting the banks fail you would not have written that.
LOL i know ur not blind...
Thank you, I am not blind, I know corruption exists, but nobody is clean up there in somebodies eyes. The things may be legal or illegal, but it doesn't matter everyone is either dirty, or dirty by association.
add it up hanimmal. why do u even bother defending lying, manipulative, deceptive politicians like obama who could give a fuck less about you or i

why did u even bother asking me to defend anything i said? i'm bewildered
He doesn't know us to care about us. I get that. But to say that he is taking your rights away is wrong.

He has kept or compromised on 52 promises so far, and only broke or stalled out on 19. Here track it yourself: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/

Just because things are put in the news or internet that says this is what is happening does not make it the case.


Well-Known Member
where you saying the same thing back then Hannimal?
No to be honest I had not even heard of Bush doing that.

And if you have not caught it before BigP, I will say it again.

I was wrong about Bush. We got pushed the same bullshit that they are pushing about Obama. They just have learned how well it works, oh 'They' is the republicans, even if it is disguised as independents. It does not matter if it is all based on lies and mangling of the truth, as long as it discredits.

And when people who start off thinking that it is garbage, after hearing the constant barrage of attacks, they start to think something may be true about it. So then they start to question it, and not the people making up the 'news'. And that is when the other party can say they are the change (like what the dems did this time). When in reality it is all the same economics that work for the big business.

See even these things are good for big business, healthcare reform, means that the big businesses won't have to spend as much on insurance for their employees. Bailouts (under Bush btw) made it so that the economy did not collapse which helped big business (although total economic meltdown would have helped them more).

No matter what it is the same thing.

So I will continue to vote for the people that try (even if it is a half ass try) to look after civil rights, like a womans right to chose for herself, like gay rights, ect.

And the rest I will try to see how it will benefit us all, because if I just decided to look at how things could possibly be used to screw me over at some hypothetical point in time, I would have a nervous breakdown.

Big P

Well-Known Member
you can think of bush what you want, but he did not want to change the land of the free, he loved her

it seems all that time obama was talking about change, he didnt mean as we all thought, that he was gonna change little things here and there to fix problems we had, but he meant somthing a lot different

he meant change america as it is today, into a differnt more socialist country, into somthing it never was and never intended to be

and then after his election he proceeds, to the shock of many, with these radical changes, which is stupid when you think about it cuz he was telling us he planned to fundimentally change america the whole time, so we should have seen it coming.

but at the same time he would decieve poeple to make us think he would not govern in a radical way but instead a more middle of the road approach

but now with all his vote now before theres debate approch and his frantic grab to push crazy bills through, apointments of csars that do not have to be confirmed, one of which is no less than an admitted communist

it is more than clear that obama wants to change america into a more socialist state

and this is the main differnce between the bush haters of yester year and the obama haters today.

as bush was not trully changing america into somthing else.

but barack obama is.

and he is changing it, to policies that have been tried and failed many times before.

America as it always has been, is the more prosperous country and the most tried and true method for success

i gives a fuck about a man named obama or a man named bush

but I gives me life for a gurl named America.

cuz if we let him do as he pleases her name will not be America anymore, even if they keep calling her by that name.

And if we did not fight these forces as we are now, She would have died alone, a long long time ago



Well-Known Member
This whole thing is unsettling. everyone would have to agree that they are gonna have more power if they get everything they want passed. ANY republican or democrat doing that is un-American IMO. Our forefather's enemy was big government. They specifically limited the power of government. Now politicians are tricking the American people into voting away our freedoms!


Well-Known Member
BigP, do you actually have any thoughts of your own or do you rely on cut and paste in order to communicate?

Obama is a communist for raising the debt ceiling? Bush raised it, too.

Or is he a communist for increasing the deficit? I mean, plenty of presidents before him have done that, too.

Do you even know what "communist" means? Because it sure seems like you don't.
I think the part where the current administration was trying to get publicly funded arts programs to produce art on a specific issue that benefits this administration...that smells of communism/facism.


Well-Known Member
So how do you guys that are anti this bill feel about JFK? Remebering he cut the top 1% tax bracket from 90% down to 50%, yada-yada.


Well-Known Member
Long and short of it...we are infact losing this nation's identity. It is not solely Obama's fault...but he is responsible for doing the same damage that others have done...at a greatly accelerated rate.

Will Patriot Act be repealed? No. It's power will increase and the accountability of those who use it against us will decrease.

Bailout bills...I could spend hundreds of pages on how wrong they are. I did in fact write 4 different representatives BEFORE the first bailout was voted on. I called too but was never able to get through by phone. The only one to reply to my written concerns was the Rep. from my area that agreed with me and voted as such.

Wars. Listen we still have no exit strat anywhere. We still have 130,000 troops in Iraq. People act like that shiite is over...130,000 families would disagree. BTW? There are now ZERO countries in Iraq helping us. ZERO. There are now 55,000 troops in Afghanistan with talks of even more going.

As far as Obama talking to my kid in school? That doesn't actually bother me too much as I can talk to my son.

The 35 Czars of this that and the other thing ARE VERY UNSETTLING. We voted for not one of these people and we know NOTHING about them...yet they hold power over facets of our lives...on our dime.

I think Obama is more corrupt and more dishonest than the average politician...and THAT is the problem.


