Well-Known Member
I can say whatever I want.If you're commenting on, or forming a belief about, which celebrity is fucking whom or what ice cream flavor is best, then in depth research is not necessary because it doesn't fucking matter. When it comes to science and evolution, or even creationism/ID, adequate research to understand these concepts is necessary to form an intelligent comprehension of what is being discussed. Take this forum for example, when I first started researching how to grow MJ, I lurked for hundreds of hours learning from the heavies to understand all the theories on how best to grow, then grew for over a year before I had the audacity to offer any opinions or guidance of my own. I did this because growing is a complex subject, and I wouldn't dare form opinions or comment without fully understanding it's principles lest I come across as an uneducated fool, or worse yet, hurt someone's grow. George, you've been here for years yet you haven't taken the few hours it would take to understand these very important theories like evolution by natural selection, or creationism/ID (at least to combat it). How can you participate in a discussion about things you don't even understand? Why would anyone take your views into account when you are so ignorant regarding the subject matter being discussed? You are amazingly lazy, and don't deserve to participate in a discussion with people who have earned the knowledge to intelligently discuss these subjects imo. Go back to the children's table until you exert the effort to understand what is being discussed...
Then don't comment on complex and important subjects, try T&T instead, it seems more your speed...
You don't understand the principles of either, so who cares about your ignorant opinion?
How can you believe in things you don't even understand?
Because there is no empirical evidence for this idea, and their model has total explanatory power without the need of a creator...
That is not what any scientific theory states. This is why it's important to learn what the fuck it is you're talking about...
Again, why would anyone care what you think when you don't understand what's being discussed?
What makes you an authority on the subject? What makes your opinion better then Mine? Opinions are subjective, so anyones is as good as the next. Facts are different, facts are objective and can be proven. Its your opinion that there is no God and that evolution is the only answer to our origins.
Im going to continue to say what I believe, whether Im right or wrong. Im not hurting anyone, although you seem a little butt hurt. Get over it, Im not going to change for you, Im only going to change for Myself.
Dont let Me offend you, I cant help My "ignorant drivel". Let Me be an ignoramus all by Myself.
Why do you always pick on Me?