Obama: Don't bite off what you can't chew!

I could only imagine why we are constantly bowing down to Iran. It a matter of national security, they don't give it back we come and take it back, oh and I belive they signed up for duty they are soldiers its their job.
I could only imagine why we are constantly bowing down to Iran. It a matter of national security, they don't give it back we come and take it back, oh and I belive they signed up for duty they are soldiers its their job.

none of this is exactly bowing down to iran. if we want to turn them into a sheet of glass, we can and they know it.

this is just partisan bitching and moaning.
LMAO dude, take a walk in the hood saying that word as nicely as you can and see how long it takes to get a beat down. White people should never say, write or hint at that word, to do so only proves your racist tendencies. BTW you are now a racist because you just wrote the N word. When you write the N word you are supposed to say N word, not the actual word only extremely racist people use the actual word.

you scared of a word?
I wasn't aware that Iran was moving into a position to overthrow the USA, I thought they were just trying to take care of their own and defend themselves from the imperialist pigs of war.
We all know who the real racist is.

It wasn't racist when people were only voting for him because of his blackness alone. That was called a historic moment.


Had the song been about Bush with similar lyrics, she would've been fired for being a white supremacist.

Btw, I'm the guy who would call Obama a warmonger if he invaded instead. He's already fucked up, no matter what he does now no one will take him seriously. He had enough chances. The only one Obama can blame is himself.

I can't wait to make fun of our next president, the heartless, gay hater polygamist.
In that region the only thing they understand is strength. Any back down opens the door for more and more. You really seem to forget we are not talking about Germany here this is not a diplomatic problem this is a problem of us acting the bitch and iran thinking they are a lot stronger than they are. And this is a real world concern for me at least.
It wasn't racist when people were only voting for him because of his blackness alone. That was called a historic moment.

most of the country went bluer in 2008 than it did in 2004, even heavily conservative areas. arizona didn't, as the gop nominee is from arizona.

inexplicably, however, vast pockets of the backwoods south went even more red. how do you explain that?


did the south somehow see something magical in mccain that even utah did not?

Did everyone miss the memo that China and Russia are siding with Iran more or less? It's not Iran we are backing off from, it's the only combined force in the world that would give us much of a fight. Politics are generally not for those who decide to read headlines, but those who can see a larger picture in perspective.

We screw with Iran, we screw with Asia, simple as that. Israel is loved by none over in that region, and if war starts Iran will probably bomb the hell out of Israel, and then you will see a huge topple of the US power structure in the Middle East, reducing the US ability to get cheap oil.

We fight wars for oil, we also stay away from wars for oil.
If Israel is attacked America will be at war. That's not opinion that's treaty. And Russia and China will not fight with the US now. That conflict what I like to call cold war ll will come but China is hurting right now and russia is more worried about putin than Iran.
We should have blown it up with a drone a la Obummer...

I'm more upset some geek forgot the self destruct! We all know damn well any foreign county we deem aggressive would not deal with us and give it back, so once lost it should have went boom after some simple timed computer code was not received!!!!
most of the country went bluer in 2008 than it did in 2004, even heavily conservative areas. arizona didn't, as the gop nominee is from arizona.

inexplicably, however, vast pockets of the backwoods south went even more red. how do you explain that?


I live pretty much dead center of that massive dark red area and I voted for Obama, regretfully. I love how you stereotype me as backwoods. Speaks volumes. Maybe you should get out more. I have been to your side of the country and sadly there are just as many backwoods idiots there as there are here. I hate him for his policies. But because we didn't vote for the same puppet as you did, we are backwoods? Hahaha you're a class act man!

Also yes using the N word, no matter what context, down here will for surely grant you a bonified ass whipping and a lable as rascist. All these folks hollering out racism this, racism that need to come spend some time in my neck of the woods. I'll show you what some real racism is like because some of y'all don't have a clue.
I think a huge part of the blue on the map was john mccain nobody wanted that old bastard. I bet if vermin supreme ran against mccain we would be bitching about him instead, and then we would be talking about how people only hate him for his black boot/hat.
All you folks who are so eager for the USA to go to war with Iran please go ASAP to your local recruitment office...if not STFU...hate when people talk going to war and have never spent one fuckin day in the service.. Just sit on the internet complaining, doing nothing for your community let alone your country.
If Israel is attacked America will be at war. That's not opinion that's treaty. And Russia and China will not fight with the US now. That conflict what I like to call cold war ll will come but China is hurting right now and russia is more worried about putin than Iran.

Cold war my ass, China is sitting in a position to destroy our Economy. Especially the Russian and Chinese.

Read Currency Wars by James Rickard. In the beginning of the book he talks about playing a war game for the DoD where he (China) and his friend (Russia) waged war on the US dollar by selling their gold reserves for all paper currency except the dollar.
All you folks who are so eager for the USA to go to war with Iran please go ASAP to your local recruitment office...if not STFU...hate when people talk going to war and have never spent one fuckin day in the service.. Just sit on the internet complaining, doing nothing for your community let alone your country.

Wish I could give you some rep on that.. or at least double like it.. lol