Obama for president in 2012


Well-Known Member
bigtexasman shares a multiple account with - ten feet! -

not sure which one to ban. i could just ban them both. they both appear to be troll accounts. :fire:
As there is no member by that name, I assume you mean 10 feet of usernames?:shock:



Well-Known Member
whoa dude...I was just trying to not ask a stupid question...i have never been good at that...I was going to ask, then looked twice on the member list...i must have screwed that up also...definitely not trying to argue with the man who holds the ax....kiss-ass

very wise choice. :fire:

honey oil tonight. on top of strawberry cough X deep chunk bud. :hump:

memeber search function is on the fritz. you have to go into advanced search then search "all thread by user name". then enter the name there.


Well-Known Member
honey oil tonight. on top of strawberry cough X deep chunk bud. :hump:

memeber search function is on the fritz. you have to go into advanced search then search "all thread by user name". then enter the name there.
:joint::joint::sleep: damn... it would be lights out for me YOU should have been MJ's DR!

Thanks for the explanation.



Well-Known Member
If you are not BTM, then why did you create an identical thread and post the exact same words...switching out palin for obama? It was not me who says you have shared accounts, but a mod who has access to such stuff...but you deny it...I don't know...could be a good reason for all this, but after talkin smack about ol' Dr. Sam...Please explain your weird behavior.

That was just some funny shit to do man. A teachable moment, too, if you understood what was going on and watched who was buying the hype.:shock:

Like I said, I'm just me, ChChoda. No more, no less. Unless I'm sleep posting, and then I'd love to know who else I am and what I say. Now that would be some REAL funny shit to see.:lol:


Well-Known Member
That was just some funny shit to do man. A teachable moment, too, if you understood what was going on and watched who was buying the hype.:shock:

Like I said, I'm just me, ChChoda. No more, no less. Unless I'm sleep posting, and then I'd love to know who else I am and what I say. Now that would be some REAL funny shit to see.:lol:
Fair enough, thanks for the explanation.



Well-Known Member
This is the problem with these threads... nobody reads the first page. People just jump right in the middle and start feeding the trolls.
You mean exposing the "trolls"? Some would rather close their eyes and make a mad dash past the "bridge". Not me. I carry a baseball bat and mosey at my leisure. I like games, so I play them. If you don't, cool. I'll play regardless...:bigjoint:


New Member
If Obama doesn't get thrown out of office (he just might), the birth certificate will prevent him from running again. If you think the chorus is loud now...just wait.


Well-Known Member
Geeze, I'd better start a moving company, lots of folks planning on leaving.
Um... that would make you an evil, greedy, CAPITALIST!

Shame, shame, shame.

Next you'll be complaining about high taxes and the upcoming yet inevitable middle class tax increase. :lol:


New Member
Heh, I'm about 80% ready to go. Just a few more things to tidy up. I will wait for the midterm elections to see if the ship can be righted again. If not, i will join my comrades enclave which has already formed. there are others, but I have chosen this one.

Just marking time, hoping America wakes up....


Well-Known Member
If Obama doesn't get thrown out of office (he just might), the birth certificate will prevent him from running again. If you think the chorus is loud now...just wait.
Yes but the song is as ridiculous as row-row-row-your-boat or 99 botles of beer on the wall....and really out of tune.

Here is the deal...of all the conspiracies that would be easy to cover up or fake...A birth certificate? are you serious...dude half the people in my neighborhood have fake birth certificates...I am sure the liberal media could have made a fake one slipped it down the hall past Hannity while combs tickles his balls and had Nancy and Harry sneak it into the public record.

False Flag attacks may be real. Aliens may walk among us. But whether it is real or not...BHO has a birth certificate...what is he like 48? played high school sports, attended and graduated from several schools, a member of congress, made it past the vetting for a presidential candidate and secret service protection, was elected and inaugurated into the highest office of the land...and a Birth Certificate??????

