Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act

someone shoulda told the jews to vote with their dollars right, sometimes it's not enough like when the gov is in their pocket(and my grandma fled france from nazis so please no retarded replies about how your family blah blah blah and what an insensitive analogy), But you are right about doing what we can and voting with dollars, did you guys already know that miracle gro lobbies to get the definition of organic changed to suit them, probably got it done by now, MG probably is monsanto, all the home depot ferts and soils seem to be the same corp. with different names
microfarming non gmo crops for our own communities and keeping safe seed stocks is the only choice in my opinion in the case of these chemnazis, shit is really scary imo

don't forget our most arch nemesis..big pharma lobby and how they are keeping patients addicted to their medications
and maybe I swallowed it but not from this article alone, Monsanto has proven themselves enough to be hated by me

Then you hate nothing, as I have been showing.. It's your shadow boxer. Your straw dog. They have done nothing but they got smeared by us hippies, in the Nam days. Agent Orange and DDT. And we were so wrong. They are, like Ford Motor Company, part of our dual use War ready Defense Contractor Companies. And that is only because, they can handle the rigors of DOD. (you know nothing about that)

So, just keep handing the things you think they did wrong and I will show you how us silly hippies ended up making mind twisted, new hippies. Woops.
Then you hate nothing, as I have been showing.. It's your shadow boxer. Your straw dog. They have done nothing but they got smeared by us hippies, in the Nam days. Agent Orange and DDT. And we were so wrong. They are, like Ford Motor Company, part of our dual use War ready Defense Contractor Companies. And that is only because, they can handle the rigors of DOD. (you know nothing about that)

So, just keep handing the things you think they did wrong and I will show you how us silly hippies ended up making mind twisted, new hippies. Woops.

What are you cia? nsa? nwa?
some kindof weird mind fucking attempt, war good, agent orange so good, silly hippies, NAM goo, wait what fuck that, I know nothing about DOD, why would I ?but wake up a sec and look at the big picture, we are the big evil empire, military bases strangling the planet, oil wars, what's dar fur, sex slavery(oh well move on) why do you feel the need to defend monsanto? seriously you work for them right
What are you cia? nsa? nwa?

Ah, here we go. Check this out.

Paranoia strikes deep. Into your mind it will creep. It starts when you are always afraid. The Man comes and takes you away.

....what do really think? :)

I am a proud member of WE that are very glad 735 got in there. I had to wait till the law was passed to see what was in the law that passed. But, it's in there. And what it is actually does not even resemble what the GM rags are spewing about. This leaves some folks in the wind....tattered in the tyranny of opinion. Find out for yourself. We are only discussing that. The law passed.

Is it fair to hold up the spring planting over worry? YES or NO? Why can't you answer? I'm a citizen. You don't seem to be serious enough to read beyond the partisan spew. So boring.
some kindof weird mind fucking attempt, war good, agent orange so good, silly hippies, NAM goo, wait what fuck that, I know nothing about DOD, why would I ?but wake up a sec and look at the big picture, we are the big evil empire, military bases strangling the planet, oil wars, what's dar fur, sex slavery(oh well move on) why do you feel the need to defend monsanto? seriously you work for them right

You can work against the casino. I did.
You can try to Win in the casino. I did.
You can work for the casino. I do.

The Casino, is the USA in case you need a hint. I decided to Join WE who own the casino and work in that an pay taxes and get stoned, successfully. I've already thought the way you do. Shallow and dismissive. Ignorant and arrogant.

I began to study, as Che suggested. I woke up.

You have no idea what the military-industrial complex actually is, or what is does or how it does it. The DOD.

Just slogans for you, it seems.
There is a growing body of research suggesting that GM grains can lead to liver and renal problems. El-Nahas, A. F., Mohamed, A. A., Zweel, H. H., & El-Ashwamy, I. M. (2011). Hepatorenal and genotoxic effects of genetically modified quail meat in a 90-day dietary toxicity study in mice. International Food Research Journal, 18(4), 1313-1319.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible hepatorenal toxicity and genotoxicity from eating meat meal of genetically modified (GM) Japanese quail in 90 days dietary experiment using micronucleus (MN) test, mitotic index (MI) and RAPD-PCR for genotoxicity assay, ALT, AST, urea and creatinine for hepatorenal toxicity. Four groups of Swiss male mice were used. Control 1 received balanced ration, control 2 received 20% non-GM quail meat, treated 1 received 20% GM quail meat meal, and treated 2 received 40%
GM quail meat meal. Minor differences in body weight were observed between the 4 groups. 40% GM quail meat meal induced hepatorenal toxicity; meanwhile 20% induced renal toxicity only. GM quail meat mealinduced genotoxicity by increased MN and nuclear buds caused by the 40%, while 20% caused nuclear buds only. Our RAPD fingerprints showed differences between the individual of both controls and both treatments in the number and intensity of the amplified DNA bands. The combined data of MN, nuclear buds and RAPD data indicate the genotoxic effect of both doses of GM quail meat which have nearby effects on fragmentation of genetic material.

