NZ Out door timing soil and nutes help?

dubie boy

Active Member
I'm heading back to NZ beginning of October and spending a few days in Amsterdam before I come and was looking to get some out door plants on the go but I've never grown out door before so I was just wondering if any one could help me out on what the best soil and nutrients Is to use and when is the best time to get them in?


Well-Known Member
Hey man youl wanna get them out in mid October or November. As for soil I guess it depends were you are. If the soil in your grow spot is nice a fertile then you wont need to use brought in soil. Like if your growing in a native forest or on volcanic soil Im sure its probably full of nutrients.
Otherwise go for a mixture of potting mix soil and compost is really good. The more organic the better.

In terms of nutrients youl want some higher in N for vegging and some higher in PK for flowering. You can choose liquid nutes hard nutes like pellets etc. For my first outdoor grow last year I mixed pellets into the soil high in N and just fed in liquid nitrosoil during veg. At the start of flowering I used Thrive fruit and flower and towards the end I used another one which has NPK 3.14.14 and stopped feeding it a week before harvest. Anyway Im not overly experienced, last season was my first grow ever :)

If you can find Nutrients that are organic and not synthetic, youl have a much better taste and product at the end. Im going to try and go for fully organic next season.

dubie boy

Active Member
Sweet thanks for the help man I've grown in door a few times but this is my first out door, I'm probs going to be doing it in my garden to be honest it's pretty secluded and no one can see in and gets light for near enough the whole day so I'm probs going to be buying some soil. Timing should work out perfect then as I'm flying from Amsterdam around 1st October so will be buying seeds their and I'll just get them in to germinate as soon as I get back have you heard much about the auto flowering seeds I was thinking of doing the lemon auto flower I've read that you can get a good yield if done right?


Well-Known Member
Aw yea thats algood if your growing in your garden :) Youl be back from Amsterdam at the perfect time. I personally don't know alot about the auto flowering seeds but id assume if its done right, with the right strain you could get fairly decent yields for an auto flower. Youd get better yields with regular indica seeds and if height is an issue you could just train them and keep them small and bushy. But obviously youl have to wait for it to veg etc. So im not to sure maybe you could get a few auto flowers and a few normal fem seeds or something?

dubie boy

Active Member
Nah height wouldn't really be an issue I'd probs top them to be honest anyway man, is it a struggle to get seeds when I'm in NZ can you get them through the post? I'm probs a gunna get a variety to be honest mate I just thought about the auto flowers for a quick smoke been looking at some blue cheese only because I've grown it indoor and it's always had a really good yield and the taste is primo! I just don't know if I should stock up on seeds before I come as I've never tryed to order online to NZ I've always bought them when I've been in Europe or canada!


Well-Known Member
If heights not an issue grow some mad sativas man :mrgreen:
What region/city will you be growing in? it all depends on the weather - this damn climate is too hard to predict. One extreme to the next.

Just order some while you're over here and make sure it's stealth. Could probably put some autos out November or October, that Think Different auto from Dutch Passion yields outrageously for an auto apparently.

So lucky to have access to your grow everyday man, maybe look into Earth Juice nutrients? I'd make an organic tea if I were you too.

dubie boy

Active Member
Yea I thought about it man I'm an impatient fuck so that's why I was thinking about a mix up haha auto just so I've got something to tie me over till the others were done! It's going to kill me coming back I've been living in canada a while and used to paying $140 an oz for some of the best bud I have ever smoked! I just can't justify paying $300 an oz anymore haha! I'll be in the Canterbury area I was hoping to bring some Girl Scout cookies with me it's a new strain that's just came out from Cali that's really big in canada at the moment, I grew some Dutch passion auto low Ryder before and it said the yield was between 28 and 35g I ended up getting about 50g per plant! Is their any sites you recommend getting seeds to NZ as I've always just stashed them and brough them with me from canada or Amsterdam ? And also any good neut websites would be a big help!