Obama signs Monsanto Protection Act


New Member

ood, shelter, and clothing are often considered the three basic needs by humans and the actions by President Obama on Tuesday have now left millions of Americans across the land in shock as the very first tenet has been horrifically jeopardized by his signing the Monsanto Protection Act into law (H.R. 933) as mentioned on the Facebook page for Food Democracy Now.
For those that are new to this situation, the Monsanto Protection Act is the name given to what's known as a legislative rider that was inserted into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill.
Using the deceptive title of Farmer Assurance Provision, Section 735 of this bill actually grants Monsanto immunity from federal courts pending the review of any GM crop that is thought to be dangerous.
Under the section, courts would be helpless to stop Monsanto from continuing to plant GMO crops that are thought -- even by the US government -- to be a danger to human health or our cherised environment.
There is certain to be almost immediate legal action from multiple fronts which will hit the mainstream media headlines. For the first time in decades, Americans will have to give serious consideration to the food supply they are consuming from and hopefully begin a brave new moment in grassroots activism.
The drastic results of Monsanto's legislation-based actions is that the biotech giant is now essentially guaranteed the ability to wantonly plant experimental GMO crops without any concern of the United States government or subsequent courts; theMonsanto Protection Act was buried within the recent budget resolution.
Monsanto is a publicly traded company (NYSE: MON) and often concerned citizens will invest in a single share of stock as a way of ensuring they are on the front lines of finding out information which is privy to stockholders or to allow them into the annual stockholders meetings.
Organizations such as Food Democracy Now and Natural News are striving to ensure concerned citizens are kept up to date on this fresh, new battle to protect the most basic of our human rights for authentic and natural wholesome foods without any type of genetic modifications.
So if they "think" something is dangerous they can't ban it without proof...?

Why have you people got such a raging hate boner for Monsanto? Don't buy GM if you don't like it.

Vote with your wallet, crying online holds little real capital.
read it over, dipshit

this bill grants monsanto immunity from federal courts. new gmo's can be developed, planted and sold to the public without any studies on their adverse effects

nevermind the fact that study after study shows mammals who consume GMO's get tumors and become infertile

obama snuck this shit through while everybody was distracted by gay marriage bullshit
read it over, dipshit

this bill grants monsanto immunity from federal courts. new gmo's can be developed, planted and sold to the public without any studies on their adverse effects

nevermind the fact that study after study shows mammals who consume GMO's get tumors and become infertile

obama snuck this shit through while everybody was distracted by gay marriage bullshit
Care to be a good girl and cite your sources, lady friend?
Money talks... most BS walks. Obama needed to "Round Up" moe money for the next election for Hillary, buying out our country is what they do best.
My biggest problem with all this is that Monsanto has spent millions of dollars lobbying to keep the fact that items have GMO foods in them off the labels. If it was as simple as looking at a label and saying I'm not going to buy it, then that would be a great start. Also if its so safe and wonderful then why do they need to sneak in a law behind everyone backs which specifically protects Monsanto if they do poison people, or people start getting cancer that can be traced back to GMOs. Did it ever occur to you and other that the reason we have extremely high cancer rates now a days is from all the shit we put into our bodys through the water, air and food around us.
nevermind the fact that study after study shows mammals who consume GMO's get tumors and become infertile

liar, show me one credible scientific peer reviewed test which proves your point.

watch out for the wrath of THOR might rain down lighting bolts on disblievers!
"Study after study has shown, cigarettes do not cause cancer."

I'm not asking for disproof, I'm asking for studies of specific GMO strains and their effects.
GMO is a method not a specific product tainted or not. Its just a method of plant breeding, as good or as bad as wild natural selection versus xray mutation.

Its like blaming guns for human violent tendencies.

If one creates a new GMO strain it should be tested just as much as any new strain from traditional plant breeding.