Séralini, G., Cellier, D., & Vendomois, J. (2007). New Analysis of a Rat Feeding Study with a Genetically Modified Maize Reveals Signs of Hepatorenal Toxicity. Archives Of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, 52(4), 596-602. doi:10.1007/s00244-006-0149-5

Abstract. Health risk assessment of genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) cultivated for food or feed is under debate
throughout the world, and very little data have been published
on mid- or long-term toxicological studies with mammals. One
of these studies performed under the responsibility of
Monsanto Company with a transgenic corn MON863 has been
subjected to questions from regulatory reviewers in Europe,
where it was finally approved in 2005. This necessitated a new
assessment of kidney pathological findings, and the results
remained controversial. An Appeal Court action in Germany
(M_nster) allowed public access in June 2005 to all the crude
data from this 90-day rat-feeding study. We independently
re-analyzed these data. Appropriate statistics were added, such
as a multivariate analysis of the growth curves, and for
biochemical parameters comparisons between GMO-treated
rats and the controls fed with an equivalent normal diet, and
separately with six reference diets with different compositions.
We observed that after the consumption of MON863, rats
showed slight but dose-related significant variations in growth
for both sexes, resulting in 3.3% decrease in weight for males
and 3.7% increase for females. Chemistry measurements
reveal signs of hepatorenal toxicity, marked also by differential
sensitivities in males and females. Triglycerides increased
by 24–40% in females (either at week 14, dose 11% or at week
5, dose 33%, respectively); urine phosphorus and sodium
excretions diminished in males by 31–35% (week 14, dose
33%) for the most important results significantly linked to the
treatment in comparison to seven diets tested. Longer experiments
are essential in order to indicate the real nature and
extent of the possible pathology; with the present data it cannot
be concluded that GM corn MON863 is a safe product.

Walsh, M. C., Buzoianu, S. G., Gardiner, G. E., Rea, M. C., Gelencsér, E., Jánosi, A., & ... Lawlor, P. G. (2011). Fate of Transgenic DNA from Orally Administered Bt MON810 Maize and Effects on Immune Response and Growth in Pigs. Plos ONE, 6(11), 1-12. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027177

We assessed the effect of short-term feeding of genetically modified (GM: Bt MON810) maize on immune responses and growth in weanling pigs and determined the fate of the transgenic DNA and protein in-vivo. Pigs were fed a diet containing 38.9% GM or non-GM isogenic parent line maize for 31 days. We observed that IL-12 and IFNc production from mitogenic stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells decreased (P,0.10) following 31 days of GM maize exposure. While Cry1Abspecific IgG and IgA were not detected in the plasma of GM maize-fed pigs, the detection of the cry1Ab gene and protein was limited to the gastrointestinal digesta and was not found in the kidneys, liver, spleen, muscle, heart or blood. Feeding GM maize to weanling pigs had no effect on growth performance or body weight. IL-6 and IL-4 production from isolated splenocytes were increased (P,0.05) in response to feeding GM maize while the proportion of CD4+ T cells in the spleen decreased. In the ileum, the proportion of B cells and macrophages decreased while the proportion of CD4+ T cells increased in GM maize-fed pigs. IL-8 and IL-4 production from isolated intraepithelial and lamina propria lymphocytes were also increased (P,0.05) in response to feeding GM maize. In conclusion, there was no evidence of cry1Ab gene or protein translocation to the organs and blood of weaning pigs. The growth of pigs was not affected by feeding GM maize. Alterations in immune responses were detected; however, their biologic relevance is questionable.

Malatesta, M., Boraldi, F., Annovi, G., Baldelli, B., Battistelli, S., Biggiogera, M., & Quaglino, D. (2008). A long-term study on female mice fed on a genetically modified soybean: effects on liver ageing. Histochemistry & Cell Biology, 130(5), 967-977. doi:10.1007/s00418-008-0476-x

