Obama Founded Isis

Conspiracy theories exist for a reason.

The idiots are those who label everything a conspiracy theory and then dismiss it all.

Every claim should be researched independently on its own merit.

Hillsborough was a conspiracy theory, by your rationale, those who faught for the truth for 25 years are idiots? Yet the British prime minister stood in parliament and apologised for it.

So, for 25 years the victims families are idiots and then it's no longer a conspiracy theory and they are no longer idiots for saying the same thing.

Also, you accept a TV news story as the truth (which it may be) with no other info to support that claim as though news outlets wouldn't lie. Naive. Again, the media were complicit in covering up Hillsborough.

And in case that is too English a reference...there is no physical way JFK gets shot by LHO.

Think Watergate also, if those reporters hadn't have been able to prove the truth, would that have changed what the truth was?

It would have remained a conspiracy theory.

Finally, the definition of a conspiracy is two or more people acting in secrecy to bring about a pre determined outcome. So, anyone believing that two or more people may do this is an idiot?

Easy to label, insult and dismiss... doesn't make it any more or less true.

It appears more a case of cognitive dissonance than anything else
Yeah, they exist because stupid people + ALEX JONES!! = Conspiracy theories
that's lame.

Alex Jones = conspiracy theories

I've heard that fella speak for about 2 mins. That's it

If you think that all subjects that our government(s) may find uncomfortable are represented by that individual, who has commercial interests, then I understand why you are so anti.

Open your mind, be objective and research. You'll be surprised

USA policy for the past 40 years, is to arm and fund rebel groups in order to cause regime change or achieve some goal they cannot directly do.
Its certainly within the realm of believably that US could have aided ISIS in order to cause strife in Syria and attempt regime change.

I don't have the details if this happened or not, and probably only a few with top security clearance would know about that. Maybe that is why Trump (was forced?) to retract his comment about Obama starting ISIS, since it hit closer to the truth than he realized.
USA policy for the past 40 years, is to arm and fund rebel groups in order to cause regime change or achieve some goal they cannot directly do.
Its certainly within the realm of believably that US could have aided ISIS in order to cause strife in Syria and attempt regime change.

I don't have the details if this happened or not, and probably only a few with top security clearance would know about that. Maybe that is why Trump (was forced?) to retract his comment about Obama starting ISIS, since it hit closer to the truth than he realized.
They openly sold weapons to the Syrian Rebels, its the fact they wouldn't listen to the people who said "well shit, you know they ARE ISIS, right?" that got us in trouble.

The worst thing we ever did was topple Hussein, fucking Bush...
I posted this link because it looked like an interesting piece and i had just started to read it.

Now i am mostly finished.

It is an important piece of journalism that i urge you all to read. Just reading it will probably make you more knowlegable than 50% of America's leading party Presidential candidates.
Trump said on a conservative radio show. He basically says crazy shit so people will talk about him whether he believes it or not. (Not his words) .