Obama is going to give amnesty next week

It was a rhetorical question.
For all of South America there is no visa requirements.
All the Mexicans were doing was illegally rounding up others at the behest of the US government.

I wish we would just take over Mexico and civilize it. It's beautiful down there. The drug lords have ruined everything though.
"In 2013, for the first time, more than a third of migrants whom the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended were not Mexican. The overwhelming majority of these 153,055 “other-than-Mexican” apprehended migrants came from Central America, mainly El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The number of other-than-Mexican migrant apprehensions has nearly tripled in two years; there were 54,098 in 2011. (More apprehensions most likely means more migrants overall, though the number who avoid capture is unknown.)

The wave of Central American migrants has intensified. Eight months into the U.S. government’s 2014 fiscal year, which began in October 2013, Border Patrol had already apprehended 162,751 “other-than-Mexican” migrants, exceeding the full-year total for 2013."

That's why.

there is no visa requirement for south Americans.
They can come and go as they please in Mexico legally
think you're fat?


We know you are a drunk. We know you have never worked a respectable job in your life. We know you live off your wife's families money. We know you sell dime bags to school kids. We know you have no life. We know you've never helped a black person in your life. We know you cry and snitch.

I'm sure I missed a few.
Jabrudda I'm kidding I really don't care just funny how history spills over n the people of the original land is forbidden on the land they walked freely before but history is crazy if you ask me? but I try to make sence instead I seam crazy either way it's not for me to fight or argue this land is governed by foreners people not of this land yet the alien or immigrant isn't forien at all ;) just a lil history....
The real way to say thank you Obama, is if those who collect social security and other right given government bennies to go live in a third world country and give an injection there. You'll live like a king if you saved quite a bit too. Just like your bud, AbandonConflict. All on daddy America's dime.

The Mexicans will be legal
Anyone have a problem with that?
My sugestion is have real plan real goals as humans to collaborate teach a real way of life .. And don't ask me to cut your yard!!
When the aggregate effect of exclusionary policys discrimanate against a class of people they are harmed.

Business is a broad definition.
landlords are businesses
A lot of schools are businesses
utilitys are businesses
Gas stations are businesses
water coops are businesses
Grocery stores are businesses

If that were true aren't "property owners" a "class of people" or do you only separate people into groups according to race?

A person cannot at one time "own" something and have others determine the use of it and still be in full possession of ownership rights. Isn't a person most valuable "property" their own being / body ? Who has the right to harsh on somebodies right of self determination?

Seriously, I think you aren't familiar with the logic of the non-initiation of aggression principle.
If that were true aren't "property owners" a "class of people" or do you only separate people into groups according to race?

A person cannot at one time "own" something and have others determine the use of it and still be in full possession of ownership rights. Isn't a person most valuable "property" their own being / body ? Who has the right to harsh on somebodies right of self determination?

Seriously, I think you aren't familiar with the logic of the non-initiation of aggression principle.
Ownership of a public business that discriminates against certain clientele is injurious to those it discriminates against
Ownership of a public business that discriminates against certain clientele is injurious to those it discriminates against

McDonalds says on their website, nothing they sell is vegan. Time to call my local PETA rep to set up a rally with Ellen Degeneres, until a new law's passed making them get rid of death, murder, cruelty.
The Mexicans will be legal
Anyone have a problem with that?


I know a few legal mexicans already. And as of right now I am not sure if BarryO will do it. For some funny reason I just started thinking he will wait for the new senate to be available for discussion. Would you have a problem with that?