Abstract Liver represents a suitable model for monitoring
the eVects of a diet, due to its key role in controlling the
whole metabolism. Although no direct evidence has been
reported so far that genetically modiWed (GM) food may
aVect health, previous studies on hepatocytes from young
female mice fed on GM soybean demonstrated nuclear
modiWcations involving transcription and splicing pathways.
In this study, the eVects of this diet were studied on
liver of old female mice in order to elucidate possible interference
with ageing. The morpho-functional characteristics
of the liver of 24-month-old mice, fed from weaning on
control or GM soybean, were investigated by combining a
proteomic approach with ultrastructural, morphometrical
and immunoelectron microscopical analyses. Several proteins
belonging to hepatocyte metabolism, stress response,
calcium signalling and mitochondria were diVerentially
expressed in GM-fed mice, indicating a more marked
expression of senescence markers in comparison to controls.
Moreover, hepatocytes of GM-fed mice showed mitochondrial
and nuclear modiWcations indicative of reduced
metabolic rate. This study demonstrates that GM soybean
intake can inXuence some liver features during ageing and,
although the mechanisms remain unknown, underlines the
importance to investigate the long-term consequences of
GM-diets and the potential synergistic eVects with ageing,
xenobiotics and/or stress conditions.
Wow actual data.

My bone with this is that it's an argument against specific strains of GM crops, and not against the idea of GM crops in general.

If there's a regulatory issue, then it needs to be addressed but the Act posted by the OP merely allows planting of unregulated strains but there is still a method for banning dangerous strains.

If someone just has a hate-boner for Monsanto, that's totally cool with me but they shouldn't just automatically assume GM = Monsanto.
Then you hate nothing, as I have been showing.. It's your shadow boxer. Your straw dog. They have done nothing but they got smeared by us hippies, in the Nam days. Agent Orange and DDT. And we were so wrong. They are, like Ford Motor Company, part of our dual use War ready Defense Contractor Companies. And that is only because, they can handle the rigors of DOD. (you know nothing about that)

So, just keep handing the things you think they did wrong and I will show you how us silly hippies ended up making mind twisted, new hippies. Woops.

stop posting bullshit downs boys...
You can work against the casino. I did.
You can try to Win in the casino. I did.
You can work for the casino. I do.

The Casino, is the USA in case you need a hint. I decided to Join WE who own the casino and work in that an pay taxes and get stoned, successfully. I've already thought the way you do. Shallow and dismissive. Ignorant and arrogant.

I began to study, as Che suggested. I woke up.

You have no idea what the military-industrial complex actually is, or what is does or how it does it. The DOD.

Just slogans for you, it seems.

irony... especially when considering you don't know your arse from your face...
Wow actual data.

My bone with this is that it's an argument against specific strains of GM crops, and not against the idea of GM crops in general.

If there's a regulatory issue, then it needs to be addressed but the Act posted by the OP merely allows planting of unregulated strains but there is still a method for banning dangerous strains.

If someone just has a hate-boner for Monsanto, that's totally cool with me but they shouldn't just automatically assume GM = Monsanto.
The similarity I thought interesting was each individual organism possibly causing hepatic and renal problems. One could hypothesize then that there is something about the science that is potentially damaging to those systems. More studies are needed for a clear determination.
When you feed mice over doses of any thing you get kidney and liver failure. And old research trick.

I was looking at plant growth regulators. There is one brand of flower hardener that was pulled from the CA market. Everyone screamed CANCER. No, it was a labeling beef over the term "Flower Hardener."

But, when I tried to triangulate with positive and negative search terms, an interesting pattern emerged.
In short the only people saying the bad were competitors in the cannabis trade. As old as snake oil.

But, the substance in question is used on Apple trees as well as in bonsai. No bad reports there.
So, I dig up the studies and OMG, when you feed mice 1250 ppm in their food, they don't get cancer.

They are poisoned into kidney and liver failure. If you feed them only sawdust you would find.....
When you feed mice over doses of any thing you get kidney and liver failure. And old research trick.

I was looking at plant growth regulators. There is one brand of flower hardener that was pulled from the CA market. Everyone screamed CANCER. No, it was a labeling beef over the term "Flower Hardener."

But, when I tried to triangulate with positive and negative search terms, an interesting pattern emerged.
In short the only people saying the bad were competitors in the cannabis trade. As old as snake oil.

But, the substance in question is used on Apple trees as well as in bonsai. No bad reports there.
So, I dig up the studies and OMG, when you feed mice 1250 ppm in their food, they don't get cancer.

They are poisoned into kidney and liver failure. If you feed them only sawdust you would find.....
The PGR you describe is banned from use in anything but ornamentals in the EU because it has a 3+ month persistence and is used during flowering.

I believe it is called Bushmaster, I can't remember the name of the exact PGR involved.
Yes, Paclobutrazol is the main ingredient in Gravity and I think Bushmaster has some also.

But, I don't see that it is banned in EU. I see a bunch of cannabis sites that claim that. These guys are not subject to much advertising truth. Not enough people yet that care to call them on it.

in 2006 it was only banned in Sweden. I see the rumors it was banned or restricted for the label problems.

http://www.davidsuzuki.org/publications/downloads/2006/DSF-HEHC-Food1.pdf BtW, even the google hit text on .pdf this lists other countries but when I searched the doc only Sweden.

