Obama. free college to anyone willing to work for it

The liberal moniker has been stolen by the progressives and the liberals are losing credibility because although they are mostly good people they have let the radicals take over the democratic party. Same thing with the Republicans. We got nothing in between anymore and so the citizens get shit on while the government wastes trillions of dollars that could be spent revolutionizing America.

Same song, different generation.
The liberal moniker has been stolen by the progressives and the liberals are losing credibility because although they are mostly good people they have let the radicals take over the democratic party. Same thing with the Republicans. We got nothing in between anymore and so the citizens get shit on while the government wastes trillions of dollars that could be spent revolutionizing America.

Same song, different generation.
You ever listen to the bleating of the gentile sheep when they claim those dirty rotten republicans went and passed all those laws they don't like? Apparently the President doesn't have to sign bills into laws or anything anymore, the republicans have a super majority and just bypass Obama with every law that the Liberals don't like. But every law they do like is praise to Obama for signing that bill and praise to the democrats for saving us all!!!!!!!

Its not like they are partisan hacks who are just as guilty as anyone for passing bad laws.
That law releasing the banks from any responsibility for their gambling debts and placing it squarely at the feet of the US Citizen was a law signed by OBAMA, yet the liberal gentile sheep will not be convinced and just blame the republicans for it all.
Bill Maher is a straight up liberal, who occasionally has common sense override the innate stupidity that comes with being a liberal. Much like you on certain topics. But, like you, it sure as fuck doesn't make him a libertarian.
Bill Maher is a straight up liberal, who occasionally has common sense override the innate stupidity that comes with being a liberal. Much like you on certain topics. But, like you, it sure as fuck doesn't make him a libertarian.
He says he is, just like Ron Paul
I have a 4 year degree in computer science.

Asking who is going to pay for something is envy?

Have you looked into this deeper than just hearing that the Obaminator is just giving away free stuff?? Do you understand the mechanics behind it? First of all, the universities have to take a 25% discount hit... He is giving away their stuff for free. Who do you suppose is going to have to pick up that slack? Oh yeah... Other students that are paying for college.

Why do you only care about yourself?

lol, you got that degree back when computer science meant being able to use a calculator, old man.
Education isnt free.

I pay thousands of dollars a year in property taxes to educate children that I dont have.

What I am asking is that you dont take more of the money I work hard to make and give it away as free stuff to other people.

It is a simple request.

you already told us you're using a bank loan to pay for your living expenses. i don't see how that is you "working hard".
I can't believe there's people arguing against educating kids.

I wonder who pays more taxes...

McBurger Flipper


Doctor, engineer, etc.

I wonder what is better for the economy overall?

It's a numbers game, and people arguing against free education ALWAYS fall short.
I can't believe there's people arguing against educating kids.

I wonder who pays more taxes...

McBurger Flipper


Doctor, engineer, etc.

I wonder what is better for the economy overall?

It's a numbers game, and people arguing against free education ALWAYS fall short.
Who is going to take out the garbage? The garbage doctors?
I can't believe there's people arguing against educating kids.

I wonder who pays more taxes...

McBurger Flipper


Doctor, engineer, etc.

I wonder what is better for the economy overall?

It's a numbers game, and people arguing against free education ALWAYS fall short.
Look at who is arguing against the proposal.
Red says he is worried his wages will decrease