Obama Administration at it again

Everyone wonders why no one is hiring? It's because of anti-business practices like these that have everyone sitting on their stash waiting for it to end...

Get ready for the sacrifice of tens of thousands more American jobs (at least) to feed the fantasy of “clean energy.” Even as the “green jobs” promise proves to be a lie, the Obama administration is getting set to force the shutdown of countless power plants across half the nation.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s new Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, announced last month, will affect coal-fired electric plants in at least 27 midwestern and eastern states. Set to take effect next year, the rule could shutter up to a fifth of the nation’s generating capacity.

Jackson: Endangering Americans’ livelihood.

With coal providing 45 percent of the nation’s energy, utility companies warn of an economic “train wreck” if the regulations -- based on Bush-era EPA proposals that the federal courts threw out in 2008 -- take effect. One Wisconsin utility says its costs would jump $32.6 million next year, while the head of the Texas Public Utility Commission says the rules could lead to rolling blackouts -- especially given the short time the utilities have to comply with Washington’s iron fist.
Steve Miller, president and CEO of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, warns of job losses totaling 1.4 million over the next eight years and a 23 percent jump in electric rates in states dependent on coal-fired plants.
With unemployment still sky-high, new jobless claims routinely hitting 400,000 a week and consumer prices rising, is this really the time to hobble the nation’s reeling economy further?
Absolutely, says autocratic EPA chief Lisa Jackson -- who could possibly be against improving the air quality for up to 240 million Americans? “Just because wind and weather will carry air pollution away from its source at a local power plant doesn’t mean that pollution is no longer that plant’s responsibility.”
Fine -- but wouldn’t it be nice if the EPA could prove real health effects before forcing the shutdown of so many plants?
Environmental extremists cheer the new rules because closing “dirty” coal plants is part of their fantasy of “clean energy” and green jobs. But the reality is otherwise. Even backed by stimulus funds, “green” business after business has flopped or folded, costing taxpayers millions.
In Seattle, a plan called Retrofit Ramp-Up sucked up $20 million in federal grants to make houses more energy efficient. The result: so far, only three homes retrofitted and just 14 jobs “created.” California got $186 million for a similar program and has spent just over half of it -- with just 538 new full-time jobs to show for it.
Costco recently announced that it’s yanking out some 90 electric-car chargers at 64 of its stores, mostly in California -- because nobody uses them. The discount retailer also rejected the offer of a $2.3 million upgrade by the California Energy Commission. “Why should we have anybody spend money on a program that nobody’s thought through?” said one regional manager.
So let’s get this straight: At the same time it’s spending millions of taxpayer dollars in pursuit of a chimera, the Obama administration is attacking the wellsprings of US prosperity, throwing people out of work and raising consumer costs. This isn’t just insane; it’s malevolent.
Nobody’s in favor of dirtier air or water, of childhood asthma or killing puppies. But progressives often seem to think that there’s never any cost for their crackpot notions, that no amount of money can ever possibly be too much, even if we have to borrow or print it. If people are thrown out of work in the process, tough.
Worst of all is the increasingly arbitrary reach of the regulatory state. President Richard Nixon created the EPA by executive order in 1970, in a hasty response to an oil spill near Santa Barbara. “The 1970s absolutely must be the years when America pays its debt to the past by reclaiming the purity of its air, its waters and our living environment,” he said.
That was 41 years ago. The nation’s air and water have noticeably improved since then -- but they’ll never be clean enough to satisfy some. To people like Lisa Jackson, we need to keep on paying -- even if it kills us.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinio...s_killer_KdfsWk1XtxOu1souIABLFM#ixzz1Vnwlrwi3
Bravo, clean that shit up. Better scrub your coal emissions, or switch to something else (probably nat gas)
Bravo, clean that shit up. Better scrub your coal emissions, or switch to something else (probably nat gas)
Don't worry, to get a gas fired plant up and operating only means you have to either live without power for 2 years, or pay double what your paying now. Im sure your gonna love it.
Pretty much what he campaigned on. Not sure why you are so shocked or determined to continue business as usual in terms of our Nation's energy policy. They need to innovate and they won't unless forced too. See the Light Bulb for a recent example as to how this works.
Pretty much what he campaigned on. Not sure why you are so shocked or determined to continue business as usual in terms of our Nation's energy policy. They need to innovate and they won't unless forced too. See the Light Bulb for a recent example as to how this works.
Yes the light bulb now puts all that money in Asia, since there aren't any CFL factories in the USA due to regulations you cannot produce them here.. 200 people lost their jobs at the incandescent factory.

So is the new energy policy the one that says we shall ship even more jobs overseas and in the face of a huge depression we are going to increase costs for everyone? Sounds like a very poor plan to me. Guess what all those solar companies that got startup money from the government are doing? Shutting their doors, they just can't compete with China. All that money was wasted, and now with energy costs getting higher we will give the Chinese even more of our money for their solar panels. This should cause even more people to show up for unemployment benefits and food stamps, Just what the country needs wouldn't you say?

But hey, at least you ll be breathing cleaner air...maybe. Although there has never been any proof that coal burning power plants actually cause health problems in individuals. I bet if you look at the states with the cleanest air quality ( Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota and Wyoming) You will find that the MAJORITY of their power production is from COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS!!!

Seems to directly contradict your statements. The dirtiest states (California and New york) are PRIMARILY powered by NATURAL GAS!!!
The United States innovates Drama. We always have and as long as we continue, we will continue to lead the world in technology and manufacturing. Take the light bulb. GE now produces an energy efficient incandescent bulb that meets the standards set forth by Bush. Why do you still think you have to buy CFLs? That's ignorant.

