O my the Epic time line!

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
YOO check out my baby girl... Vanilla Kush started as a clone the size of a tooth pix... shes now 7' tall and budding like crazy!

--------MARCH 28 2011- Thanks nick!

-----May 5th


-----July pre flowers

---- late July

----- August

----Late August

---- Today

---- Today

----- Today

----- Today


---- Today DANKKK!!

-----Today Dirty buds at the bottom near all the dirt!

Now that u have seen my pix i hope your happy and can give me your feed back! pz!!:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
cool thread ! Nice plant ! ;-) Great sequence pictures. Sure doesn't take long to get big. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
All I can say is damn... Thats a f'n nice tree you got there... Just keep doin what your doin man... Great pics too btw


Well-Known Member
Damn! Let me know how much you pull off of that monster. Most I ever got off of one was 12 ozs dried. ALL I used miracle gro potting mix) Hard to get fancy nutes in the GA. And I'm too paranoid to order anything. Please tell me how I can get one that big if you dont mind. Soil, food, hours of direct sunlight, hole size etc. A couple of those, and I'd be set for a couple of years. lol.


Well-Known Member
way to grow dude, real nice plnts. would'nt change a thing. I have a couple nice ones but I would trade for sure

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
Damn! Let me know how much you pull off of that monster. Most I ever got off of one was 12 ozs dried. ALL I used miracle gro potting mix) Hard to get fancy nutes in the GA. And I'm too paranoid to order anything. Please tell me how I can get one that big if you dont mind. Soil, food, hours of direct sunlight, hole size etc. A couple of those, and I'd be set for a couple of years. lol.
i planted directly in the ground she gets sun all day no blockage we used fox farm soil and fox farm big grow veg nutes/ good Ph of 6.5 and Kushie Kush flowering nutes... Lots of care and love do the trick tho