Well-Known Member
yes we have established this already lol jk
Oh, okay. Just making sure.

yes we have established this already lol jk
ahah this thread is more arguing lmao
this whole thing has become too heated haha come todays a great day, weed in cali might be legalized!
this whole thing has become too heated haha come todays a great day, weed in cali might be legalized!
this whole thing has become too heated haha come todays a great day, weed in cali might be legalized!
badly spelled? 1 word? LOL
and from the guy who told me he uses a spell checker .
and what the fuck are you talking about Military Man?
you are fucking ridiculous
he is a monk... how is he in the military?
thats right, he is in kosovo and in Lacey WA at the same time. this man is so incredible that he fights for our country while praying for us all in his monastery half way around the globe, at the same time!
and how is this RUINING anything for him?
i put pics of him up so you can identify the person who wrote the blog
my face is covered because i have a fukcing journal here about growing weed, legal as it may be i still dont need my face associated with my grow.
do you think this will affect him at all?
tell me how please. i really want to know what you think is gonna happen to the monk who wrote a thesis on evolution and god and had it posted on this forum by a friend. do you think hes like "OMG SOME OTHER PEOPLE ARE READING MY BLOG, AND THEY KNOW I WROTE IT"
get over yourselfs
and fdd, i never asked you for any help on anything, i asked you to remove the clickable links because these guys are the kind of people that would persist on harassing him.
someone already has asked him to confirm what i said, i figured that was enough, you could do the proper thing and help protect his privacy. i never meant to post a clickable link to his rofile. not that it really matters as far it goes. but what he does not need is a bunch of angry aethiest messaging him on myspace about his blog
if thats to much for you to ask then im glad that youre a mod here....
Go look at the time stamps and find another band wagon to jump on, the aetheist club has plenty of support here without another delusional twit clucking about his friends trying to support a lost cause.
stoney wil be back
someone with 1100 post a month doesn't really have ANYTHING better to do.
he will not however, continue the real argumnet. instead hell talk about how I plagurized my best friend by posting his blog on here. becasue thats about all he can do.
wikipedia has failed him.![]()
NO, I suggested firefox for YOU, my friend.And I deleted his pics in my posts, thanks.I never harrassed him, I have no reason to.
Yup.If you've noticed, most folks use this forum as a means to chat, so my post count isn't all that unusual.I've said my opinion on your argument, and that is, it doesn't hold water.You're very proud of being Catholic, saying it's better to be that than some religion with less members, basically, which means you have a sheep mentality.YOU never addressed the fact that your church's corruption extends all the way up to the pope, who knowingly protected child molesters.The wikipedia link I posted was the correct definition, why not use it?But you'll continue to run your mouth about wikipedia,even though you yourself used youtube.Whatever, kid.
Everyone is failing to notice that the myspace rip blog of your supposed wannabe monk "friend",lmfao,is dated after the genuine original poster posted it on the real catholic forum.
The internets dating system doesn't lie only you do.
The guy emailed me back and has categorically stated that he is not your friend and does not know you and has no myspace blog.
He does not drink or smoke and states that he is going to seek legal advice for deformation of character and for associating him with illegal substances.
The real catholic guy is damn furious and i am glad that i used my fake email address to ask him.
all i said is i'd rather be catholic, with a large following of other catholics, than be 1 man who believes in his own made up religion (natmoon)
and I told you Stoney would be back. still avoiding a thought out response tho. personal attacks are much easier.
told you he'd be back still avoiding a thought out response. personal attacks are much easier.
This is the largest lie I've ever seen.
The S/N that wrote this on the religous forums is "runlikethewind"
the same s/n that my friend used to use on a game called Planetside that we used to play together.
so unless you msged the wrong person, you are lying through your fuckin teeth.
runlikethewind - aka xxxxxxxx aka brother nicalaus, wrote this blog and before he choose to devote his life to god as a monk, he was my best friend for 13 years.
take your bulllshit elsewhere, lie to someone who will buy your bullshit. because i dont.
No, I answered you very directly.YOUR.RELIGION.PROTECTS.BABY.RAPERS.And you, in glorifying it,are giving consent to those same baby rapers to continue as men of the cloth.
Your post, which was indeed plagiarized,was really in a nutshell "I'll believe as I want, facts be damned." Sorry, I disagree with the original writer, as well.But you continue to try to use it as YOUR argument, when in actuality, you cannot seem to come up with any more original arguments OF YOUR OWN.Once again, I'm a woman, so I guess that just goes to show how well you actually retain information.If you have any more responses, I'll be back later, so don't think I'm searching for the right words, I'm just doing housework.Or you could take this to pm's and we could stop hijacking the thread.The choice is yours.
i don't clutch to catholicism as a reason to judge others.
i use it as a reason to better myself.
religion is a great moral base for some, me included. i try and be like Jesus, because jesus was the man, Jesus had it right, he was perfect. And he was sent here by God to help us out. Jesus, by being our role model, gave us the power to save ourselves. we now have an example to live by, and we can choose to, or not to. i dont think individual religion has much to do with it. Jesus is inside of everyone whether they know who he is or not. because Jesus isn't catholicism or buddhism, Jesus is the "right thing" no matter where you come from or what you call him.
SO then you post his name.What kind of a friend are you, seriously?![]()
This kid still raving on,lol.
Thats the funniest thing about liars,they just cant stop,even when they are caught![]()
Everyone else here knew i was making shit up to do your head in,lmfao.Actually, you are caught.
I ousted you on the last page.
You never messaged my friend.
That whole line of shit about "i msged the guy and he is raving mad and is seeking legal action" was a lie and you know it.
It doens't help that your cause when you stoop to this level and I would hope that you were better than that.
Everyone else here knew i was making shit up to do your head in,lmfao.
Why the fuck would i email an American catholic,lol.
Why would i care,i am English,we brits,for the most part,dont really care to much about religion here,at least not in the way you do anyway.
Me and stoney saw your original bullshit post and what you really said before you went to "poo",lmfao.
What really does sadden me "frank" is that you think i and others here are this stupid and that you are obviously in need of help.
I hope that your weed grows quickly and fat as you really need some.
I also hope that it doesnt make you even more psycotic and that you blame it on the weed when you know you already need help.
This is my last response to you personally in this thread![]()
Your insane dude,lolHey at least you came clean. Everything you said was all bullshit. And you tryed to call me the liar the entire time. Smearing my name, while in fact is was you who was being dirty.
I'm glad your done here, your actions are not appreciated regardless of your suppossed intent.