O Me, O My

Got my seeds today.

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I had already intended to get five of the HWFP, but they had a promotion up until the 30th of "Buy any feminized Heavyweight 5-pack and get 1 Lemon Cake" which my girl wanted because she's a girl and likes that girly stuff, and she prefers Sativa or Sativa-dominant hybrids like myself. We didn't expect it to come in the promotional breeder pack. She smiled pretty big once she saw it.

Thanks again, Lewis! (@Midweek Song)
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Startin to amber up nicely, it is week 6.5 and startin to look done, still has a bit to go for its seeds to mature, it's first time growin it so I am lokin forward to smokin her 8)
I posted a pic of a tric covered baby jokin bout my high seed prices, here she is at 2 weeks
I think I'll just stay here for awhile, I love helpin folks and have had a few great convo's in a few threads this week (for those that follow) but then come the trolls and ruin it. Gotta say it gets old and since one of last weeks visitors got busted (in an illegal state) goin home I have been rather upset, so not in my normal don't let the trolls get to ya place. it's not like they upset me, it's more like I'm simply not in the mood to put up with em, if that makes sense?