Well-Known Member
Just how exactly are the Czars helping. yes i know Bush had Czars too. But he had 8, NOT 34! why do you need more and what exactly is there power. How come he cant just tell us?


:eyesmoke:no such thing as al qada where are they now its all about the taliban .I wonder if they bombed world trade center im confused some help i must smoke to much:?: does anyone cares about how we got hear obama must put us hear seems like you'll are mad at the right person imagine that:clap:


Well-Known Member
Please show me where in the text of the speech children are asked to pledge allegiance to Obama.

Take your fearmongering elsewhere. You're ruining my buzz. :finger:
Thats pretty much all they can do now. My wife is a 1st grade teacher and a parent told their child that Obama was going to steal her piggy bank. Poor kid came to school in tears , my wife kept asking her whats wrong because she said she was a loving care free kid, darn child burst into tears with" Obama going steal my piggy bank". Funny and sad at the same time...My wife told her she don't think Obama going to steal your piggy bank...child said "Mommy said Obama going to steal it" My wife was at a lost for words. Wife told the mother what had happen with her child that day on a conf. call to home..Mom said "Oh my I was just joking with her"... ....Geezzzz good parenting mother....

Big P

Well-Known Member
Thats pretty much all they can do now. My wife is a 1st grade teacher and a parent told their child that Obama was going to steal her piggy bank. Poor kid came to school in tears , my wife kept asking her whats wrong because she said she was a loving care free kid, darn child burst into tears with" Obama going steal my piggy bank". Funny and sad at the same time...My wife told her she don't think Obama going to steal your piggy bank...child said "Mommy said Obama going to steal it" My wife was at a lost for words. Wife told the mother what had happen with her child that day on a conf. call to home..Mom said "Oh my I was just joking with her"... ....Geezzzz good parenting mother....

trust me i started crying too when I found out he was comin for my piggy bank too:bigjoint:


Big P

Well-Known Member
your a salacious lier and apparently an ignorant fool, but I expect no less from a man of your low caliber.

to try to suggest that i am a bad parent because your wife saw a bad parent at work is pretty stupid my friend not to mention highly insulting

did you really think you could pass that shit off?

when you tell that story you try to make is sound like everyone who has different views than you makes thier little children cry.

save the drama for your momma:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
LMAO@ "salacious lier"

BigP, please look up the definition of the word "salacious" (as well as the spelling of the word "liar", yes that's right l-i-A-r) and tell me that's the word you meant to use in that sentence.

The point of the story was NOT to pick apart people with different views. This mother made her child hysterical with worry that Obama would steal her piggy bank, to the point the child CRIED about it. Please tell me how that's good parenting.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty much all they can do now. My wife is a 1st grade teacher and a parent told their child that Obama was going to steal her piggy bank. Poor kid came to school in tears , my wife kept asking her whats wrong because she said she was a loving care free kid, darn child burst into tears with" Obama going steal my piggy bank". Funny and sad at the same time...My wife told her she don't think Obama going to steal your piggy bank...child said "Mommy said Obama going to steal it" My wife was at a lost for words. Wife told the mother what had happen with her child that day on a conf. call to home..Mom said "Oh my I was just joking with her"... ....Geezzzz good parenting mother....

That's exactly the brand of unproductive drivel the repubs in the media are selling these days.

I saw a news story on television on Obama being the "antichrist". For real? That's "news"? That's worth airing on national television? Sure, some people (read: idiots) might think that, but that doesn't mean it's worth broadcasting as "news"! I knew an old lady who thought Fred Astaire's ghost would visit her late at night for bourbon and tea. Does it make her newsworthy? Nah, just makes her crazy.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Rather than start a new post:

Here's another example of a leftist whack-job, feeding our children propaganda, "we must save the poor chickens".

Read all about it here.

And in another unrelated story CNBC (the business network, owned by GE, and part of the Obama white house spin control) is going on sesame street to teach kids the truth about the economic crises, or maybe something more sinister?
Elmo Feels Your Pain: Tough Times Hit Sesame Street
It seems like trying to brainwash our children is a common tactic of the leftists.
It's a good thing the left doesn't believe in God because Jesus said in Matthew 18: "Whoever causes one of these little ones (children) who believe in me to sin,
it would be better for him if a great millstone
were put around his neck
and he were thrown into the sea.

Big P

Well-Known Member
LMAO@ "salacious lier"

BigP, please look up the definition of the word "salacious" (as well as the spelling of the word "liar", yes that's right l-i-A-r) and tell me that's the word you meant to use in that sentence.

The point of the story was NOT to pick apart people with different views. This mother made her child hysterical with worry that Obama would steal her piggy bank, to the point the child CRIED about it. Please tell me how that's good parenting.

doob your mindless divel is taxing, you never even get the jist of anything and your replies are always off because you misread or fabricate the issue.

your asking me to tell you how its good parenting when I was the one who got pissed that the other guy implied that I do the same thing with my children? why the hell would you then ask me how that is good parenting?

doob im glad you can spell bro but thats about all you can do, try making sense once in a while

and yes "salacious" was the exact word and meaning I was using

Salacious lier, meaning he lies with lust.

maybe you would have better combacks if you were on the English Language Discussion Forumsbongsmilie

here the link:
