Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!


Well-Known Member
Actually, you wont, the above states quite specifically that if you do not have a plan then you will be forced to get the government's plan as no existing insurance plan will be allowed to accept new enrollments after Day 1 of Year 1.

I doubt that those maggots in D.C. have even read it (I also doubt that they can understand it.)
And under section 401, they have the "right" to fine you the amount you would have paid if you had accepted their mandate, if you don't. Government coercion backed by government force. Lovely...


What is this health plan going to do to people that partake in "unhealthy activities"? Private insurance co's are already pushing people into "wellness plans" and forcing them to meet fitness goals lest they lose coverage. Can you imagine what the gov will do once it has an excuse to force what it deems healthy choices on us (for the good of society of course).
"...I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal?" - Denis Leary


Well-Known Member
Actually, you wont, the above states quite specifically that if you do not have a plan then you will be forced to get the government's plan as no existing insurance plan will be allowed to accept new enrollments after Day 1 of Year 1.

I doubt that those maggots in D.C. have even read it (I also doubt that they can understand it.)
Yeah they don't normally read this, they have all already decided which way they were going to vote before it ever even gotten written.

If you could point that out I would appreciate it. I cannot find where your talking about with forced coverage. And if it is in there it is a very important thing to know.


Well-Known Member
What is this health plan going to do to people that partake in "unhealthy activities"? Private insurance co's are already pushing people into "wellness plans" and forcing them to meet fitness goals lest they lose coverage. Can you imagine what the gov will do once it has an excuse to force what it deems healthy choices on us (for the good of society of course).
I am not sure on that. It would be impossible to get Americans to meet goals. But one thing that this plan is supposed to stop is allowing insurance companies to drop people for medical conditions, or to not pay for care that they said they would be.

I could see them doing some kind of incentive (like a tax break) but don't think it would be possible to force it on anyone.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure on that. It would be impossible to get Americans to meet goals. But one thing that this plan is supposed to stop is allowing insurance companies to drop people for medical conditions, or to not pay for care that they said they would be.

I could see them doing some kind of incentive (like a tax break) but don't think it would be possible to force it on anyone.
A tax break if you meet the governments health standards? Why not just a tax break so we can buy our own damn insurance? It is our money, after all. Although I know that to be a lie, too.


Well-Known Member
A tax break if you meet the governments health standards? Why not just a tax break so we can buy our own damn insurance? It is our money, after all. Although I know that to be a lie, too.
It would be nice if they would do something along those lines. It may get to be a problem if they just gave us the money (like the bush stimulus package) and it did not get used for insurance. Maybe they could just give it and tax it, but that would peave a lot of folks off too.


New Member
These "insurance" plans reduce the population down to the lowest common denominator health-wise. In other words, the most healthy, those who concentrate on a healthy life-style through proper nutrition, exercise and monogamy, will be paying the bills for the obese, the smokers, the drinkers, the crack-heads, the sexual abusers, and the stupid.



Well-Known Member
It would be nice if they would do something along those lines. It may get to be a problem if they just gave us the money (like the bush stimulus package) and it did not get used for insurance. Maybe they could just give it and tax it, but that would peave a lot of folks off too.
As it is our money, it is OUR BUSINESS how we use it.

Not the government's, besides if we instead use it to pay for care out of pocket (instead of through the insurance) then are we not still accomplishing the goals that government is purporting to attempt to carry out, of getting health care?

Oh, wait, my mistake, the government doesn't want people to get health care, the governments wants people to believe they can get health care by forcing them to get health insurance, which is not health care.


Well-Known Member
As it is our money, it is OUR BUSINESS how we use it.

Not the government's, besides if we instead use it to pay for care out of pocket (instead of through the insurance) then are we not still accomplishing the goals that government is purporting to attempt to carry out, of getting health care?

Oh, wait, my mistake, the government doesn't want people to get health care, the governments wants people to believe they can get health care by forcing them to get health insurance, which is not health care.
Its not people like you that work hard and pay their own medical bills out of pocket when they go to doctors that don't get government grants to reduce costs. It is the people that don't have health insurance, don't pay, and get in so deep that they go bankrupt and then we all pay anyway.


Well-Known Member
Its not people like you that work hard and pay their own medical bills out of pocket when they go to doctors that don't get government grants to reduce costs. It is the people that don't have health insurance, don't pay, and get in so deep that they go bankrupt and then we all pay anyway.
Well, then either way we're all paying, so what difference does it make?


Well-Known Member
Well, then either way we're all paying, so what difference does it make?
Exactly. This is why we are were we are at today. Politically it is an easy decision. That is why I am not worried about it, we have all been paying for it since the system came into being under Nixon. Now at least everyone will have the chance to get decent medical care and hopefully bring down the costs a bit.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. This is why we are were we are at today. Politically it is an easy decision. That is why I am not worried about it, we have all been paying for it since the system came into being under Nixon. Now at least everyone will have the chance to get decent medical care and hopefully bring down the costs a bit.
Nah. I'd rather the schmuck who accepts the care and doesn't want to accept the debt go bankrupt. Or maybe creditors just repossess the car, or the home. Drop the chiselers credit score. Or maybe the recipient of the care pays the monthly bills the hospital sets up, like so many of us. Or maybe they just pay the co-pay after their insurance covers the bulk. Or maybe they go back to Mexico and live happily ever after. Whatever happens, we don't need ANOTHER middle man who wants his cut, too.


