Active Member
I smoked some "obama haze" at the grey area in amsterdam......very fruity and got me baked.
hahano.... haha![]()
Get it in your fucking head... obama ordered more troops not bush...I said he did not initiate our troops going in the first place. Did you expect us to back out and head home after all the shit that has been caused overseas? No shit more troops are there, and they will probably be there for a few more years! But which administration initiated that? Oh yeah, the Bush administration.
yesPinkus still thinks Obama is cool? lol
I understand that with the current administration more troops have been sent overseas. It was the Bush administration that originally brought the United States to war.Get it in your fucking head... obama ordered more troops not bush...
thats weird I thought for sure a couple of video links would of changed your mind completely pinkus, hmmm... i just don't understand why you can't just conform to Charlie Green style of thinking! He is clearly the most informed guy on the planet, way to stick to your guns Pinkus.
there has never been ONE politician who has honored all his campaign do know that right? Obama is a politician....yes it's a dirty word. if you tell the truth, you can't get elected and you can't do anything . if he pulled all the troop from Af. it would be an international incident/debacle since WE STARTED THE MESS.The asshole, Olvomit, *promised* he would have our troops HOME by now. Of course he lied about that just like he lied about every fucking thing that came out of his cock sucking mouth. I don't think he's even capable of telling the truth - not once.
even if we thru him out ,the same people will be controlling everythingPinkus I'm not saying that bush was not a total sack of shit either because he was. They pretty much all are. If BHO was working with a split congress things would be different but the dems rule the house and the senate. Between them and the potus they can pass a law requiring all white women serve black men's sexual needs for a month out of the year and there would be diddly squat we could do about it besides bitch or start the revolution. Trust me, a revolution is coming and it's not too far off and I plan to be right in the middle of it. Politicians are mostly all liars; it's their stock in trade but when you lie like a rug to get elected then every fucking thing you promised means nothing, it means you got elected by deception and we should be able to throw the bastard out. The word "politics" comes from two latin words, "poly", meaning many, and "tics", meaning blood suckers.
i think you've pretty much said politician can fit your criteria. so why blame obama? that is short sighted. Health care is an important issue and there definitely will be a revolution sooner than later if we continue to sell all the low wage worker down the river on this issue. we ARE behind most if not all "first world nations" on BASIC health care. Having the greatest technology in the world that only the elite can afford, and not even dental for the lowest is a great way to foment unrest.Pinkus I'm not saying that bush was not a total sack of shit either because he was. They pretty much all are. If BHO was working with a split congress things would be different but the dems rule the house and the senate. Between them and the potus they can pass a law requiring all white women serve black men's sexual needs for a month out of the year and there would be diddly squat we could do about it besides bitch or start the revolution. Trust me, a revolution is coming and it's not too far off and I plan to be right in the middle of it. Politicians are mostly all liars; it's their stock in trade but when you lie like a rug to get elected then every fucking thing you promised means nothing, it means you got elected by deception and we should be able to throw the bastard out. The word "politics" comes from two latin words, "poly", meaning many, and "tics", meaning blood suckers.
municipal water supplies. public sanitation.Moash, you are the only one, besides myself, that I've ever heard call it a franchise; that is exactly what it is!! If you're not in the club, you don't play.
Pinkus, I'm not even going to get into the health care issue. Just ask yourself this: when has the government took over anything and made it better? Every time they touch anything "poof!"; it turns to shit. This won't be any better. Why do you think we *need* help on health care to begin with? It's because the owner of the franchise, Rockefeller, owns controlling interest in all the big pharma - and not a single politician does anything without his approval or direction. This is a Republic, not a democracy, not a Marxist state and it's damn well going to stay that way. I don't have insurance; can't afford it but I'm not bitching because I don't have it. It's just *wrong* of these morons to provide FREE **expensive** medical services to ILLEGAL aliens. They don't have a right to it; they don't pay into the system so why should they have free care; hell, I don't have free care and I have paid taxes all my life.
Moash, you are the only one, besides myself, that I've ever heard call it a franchise; that is exactly what it is!! If you're not in the club, you don't play.
Pinkus, I'm not even going to get into the health care issue. Just ask yourself this: when has the government took over anything and made it better? Every time they touch anything "poof!"; it turns to shit. This won't be any better. Why do you think we *need* help on health care to begin with? It's because the owner of the franchise, Rockefeller, owns controlling interest in all the big pharma - and not a single politician does anything without his approval or direction. This is a Republic, not a democracy, not a Marxist state and it's damn well going to stay that way. I don't have insurance; can't afford it but I'm not bitching because I don't have it. It's just *wrong* of these morons to provide FREE **expensive** medical services to ILLEGAL aliens. They don't have a right to it; they don't pay into the system so why should they have free care; hell, I don't have free care and I have paid taxes all my life.