Finally, we agree on something. However, I much more enjoy disagreeing (although I'll save that for another post

In my opinion, there's only one way we could regulate tobacco use, and that would be to regulate how much tobacco people are allowed to buy (per week or whatever it may be). That would be stupid because it would cause a lot of stress in peoples lives. Smokers would have tobacco withdrawals.
The other way, which would save 440,000 lives a year, would be to ban tobacco (or maybe just cigarettes) altogether and legalize marijuana and make marijuana cigarettes.
The solution is so damn simple yet they can't seem to see it.
Some argue that marijuana legalization would create a lazy nation. That would be true, if all American's were mentally unhealthy and got mentally addicted and smoked pot all day long and didn't do anything.
However, normal pot smoking American's get their responsibilities taken care of first, then get stoned. Some stoners smoke on the job, and if that works for them, great. Personally I find myself much more efficient when sober, so I make a decision to say sober when I have important things to do.
That's what America would do as well.