New Member
Exactly. This is why we are were we are at today. Politically it is an easy decision. That is why I am not worried about it, we have all been paying for it since the system came into being under Nixon. Now at least everyone will have the chance to get decent medical care and hopefully bring down the costs a bit.

Yes, the Govt. always brings down costs....:roll:

Talk about naive.....


Well-Known Member
That is a good point, it hardly ever happens. But some things have been cut so far this year that were bottomless pits, so there is some hope.

We already know we are on opposite sides of this debate though. I am for trying and your for leaving it the way it is.

This change if nothing else should be on aggregate the same costs. But we shall see. I don't put it past them to mess it up, but since it is needed I am still hopeful.


New Member
If you want to look at bottomless pits, you needn't look past medicare and medicaid and Social Security. All govt. run programs that started with a PROMISE of fiscal responsibility.

You need to wake up....


Well-Known Member
You keep ending your stuff with nasty remarks. How about you grow up?

Im rubber your glue,

Your mom.

We already covered all that. And again your getting kind of tired with the bs, are you a plant for some crazy right wing political party?

I am going to get my own conspiracy. This site has about 4 or 5 people that are continually posting any off the wall theory that they can rip from a blog or youtube.

Why? It is because you all are fanatics that want to prey on the youngsters that come on here to talk about weed. You think that they are impressionable and want to manipulate their minds through this tired ass routine of posting that everything is horrible and they need your bright shining logic or else the boogy men in the government is going to come with black bags and zip ties.

That way you can get them into your cult and brainwash them into believing it.

Only after all that you will give them jehovah witness bibles and make them go door to door with the testimony of the watchtower.

Or you could just not be thinking for yourself, and any opposing idea that you come across is ignorant, or a lapdog. They couldn't have possibly researched or else they would have had to come to the same conclusion as you have right?

I have answered everything that you have posed to me and researched it to make an educated statement, meanwhile you continue to ignore what I say and switch to a different argument, or after a few rounds of that you go right back to the old argument that we already talked like it is something you have just thought of.

And everytime it is not a 'new' idea you have formulated, you have been forcefed by people banking on your not thinking or researching for yourself.

So anyway if I am asleep, at least I can wake up. You are blind and can be ignorant (not always, but eventually you end up there again).

I am not a Obama follower. Repeatedly I have pointed out actual things you could skeez on him about, but you ignor those because your bloggers have not talked about them.


Well-Known Member
You keep ending your stuff with nasty remarks. How about you grow up?

Im rubber your glue,

Your mom.

We already covered all that. And again your getting kind of tired with the bs, are you a plant for some crazy right wing political party?

I am going to get my own conspiracy. This site has about 4 or 5 people that are continually posting any off the wall theory that they can rip from a blog or youtube.

Why? It is because you all are fanatics that want to prey on the youngsters that come on here to talk about weed. You think that they are impressionable and want to manipulate their minds through this tired ass routine of posting that everything is horrible and they need your bright shining logic or else the boogy men in the government is going to come with black bags and zip ties.

That way you can get them into your cult and brainwash them into believing it.

Only after all that you will give them jehovah witness bibles and make them go door to door with the testimony of the watchtower.

Or you could just not be thinking for yourself, and any opposing idea that you come across is ignorant, or a lapdog. They couldn't have possibly researched or else they would have had to come to the same conclusion as you have right?

I have answered everything that you have posed to me and researched it to make an educated statement, meanwhile you continue to ignore what I say and switch to a different argument, or after a few rounds of that you go right back to the old argument that we already talked like it is something you have just thought of.

And everytime it is not a 'new' idea you have formulated, you have been forcefed by people banking on your not thinking or researching for yourself.

So anyway if I am asleep, at least I can wake up. You are blind and can be ignorant (not always, but eventually you end up there again).

I am not a Obama follower. Repeatedly I have pointed out actual things you could skeez on him about, but you ignor those because your bloggers have not talked about them.
Wow. The "lapdog" comment really got to you, uh? Sorry bro. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I have answered everything that you have posed to me and researched it to make an educated statement, meanwhile you continue to ignore what I say and switch to a different argument, or after a few rounds of that you go right back to the old argument that we already talked like it is something you have just thought of.
Yep thats cracker for you


Well-Known Member
Exactly. This is why we are were we are at today. Politically it is an easy decision. That is why I am not worried about it, we have all been paying for it since the system came into being under Nixon. Now at least everyone will have the chance to get decent medical care and hopefully bring down the costs a bit.
You still haven't read it, it is not medical care. Medical care is provided by doctors, nurses, physician assistants, and other medical professionals. Medical insurance is not medical care, and any one can actually get medical care.

Some are just so stupid as to believe that they shouldn't have to pay for it, or they believe that if they have insurance they will how magically get out of paying for it. They won't, and if the government takes it over the quality will be less than anything seen in the private sector.

Trusting the government is like trying to warm your cock by standing naked near an open fire, stupid, imbecilic, and disasterous to your manhood...