o2grow emitters better than just regular air stones?

Hades Down is to bring the pH down to 6.4
Although now I just use coconut water and aloe vera juice added to the water to bring the pH down, works perfect.
There just needs to be something in the water for the electrolysis to work.
Nice. I didn't know that. What is a good voltage and amps to push electrolysis?
How much heat do they create?...Clog ups?...Surface tension disruption?...O2 is created when the water surface is disrupted, generally by bubbles....if this creates O2, how much of it actually dissolves into the water?
How much heat do they create?...Clog ups?...Surface tension disruption?...O2 is created when the water surface is disrupted, generally by bubbles....if this creates O2, how much of it actually dissolves into the water?

Zero heat
Virtually no water surface disruption.
The bubbles created are so small they look like smoke and too small to even break the surface so it stays suspended in the water.
There are just a very few "hydrogen" bubbles created they are regular large bubbles and they break the surface and you can light them with a lighter and they pop.

There is nothing to clog.

They put more oxygen in the water in 10 minutes than a regular stone does running for 48 hours
I replaced my air stones with a small pump + DIY venturi on a deep cycle timer 4/20. I have to cycle it or the water temp rises > 90*sThe water flow exit is close to the side wall forcing flow back across the entire rez. Simple, cheap, and effective

There is already a thread about this that has raised significant questions and concerns about this product....one minute and I can link the thread if you all would like.
Zero heat
Virtually no water surface disruption.
The bubbles created are so small they look like smoke and too small to even break the surface so it stays suspended in the water.
There are just a very few "hydrogen" bubbles created they are regular large bubbles and they break the surface and you can light them with a lighter and they pop.

There is nothing to clog.

They put more oxygen in the water in 10 minutes than a regular stone does running for 48 hours
What about the extra Ozone it creates?...How much ozone is created as a by-product? I find it very hard to believe it creates zero heat...do you mean a little? Hmm.
Do you use one?...If so, do you have any pics by chance? I can't find anyone using this product that also has pics...
Have been away from growing for a bit, just starting up again. I am not using the emitters, still have not seen absolute proof they work, especially for the price. Still nice to see this thread floating around.
So far, no tangable proof has been offered (side by side grows, or even non-comparison personal grows) to suggest they are even a pheasable option in the first place. Little alone better than airstones...
-P.S. I contend that the poster claiming success with this product is just another account by a member named Jhenry...whom I've argued vigorously with because he was creating and posting dozens of threads all, eventually, endorsing the O2 grow emitter. I simply ask for the person using one to just take a picture of it in their grow...pretty easy request.
I've yet to see any evidence they're more efficient at all...a few claims by a handful of people that never provided pictures; then adversely how much heat it releases lowering the DO capacity of the water. Once you're past that hurdle, there is the residual Ozone (O3) they create that, in a sealed environment, raises concerns for people with neuromuscular disorders like myself especially with daily exposure. Then there is the debate as to if and how electrolysis precipitates nutrient salts out of a mixed water solution. I'm not sure there has ever been a concrete yes or a concrete no as to the issues raised above. But to make a claim that it's better than airstone a pump requires a concrete yes or a concrete no. Especially when its that much cash to throw in the wind. You're much better off just buying a chiller or bennies if o2 levels are low in your water...so until an objective, non bias party compares it...I wouldn't even consider it to be an option.
Good morning Ms Henry. How's the weather up in Minn today? A bit chilly in the morning?

Are you still babbling on like a retarded creek?

Tell your wife I'll be over to stick it in her rectum when you head to work at O2Grow. It's hump day after all and we both know you can't get an erection anymore.