Obama expected to sign global gun control treaty

If you are really worried about gun control issues
Work to repeal the
Gun control act of 1968
colloquolly known as
"the keep guns from niggas act"
Another case of racism that bit us all in the ass

And if you are one of those "law and order" type of 2nd amendment supporters
read this
According to a 21 Sep 2011 "Open Letter to All Federal Firearms Licensees" from ATF, holders of state-issued medical marijuana cards are automatically "prohibited persons" under 18 U.S.C 922(g)(3) and "shipping, transporting, receiving or possessing firearms or ammunition" by a medical marijuana card holder is a violation.[SUP][3][/SUP]
Wow, I never thought about that. If I am religiously for the right to keep and bear in my own country, who am I to declare that another citizen in another country is not entitled to the same right - Shame on my liberal self, I am not supposed to be selfish with creator endowed rights.

I don't ascribe religion to the second amendment, but I do see it as one of the most important freedoms that is explicitly guaranteed by the constitution. The notion that our leaders are even considering entering into a treaty that is unconstitutional in the US makes me seriously doubt our leaders allegiance to the fundamental underpinnings of this country.

What's next, a treaty that suppresses political dissent, i.e. a treaty that forbids freedom of speech? How about a treaty that specifically authorizes whimsical search and seizure?

I have often stated one of the iron laws: You today, me tomorrow. You guys who are opining that only the paranoid gun nuts are objecting to this gun control treaty ought to think long and hard about the down-the-road consequences of entering into a treaty that is irreconcilable with the US constitution for freedoms that you hold dear.
First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Martin Niemöller, 1892-1984 cn
in my experience, alcohol has caused more harm than anything else. even our president. lol. its a no-win sit. cost me ten yearsl. not fun. cost my folks. cost the kids. cost freindships,careers. so what u do. after you are drunk in the bed of a truck? throw your bottles thru others windows as you pass? anyone who would let someone in back, or in car at all, drinking, is a immature, in-considerate person. i lived thu this. i hope you do.

No we recycled our beer when we finished it. I used to be immature when I got drunk, then I realized how stupid it was. I'm sorry alcohol brought you pain, I guess it's not for everybody.
I understand the 2nd ammendment and Obama is not my boogeyman as he is to many, however why sign a worthless agreement like this ? I fail to see the relevance of signing something like this.

Hi Moses,

If our president and senate agree to disarm America then maybe foreign troops with blue helments are dispatched to the USA to assisst with making us comply with the firearm agreement. I believe gun ownership is the last bastion keeping us from being utterly tyrrannized. Look at England disarmed and no has 20x more cameras on all the citizens and they are taking it in the ass regarding taxation and economic rights and even basic freedoms. Australia disarmed and no the can be fined up to a million bucks for speaking out against carbon tax laws. IT's the only thing keeping the megolamaniacal controllers from getting way out of control. Their fear that people might just decide they aint going to take this shit anymore.
mofuckin cock suckin nwo I just checked my gun closet the goddamned u.n snuck the fuck in and took them yesterday..