I don't think you have enough information to be judging anyone's plan. Sounds like you just want to bitch. Bitch away then! You can enjoy your cleaner energy later.
Hey we may be the ones taking steps for cleaner air and green energy but do you see China reducing the amount of its coal burning plants anytime soon?They are much more reliant upon those methods of energy than the U.S. has ever been,namely from the population density they have. the U.S. government dosent give a dam about the economy apparently,they would rather see the loss of jobs and the inflation of energy costs rise on an already overtaxed nation...what the hell are we in for really?
Hey we may be the ones taking steps for cleaner air and green energy but do you see China reducing the amount of its coal burning plants anytime soon?They are much more reliant upon those methods of energy than the U.S. has ever been,namely from the population density they have. the U.S. government dosent give a dam about the economy apparently,they would rather see the loss of jobs and the inflation of energy costs rise on an already overtaxed nation...what the hell are we in for really?

So we should just keep doing the same thing? That's stupid. Got any ideas or just complaints?
Bloody hell in this forum. Most people are whining cause jobs go to china, then again the same people love capitalism and are using the stupidest arguments to justify their points. i.e. the argument about NY and Cali being powered by gas without even considering how many fucken SUVs are there in Cali or NY comparing with Montana.

Then again anyone can follow the principles by capitalism and start his/her own solar panel company that will compete with the chinese ones. You'll be getting 1$/day but hey, that's the glory of competition!
The United States innovates Drama. We always have and as long as we continue, we will continue to lead the world in technology and manufacturing.
american innovation has almost always been the product of ingenuity within the private sector, not mandates from the state. for each highly publicized breakthrough at the taxpayers' expense, a thousand were spurred by competition within the marketplace.
So we should just keep doing the same thing? That's stupid. Got any ideas or just complaints?

Well Mr.Brewer if I had the soulution guess what ,our POS government would have already taken my Idea and f$#ed it to the point of no return for the people,only to give them the benefits of profiteering from it,but before that can come to pass they would be to busy with the oil suckling habits they have been on for the last 60+ years to really allow any new innovation to be effective,i dont wish to add to an already endless list of complaints,Give the best idea youve got and our system will take it and f$# it up is my point......hate to say it and dont take it offensively.
american innovation has almost always been the product of ingenuity within the private sector, not mandates from the state. for each highly publicized breakthrough at the taxpayers' expense, a thousand were spurred by competition within the marketplace.

So there is no need to poo poo the innovations that spur from mandates. You could still be getting 7 miles per gallon.
Yes the light bulb now puts all that money in Asia, since there aren't any CFL factories in the USA due to regulations you cannot produce them here.. 200 people lost their jobs at the incandescent factory.

So is the new energy policy the one that says we shall ship even more jobs overseas and in the face of a huge depression we are going to increase costs for everyone? Sounds like a very poor plan to me. Guess what all those solar companies that got startup money from the government are doing? Shutting their doors, they just can't compete with China. All that money was wasted, and now with energy costs getting higher we will give the Chinese even more of our money for their solar panels. This should cause even more people to show up for unemployment benefits and food stamps, Just what the country needs wouldn't you say?

But hey, at least you ll be breathing cleaner air...maybe. Although there has never been any proof that coal burning power plants actually cause health problems in individuals. I bet if you look at the states with the cleanest air quality ( Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota and Wyoming) You will find that the MAJORITY of their power production is from COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS!!!

Seems to directly contradict your statements. The dirtiest states (California and New york) are PRIMARILY powered by NATURAL GAS!!!

By far, the dirtiest state I have EVER entered was TEXAS. They love coal down there, and they love smog, apparently, because it surrounds them everywhere down there. UGLIEST STATE BY FAR! Not even a question in my mind.....
I'm pretty sure that the coal fired plants are the one's causing acid rain, and mercury poisoning.
We have 1 coal plant in Oregon. It produces 65% of all the Sulfur Dioxide emissions for the entire state. It is scheduled to close in 9 years. 20 years sooner than planned. Wind farms are popping up all over the place.
The United States innovates Drama. We always have and as long as we continue, we will continue to lead the world in technology and manufacturing. Take the light bulb. GE now produces an energy efficient incandescent bulb that meets the standards set forth by Bush. Why do you still think you have to buy CFLs? That's ignorant.

I don't think you have enough information to be judging anyone's plan. Sounds like you just want to bitch. Bitch away then! You can enjoy your cleaner energy later.
LOL who said I HAD to buy CFL'S? No one. You just tried to make an argument on false pretenses.

Oh BTW I am 100% solar powered, in fact I sell excess green energy back to the power company, so I guess you can THANK me for saving your ass, because as sure as I am sitting here I bet you don't employ one single green energy technology. Hypocrite.
Bloody hell in this forum. Most people are whining cause jobs go to china, then again the same people love capitalism and are using the stupidest arguments to justify their points. i.e. the argument about NY and Cali being powered by gas without even considering how many fucken SUVs are there in Cali or NY comparing with Montana.

Then again anyone can follow the principles by capitalism and start his/her own solar panel company that will compete with the chinese ones. You'll be getting 1$/day but hey, that's the glory of competition!
So if pollution is caused by cars, and not coal fired power plants, why are we shutting down the coal fired plants? You didn't really think your argument through when you made that statement.

You can't compete with China, you will actually lose money. Businesses that lose money ALWAYS fail unless subsidized by the government.
LOL who said I HAD to buy CFL'S? No one. You just tried to make an argument on false pretenses.

"Yes the light bulb now puts all that money in Asia, since there aren't any CFL factories in the USA due to regulations you cannot produce them here.."

Maybe you have a different definition for the word ALL but if not, you pretty much said it Drama if not implied it.

Good on you for Solar.