Obama pokes at Christianity

Were you a child when you shit on a floor at Wendys? Was that a heinous act? Who forced you to do that?

You have a bug on the end of your nose.


Yeah, I'd like to hear all about Buck's Wendy's incident.
are you trying to compare freeing slaves to paying small children for sex?

you are one sick fuck.

No. I was responding to a comment about some things that were once legal, were never right.

Are you institutionalized or did the bad man put drugs in your candy?
Yeah, I'd like to hear all about Buck's Wendy's incident.

Well, it seems as a child he had a problem with toilets. He never consented to use them and often took his teen age angst out on a floor. Wendys bathrooms seemed to be his favorite dung depositing den.

We don't know if he was forced or voluntarily consented, but there's a possibility he was drugged by the bad man (an old friend of his) so we shouldn't be too harsh on the poor fellow though. He has a built in alibi as he has claimed children are incapable of consenting to heiney -ous acts. Just ask him, he'll set you straight.
What did buck call me? Im having so much trouble seeing through the holes in this white hood.

The worst thing you can call a white person is racist! Key & peele did a lil skit about that. I guess I should avoid questioning the government so as to not be accused of being racist.
What did buck call me? Im having so much trouble seeing through the holes in this white hood.

The worst thing you can call a white person is racist! Key & peele did a lil skit about that. I guess I should avoid questioning the government so as to not be accused of being racist.

You should forgive him. It's long been suspected he's suffered some nervous system damage from the sharp teeth of a "misplaced" gerbil.
Good point rob, but like most Christians, he picks and chooses what is forbidden and what was only kinda forbidden and circumstantial

The most basic thing which should be universally forbidden is determining how another peaceful person will live their life.

Government violates that principle as a cornerstone of their business model. So do many religions.

Obama is a turd standing on the top of the dung heap now. He will provide footing for the next excretory President and so on.
Agreed, everyone should be able to live as they want to. But we also live in a society and need ground rules to make sure everyone gets along doesn't impede on others lives. I think some give and take is necessary but putting one groups right over another's is wrong, like the right to discrkmjnate laws where a Christians freedom of religion in more important than gay ppls right to not be discriminated against.

Where do Christians get the idea that if they render services to gay ppl that that infringes on their rights. I mean its not like they're putting their cocks in their mouths, they're baking a cake for money or something like that.
Helping a runaway slave to freedom is not the same as engaging in intercourse with a minor.

Okay. You win the some of these things are not the same thing game. What is your point?

My point way back when this silliness began, was to seek an answer to the question of can children (or anyone else) consent to heinous things or does our revulsion to those heinous things some how mean that children are incapable of consenting to heinous things?

I've posed that kind of question to the Uncle Buck character this way, "How does the nature of an act, even if it is a heinous act, change whether or not it was consented to? So far he can't answer that question. Care to give it a try?

I was seeking to establish what "consent" means. That, like many things posted here gets distorted by the usual suspects.

Also, I'm not advocating people do anything, so please don't join in with the distortionists. Thanks in advance.
Agreed, everyone should be able to live as they want to. But we also live in a society and need ground rules to make sure everyone gets along doesn't impede on others lives. I think some give and take is necessary but putting one groups right over another's is wrong, like the right to discrkmjnate laws where a Christians freedom of religion in more important than gay ppls right to not be discriminated against.

Where do Christians get the idea that if they render services to gay ppl that that infringes on their rights. I mean its not like they're putting their cocks in their mouths, they're baking a cake for money or something like that.

If forced segregation is wrong, it seems like forced integration should be viewed as wrong too.

The force involved is the prime suspect in what makes both of them wrong.
"Obama claims and pretends to be a Christian, but he's definitely a Muslim homer." <--- laughable babbling. Only a common and disrespectful idiot would refute anyone's religious affiliation.

"Bake me a wedding cake with crossed dicks on it, you Christfag!" That sounds kind of disrespectful.
I feel like these right to discriminate laws are going to be overturned as soon as someone takes it to court.

Yes the supreme court will strike it down. The Supreme Courts soul purpose is to make sure laws are constitutional and they are not voted in they are picked so fanatical voters can't get a nut into the supreme court.

I group of powerful CEO's and states have banned paying for any business travel and banned business trips to Indiana and some even offered relocation packages for employees in Indiana which got the Attention of the Governor of Indiana and he went back and changed the law.
I wonder why he never points out "factual" things like the fact that some Muslim countries execute gays. He just never seems to point it out. I wonder if he even knows.

Obama claims and pretends to be a Christian, but he's definitely a Muslim homer.

You have it all wrong, he is trying to keep the peace or what little there is and bringing up Muslim wrong doings will do nothing good because they are so fanatical about religion and their laws are based on their religion so he is treading lightly.