Unless of course you also believe that THOR will rain lightning bolts down on you, just cause you dared to challenge the GODS.

and of course your going back to my original point. Confusing corporate greed with genetic techniques. Tobacco industry is nothing more than corporate greed. Not science.
Unless of course you also believe that THOR will rain lightning bolts down on you, just cause you dared to challenge the GODS
I'm not asking for disproof, I'm asking for studies of specific GMO strains and their effects.
GMO is a method not a specific product tainted or not. Its just a method of plant breeding, as good or as bad as wild natural selection versus xray mutation.

Its like blaming guns for human violent tendencies.

If one creates a new GMO strain it should be tested just as much as any new strain from traditional plant breeding.

Unless of course you also believe that THOR will rain lightning bolts down on you, just cause you dared to challenge the GODS.

and of course your going back to my original point. Confusing corporate greed with genetic techniques. Tobacco industry is nothing more than corporate greed. Not science.
Unless of course you also believe that THOR will rain lightning bolts down on you, just cause you dared to challenge the GODS
As much as I must agree with you, have you a thing for muscular, blonde men with hammers?
Hey Thor, what happens when besides not telling me it's gmo but also has animal dna added to it, I have the right to religion. Pigs are unclean. I guess game on. At least Buck goes to Sheol.
As much as I must agree with you, have you a thing for muscular, blonde men with hammers?

Well Thor is anything but thin and surely not female, but to the contrary I do have a thing for a certain type of strong blonde ladies with legs that go up to ...
So if they "think" something is dangerous they can't ban it without proof...?

Why have you people got such a raging hate boner for Monsanto? Don't buy GM if you don't like it.

Vote with your wallet, crying online holds little real capital.

besides the fact that it makes them immune in federal courts, these aren't labeled and besides they are in almost everything, don't think we have a choice, and now we REALLY don't have a choice and now Monsantos complete takeover of food and patents on life forms is completed, the third major thing Obama has done for Monsanto not counting appointing Monsanto execs, and again doing it quietly while he has said he is against Monsanto and also said he is for transparency. Clearly Obama lied again, Obama just another corporate crook.
besides the fact that it makes them immune in federal courts, these aren't labeled and besides they are in almost everything, don't think we have a choice, and now we REALLY don't have a choice and now Monsantos complete takeover of food and patents on life forms is completed, the third major thing Obama has done for Monsanto not counting appointing Monsanto execs, and again doing it quietly while he has said he is against Monsanto and also said he is for transparency. Clearly Obama lied again, Obama just another corporate crook.
Well when you take the free out of the market, you're left with cronyism.

Surely you're aware of this.
Well when you take the free out of the market, you're left with cronyism.

Surely you're aware of this.

indeed, just trying to go into some specific emotional detail specifically for the collectivist that don't get it and will think your a racist for saying 'free market'
Thats the big thing is at no point in all this do we actually have a choice. Its being forced on us more and more every year. The next thing you'll see is them trying to stop home gardens "because they don't meet environmental regulations and licensing standards." Its all about them trying to control everything, and sadly the grip is getting tighter and tighter! We need to open our eyes, make our voices heard and stand up for whats right!
Thats the big thing is at no point in all this do we actually have a choice. Its being forced on us more and more every year. The next thing you'll see is them trying to stop home gardens "because they don't meet environmental regulations and licensing standards." Its all about them trying to control everything, and sadly the grip is getting tighter and tighter! We need to open our eyes, make our voices heard and stand up for whats right!
Or just keep buying non processed and non GM products.

Vote with your wallet, genius.
Don't bother being derogatory towards me, I will not engage slander. As I stated in my first post, GMO products are not labeled you can not vote with your wallet! That was also the point of my second post on this thread that we don't have that choice. My family makes a point of buying non processed foods as much as possible, and eating locally grown organic produces as much as possible. However as these GMO seeds are grown across the world the genetics WILL mix, and there will be no such thing as non GMO and truely natural gardens. Its not even that I feel all GMOs are automatically bad, but they need to be tested and they need to be proven safe over a long term period so that we aren't ending up with an epidemic of problems in 10-15 years. That being said, natural seeds and plants have been feeding people for thousands of years why do we need to screw with something that seems pretty perfect to me in the first place. Selective breeding is one thing, genetic modification, and radiating seeds and stuff like that just doesn't seem very natural to me.