The Food We Eat: An International Comparison of Pesticide Regulations
© 2006 David Suzuki Foundation
ISBN 0-9737599-9-X
csa # 76738-62-0] is banned in Sweden

Paclobutrazol can cause eye irritation, headaches, respiratory problems, liver damage, and harm to reproduction and development.

inadequate data exists to determine whether exposure to paclobutrazol causes an increased risk of cancer.

Finally from a dratted hippy site, I was able to dig up the proof of lies on their own page. Here is the Cal Ag report on the Labeling beef.


But, here on this page...http://www.marijuanagrowershq.com/plant-growth-regulators-poison-marijuana/

Well more than little slanted and dark lying through teeth.

Why do I bother? I hate deception. When I took LSD and become Counter Culture, everyone was already yelling about Monsanto, because of Nam. We could not fight DOD, so we needed a straw dog. I had no idea so I went along. Later picked Che and began my own study.

I had been so full of shit and passing that shit down to young stoners. I'm ashamed for that. I just passed on the lies and never checked, so full of it.

Today, hippies are still full of shit. They have inculcated what should be horticulture and turned it to counter culture.

Counter culture has always been and still a cult. It is not any different than the Free Masons. Silly ritual and silly garb. All Lies. I'm bothering to tell you young stoners don't listen to, hang out with, or screw the girls (more than once) of the Counter Culture.

It's bad for your free mind you will need to begin to develop when you are over 30.
My biggest problem with all this is that Monsanto has spent millions of dollars lobbying to keep the fact that items have GMO foods in them off the labels. If it was as simple as looking at a label and saying I'm not going to buy it, then that would be a great start. Also if its so safe and wonderful then why do they need to sneak in a law behind everyone backs which specifically protects Monsanto if they do poison people, or people start getting cancer that can be traced back to GMOs. Did it ever occur to you and other that the reason we have extremely high cancer rates now a days is from all the shit we put into our bodys through the water, air and food around us.
You can trust Montsanto ..theY gave us such wonderful healthy products like ddt, agent orange......

Oh and don't leave out DuPont and Bayer......
You can trust Montsanto ..theY gave us such wonderful healthy products like ddt, agent orange......

Oh and don't leave out DuPont and Bayer......
Yeah cos the USMC is a peace keeping agency, shooting lollipops at those sugar deprived Arabs at the whim of the generous American public, yeah?

Its not black and white with who's right and wrong, there's always grey.
You can trust Montsanto ..theY gave us such wonderful healthy products like ddt, agent orange......

Oh and don't leave out DuPont and Bayer......

These agents were not invented by these companies. I shan't look it up for us again. Search back. I posted it.

These companies were contracted to bulk produce agents that were invented at Yale on in Sweden, for DDT.

So, if you don't know and you still open your mouth, Confucius has a saying for you.
ok well then...check out the Hearst/duPont connection....
And the wonders of Round UP...which the patent upon is about to expire....and such a lovely healthy product to replace it....

Not to mention the bs of DuPonts Freon fiasco....or GE's forced cfl anti-incandescent laws

But to sum it up...the 2 evilest entities in our world are governments and religions...go figure
But, you simply are not making any point. Bring in your beef or leave out the smear. If you insist on this smarmy, sarcastic back slap of your favorite devil....well I don't call it discussion.

Can you bring any details of what the hell you are so upset about any of these fine American Companies, if so please let me know.

Something you know, and can discuss without rancor and take it like a man if your are wrong. And you may be right, let us see. No one is perfect and these are public companies for a reason. Did you ever think of that?

Since I disagree with the hippy fear and since you don't bring anything to talk about, we are done.
But, you simply are not making any point. Bring in your beef or leave out the smear. If you insist on this smarmy, sarcastic back slap of your favorite devil....well I don't call it discussion.

What about any details of what the hell you are so upset about any of these fine American Companies, let me know.
Something you know can discuss without rancour and take it like a man if your are wrong. And you may be right, let us see. No one is perfect and these are public companies for a reason. Did you ever think of that?

Since I disagree with the hippy fear and you don't bring anything to talk about, we are done.
sounds hellagood...live in your bubble and I will live in mine...and please do not infer any bad sentiments on my part....I do enjoy reading your posts
Likewise....I sincerely wish to discuss what these deeds are and why they happened and what if anything has been done.

Don't go away...and don't be mad. This is still me. I'm just challenging you for details to talk about. :)

All the smear and such bored me long ago. Dupont and Rothschild, Bayer, villains all, by our modern standards, no doubt.

Let's pick the dirt apart, shall we?