This is as freaking stupid as claiming he is a muslim at the same time bitching about his freaking christian pastor!!!!!

What are these evil fuks hiding from you while they make this your abortion? Keep everybody running around like decapitated kidnapped chickens spewing these ridiculous claims from their brainless necks.

Don't ask real questions with others who know something is wrong. Allow them to continue to divide a united America with this smoke screen.

False slander attack.



New Member
There is a big difference between a conspiracy theory and a cover up. The Obama BC is no theory, there is an original. It is being withheld at great expense. His college admissions are also. Why? Because they ALSO reveal his true birth origin.

It's not like there is a campaign ceremony about handing over birth certificates. until now, there has never been a question of a running mates eligibility. Now there is.....yes these questions SHOULD have been asked during the campaign, but they weren't. It wasn't high up on the list and ppl had trouble getting ANY real info from Team Obama on his policies (smart move, he would have lost), let alone a birth certificate.

It still doesn't explain why the COLLEGE ADMISSION papers are OFF LIMITS as well.... WHY???? WHY????


Well-Known Member
There is a big difference between a conspiracy theory and a cover up. The Obama BC is no theory, there is an original. It is being withheld at great expense. His college admissions are also. Why? Because they ALSO reveal his true birth origin.

It's not like there is a campaign ceremony about handing over birth certificates. until now, there has never been a question of a running mates eligibility. Now there is.....yes these questions SHOULD have been asked during the campaign, but they weren't. It wasn't high up on the list and ppl had trouble getting ANY real info from Team Obama on his policies (smart move, he would have lost), let alone a birth certificate.

It still doesn't explain why the COLLEGE ADMISSION papers are OFF LIMITS as well.... WHY???? WHY????
Well then all the other conspiracy theories are actually cover-ups...9/11...aliens...OKcity....

I really do not know if any of what you claim is true. I can imagine where it is coming from...Fox News, the EIB, and the savage nation. These people are notorious for starting shit, taking things out of context and general deception. You see they have an agenda...they are all entertainers who make money off the wild and crazy topics. If they talked about boring stuff like fiscal responsibility, self-sufficiency, and limited government, they would not have listeners enough to even stay on AM radio. I mean listen to the mentality of 95% of the people who call in to these shows!!!

The fact that it comes from this cesspool of silly grandstanding, I am MUCH less likely to believe it has any merit than I am to believe the zeitgeist stuff.

Why are his college recorded not being released? are they actually not being released? I do not know...maybe all this BS about a birth cert. is better than finding out that he got a "c" in economics or something terrible like that...I do not know.

But i will offer this....Have you ever tried to get an official copy of your own college transcripts? Even the year after you graduate, they hide that shit like it is really sensitive...I mean banking info is thrown around on-line but transcripts are sealed with an official stamp.

If this is all really true...you guys should be using your energy to find out why it was allowed to happen...I mean it must go deep, way past repub/dem...why was it so important to put this guy in office...considering all the expenses and cooperation with multiple levels of government which historically can not find each others phone numbers much less work together. CIA/FBI/NSA/Homeland/Secret Service/the KKK/The John Birch Society/the washington post/Al Queda...i mean really...what it was just an oops...we never though about whetehr or not he was born in this country when it was a topic before and during the election, first with the thought of Arnold running and even proposing legislation to change the law to allow it...then McCain was born on a ship in Panama...but we forgot to check the BLACK dude with a muslim middle name which happens to be the same as Daddy Bush's arch enemy? Really? A black dude for prez and we did not check his ID...cuz our only option was a goofy dude form Mass or a crazy one from Vermont...NO we had a Woman!!!!!....this was powerful enough for the RNC to pull a crap move like the Palinator.

I am willing to be taken hook line and sinker at times....but this is just sillyness...I mean what is the purpose? Why would they do this? Who is behind it?...oh yeah Harry and Nancy...they are so diabolical!
