Obama riding a fox??


Active Member
Could someone please explain this pic to me? I do not understand the symbolism-- a fox? who are the other people? Am I missing something? Butterflies? Flying cats. . . .



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Staff member
ROFLMAO!! That is NOT a fox it is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi which are the type of dogs Queen Elizabeth has LOL


Active Member
ROFLMAO!! That is NOT a cat it is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi which are the type of dogs Queen Elizabeth has LOL
That's a corgi? So is it some sort of royal reference? Like Obambam is the king? It looks like a calico cat to me.. . but then it's being popped out of some shirtless dudes hands. . . . maybe it is a corgi. . .but who is the dude? and the other guy--talking on the banana? I'm so confused.


Ursus marijanus
yes. . .a dead duck. . .you may be on to something there. ..
might be a "lame duck" if political metaphors matter here.

And just what is that bunnyesque creature pushing a plasma front ahead of it (lower left)? An' how about how very meesed up the foxdogcritterthing's front paw is? Is that an Alien skull? cn