Obama: Don't bite off what you can't chew!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
If Obama didn't intend to, wasn't committed to, carrying out the joint exercises with israel, he simply shouldn't have said he would. Now they are backing down because they don't want to "increase tensions with Iran," LOL.

I guarantee you the Iranians are laughing their asses off. They see this as downright cowardly and are more convinced that ever that they can get away with anything they want.

The world just became a more dangerous place.

Was this a plan? Bring tension to the brink on purpose, then let the air out by backing down. Disastrous in the long run, but it might get you past November?
Obama is playing with a pit of vipers. I think his problem is he like many on here, fails to see that this is a world where aggression is king, and actions speak louder than words. I fear war is not far off now.
Obama is playing with a pit of vipers. I think his problem is he like many on here, fails to see that this is a world where aggression is king, and actions speak louder than words. I fear war is not far off now.

Obama is showing weakness which is not good.
Obama is showing weakness which is not good.

Hey now! Obama is the pimp. Like all pimps, the only way he could show his strength is beating his DC hoes when they don't perform. But lately he's been letting his hoes get out of line. He should really take notes from Bishop Don Juan on how to get his pimp hand strong.
Hey now! Obama is the pimp. Like all pimps, the only way he could show his strength is beating his DC hoes when they don't perform. But lately he's been letting his hoes get out of line. He should really take notes from Bishop Don Juan on how to get his pimp hand strong.

Maybe you should send him some recommendations...
Barack the Kenyan is in way over his head. Hopefully someone at the pentagon is running the show when it comes to the Middle East chessboard while Hussien the destroyer watches ESPN and eats lobster while spending quality time with Reggie Love.
You're right. I'll consider it. I'm actually a better pimp. There's more to being a pimp than just working out and shirtless photo ops.

While you are at it you might give him some ideas on pimping his ride... Maybe some hub spinners or a new color... Black is so passe these days...

And that bus he drives around in? Did he borrow that from Dick Cheney?
Barack the Kenyan is in way over his head. Hopefully someone at the pentagon is running the show when it comes to the Middle East chessboard while Hussien the destroyer watches ESPN and eats lobster while spending quality time with Reggie Love.

You better watch out or the racist police's wrath will come upon you. Don't say I didn't warn you.
It really hasn't got shit to do with his skin, the man is a pussy, we are America, love it or leave it, and the last thing we do is get bullied. Some say we have it coming. I say we are no joke maybe he should call sadam, oh wait, maybe osama, oh shit they both died huh?
I could care less what people call me. Only small minded people throw terms like racist and bigot around.

actually, it's the small-minded people that throw around terms and phrases that are racist and bigoted.

those with courage and conviction stand up and rightfully condemn them as such.

kinda sad and pathetic that you have to convince yourself that reality works exactly the opposite way.
Nobody here knows me. I have never said anything remotly "racist", therefore only small minded people would call me names like racist.
It really hasn't got shit to do with his skin, the man is a pussy, we are America, love it or leave it, and the last thing we do is get bullied.

DING DING.... We have a winner!

Don't care if Obama is black, white, green or orange! Purple would be best as it would add to my tool quote, after all he is nothing but a big dildo!


The one thing OUR President, The President of this GREAT NATION, Barack Obama needs to grow..... Is a SET OF BALLS!

And just for giggles, every time I hear "race" thrown into the mix; I think of this! :-P

Nobody here knows me. I have never said anything remotly "racist", therefore only small minded people would call me names like racist.

your whole post was hinting at racism.

just because you don't come out and call him a nigger doesn't mean we can't read between the lines.

it's not "calling you a name" if the shoe fits.
